It's somethin', aint it?

>It's somethin', aint it?
> One minute in Kansas livin' on a pancake so we come to the mountains. All downhill from here; down to the floodplain, arm at the bottom of the world.
>I remember one season the water came bad.
>I couldn't've been twelve. Dad had out the shovels and we went at it all night. We worked 'til I think I fainted, but we managed to stop the water. We saved the farm. Your grandma baked me a cake, said I was a hero.

>Later that day we found out we blocked the water alright - we sent it upstream. A whole Lange farm washed away. While I ate my hero cake, their horses were drowning. I used to hear them wailing in my sleep.

what did he mean by this?

I liked the story. Gave Clark the much needed guidance that he cannot save everybody

I never got that part.

Where the fuck did he appear from and how the hell is a imaginary figure holding a convo and telling him new info

the unintended consequences of intervention. trying to do the right thing sometimes can negative repercussions.

it reinforced many of the themes from MoS and the rest of BvS. it was a great scene. a particularly nice touch having Jonathan Kent building a cairn.

Because he's not imaginary. That tornado blew him to the himalayas.

did you also have a problem with Mufasa coming back as a cloud and having a chat with Simba?


fuck does that have to do with the movie

alot, if youve seen it.

ok I get your point but, my brain processed it as

climb up high altitude
the thin air makes shit appear in front of him

but hes fucking superman. he flies and goes into space to get nuked.

It just wasn't consistent in story telling mechanics

it really doesn't

>Hey Batman, my ghost dad says I can't save everyone so everything's chill now

you know i just realized that when Batman met Superman for the first time...

the music playing was "Night and Day"

oh shit. you know. Sup Forums may be right about BvS after all


It would if the character wasn't fucking dead and it wasn't just Clark imagining his dad drowning horses.

>postman 2

>Why do I have to leave?
>I'm already there.


Watching this now. More than half through it. Not bad. Not perfect. Rhink it takes itself too seriously. Think Zack went too far with random shit only comic readers would understand. Clearly he's a fan, though.

There was no unintended consequences for stopping Doomsday. There wasn't any unintended consequences from the shit in Man of Steel either. The shit Superman is dealing with in these movies aren't butterfly effect shit like Harvey Dent in Dark Knight, he's dealing with extinction level events, the consequences of his action is that humans don't go extinct.

Am I the only one that liked this movie?

are you fucking retarded? Doomsday was literally made from Lex's dead body. The fight against Zod killed thousands, maimed Wallace, and is part of what causes Batman to view him with suspicion.

I question whether you even watched the film.

Zod's dead body*

I liked it a little bit. Thought they spent too much time in that quarry

i can only say one thing

Sup Forums has turned me around on BvS.

I disliked it on first viewing, but I'm starting to... appreciate it

god damn it. it's fucking kino

Those aren't consequences those are characters being psychotic and idiots. The only consequences Superman faces is the senate hearing which Snyder blows up and forgets about and "dying" fighting Doomsday which he walks off three days later(lol he's jesus get it).

dunno man. it felt like a "we need a softer mel gibson movie"

But costner in A Perfect World was perfect.

I found Man of Steel loathsome but I really liked BvS, the legislative side of people like Supes and Batman was handled well, and Eisenbergs luthor was a great manic egotist, but that fucking hair is still awful.

>Pa Kent and his dad drowned Lang's farm and horses
>Clark Kent saved Lana Lang from drowning in school bus
>Clark literally redeem the sins of humanity


Was that Clark remembering a story he'd been told or was it just him imagining a story so he could justify not helping people because he can tell himself that if he helped them some other horses would drown?

his ghost dad told him a story he'd never heard before that had nothing to do with the reason for him being sad

That metaphysical encounter between Clark and his father — drawing the wisdom of a simple man free spirit of the nature — in contrast with the arrogant pose of Jor-el with his spirit trapped by the technology of a doomed ship in MoS, is alone above anything Memerritu has done in his memegraphy.

i thought that it was kind of like him meeting Jor-El in the 78 movie. He's an alien so he might just have the power to meet deceased people or imagine them super realistically enough to converse with them.

>Literally having the theme explained by a farmer ghost

This officially beats Batman & Robin as the largest fucking disaster in comic book movie history.

>they replaced jor-el's archive memories with a dream like vision of his human dad

>pa kent essentially describes pic related
>Clark is there because he failed to prevent the Senate bombing



>Literally having the theme explained by a farmer ghost
This officially beats Batman & Robin as the largest disaster in theatre history

BvS is garbage.

If you reply you are garbage.