Seriously, who is behind this? It's every single night, and it's been going on for a year. There is undeniably some group dedicated to this. Who is it? What is their end goal? It's not even Sup Forums but /r9k/ as well.
Seriously, who is behind this? It's every single night, and it's been going on for a year...
Other urls found in this thread:
it's an aussie namefag
Someone with severe, crippling autism obviously.
The janitor/mod
They've been deleting threads in breakneck speed for the last 3 hours and all of the sudden they stop at the same time the spam starts every night
Some redditfags actually think they can raid Sup Forums. I shit you not. They actually think they are going to make a difference here.
Many have tried. All have failed.
It's definitely someone in the site administration or just one of their buddies who can tell them when to stop deleting shit, yeah. SJWtards tend to do things like that to ruin the places they hold power over and say "how horrible the userbase was until they fixed it", this happened on reddit on so many subs, happened on SA, etc.
You'll see this last for a few hours every day at this time (and meanwhile try to say something that's not ideologically correct and have it deleted just fine).
Because they are fucking stupid.
>he thinks it doesn't happen during the day too
They do it during the day too
They'll even ban you if you report it
Quit your bitching, this time of the night is the best time to be on Sup Forums.
I can't even begin to fathom how pathetic someone has to be that not only they take pride in being a janitor for free on Sup Forums, but that they actually have a power trip over it.
What an absurdly small amount of power to be enamored with.
I think it's hilarious.
Quality aside, there's no reason to be upset that much, just ignore them.
It's been confirmed time and time again that Australian cucks are doing it. They're scum and need to be gassed.
ex Sup Forums mods /janis
check the threads at the underground chan
they even post irc logs
Well, on reddit it's just to take over the boards and make people who don't agree with them leave and give up, so they can have a circlejerk board.
Interesting how half of this thread is being deleted in realtime...
omg you're one of them!!
nah, just go away man, no one liked you in the first place.
Basically this
>Interesting how half of this thread is being deleted in realtime...
I'm not one to dispute paranoic suspicion outright but that's only one post deleted in this thread (the other was my reply, which I recanted because I was a bit confused).
>all deleted exactly when all the cuck shit was deleted
Reminder, this is the faggot spamming the cuck porn. There is no "aussie from india", it's all misinformation this autistic spammer creates. The question is what is he really trying to achieve with this.
>even after all these years aussies still haven't been rangebanned on here
Literally everyone knows it's them yet moot and Hiroshimoot have done fucking nothing.
Their internet is shit anyways so they wouldn't fight back.
Literally false flag disinfo: The image
>I admit Sup Forums has been hard to beat
kek so fucking obvious someone from Sup Forums wrote that
>Using Byrne, the most beautiful woman alive, for reaction images
Wanna be best bros?
>only one post
So it was this faggot spamming?
what would possibly make them think this would work?
Everytime someone posts this people immediately dispute it, but, I have to say, it's not unlike or beneath certain communities on reddit to devote time and energy to something like this. It also fits their agenda.
why does he have the same posting style as you?
you know? GREEN TEXT space text?
pretty sure the autistic spammer is german
That was after I posted that, and one might have counted my reply.
Real or fake(probably fake) what a massive retarded waste of time
If it's Sup Forums why is it every in the pic is true? it really does seems like we are being raided
>>That was after I posted that
It wasn't, you just didn't update the thread. Get a proper extension.
Pretty much, they were also spamming Sup Forums pretty hard back last fall and winter with pro-Bernie shit threads and got caught in the act many times.
I remember one of them claiming to be a natsoc voting for Bernie because it would be better for whites in the long run.
>all of these conspiracies as to who the source of the shitposting is
I just wish the mods wouldn't leave us the fuck alone for several hours every night because there's so much shitposting that we can't even talk about Sup Forums related shit.
Because it's Sup Forums neckbeards doing it.
Alright, alright, alright, guys, lets put our heads together and focus. What do we know about this guy/group? What can we go off on? I am so sick of cuckposting. There must be an irc channel this is coordinated on, or some skype group. I don't know. There must be a trail though.
We don't have to be defenseless to this.
Everyone in this thread is wrong.
Shitposting has to exist to keep the normies out. If this shit offends you, find some other place to talk about movies.
Can it at least be non-cuck porn then?
>Shitposting has to exist to keep the normies out.
Normies love cuck shit though. I think it's done to target Sup Forums and the "racist" demographic
>posting vanilla porn to keep normies out
clearly not it. keep trying
Looks like no on the archive since the deleted posts are only in this thread for 006:44:32
Cuck spam doesn't keep normalfags out you "normie"
>Sup Forums is spamming Sup Forums with blacked threads
hmm, really makes you think..
>to keep the normies out
kill yourself /r9cuck/
this shit doesn't do anything to "scare" people you don't like away
This is so retarded and you're probably the same person I replied to in that r9k thread a few days ago suggesting the same thing.
Why do you think this is the case? Give your rationale because this whole thing originating from reddit makes far more sense than pol. I mean, it coming from pol doesn't make any sense at all.
wrong. porn does not keep normies out. cunnies keep the normies out
Honestly the best and most effective way to combat it is to report, hide and don't reply. They will get bored within a week. The reason why they keep coming back is because it gets 200+ replies every time
>Looks like no on the archive since the deleted posts are only in this thread for 006:44:32
so then Marcus was pretending to be someone else and then deleted all the post at once himself?
Normies like niggers though.
probably this.
It happens the same time every day for months and the jani conveniently doesnt delete it, so he's probably got something to do with it.
Probably that nigger mod Redwood who turned Sup Forums into a faggot paradise.
>Posts attractive porn
>Keep normies out
You didn't think this through.
I have no fucking clue. Here's my tinfoil theory:
Probably some social engineering shit to get people to like niggers.