>literally greatest living director dies
>no sticky
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Literally greatest living director dies
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Tarantino died?
Tarantino died?
that thread died? what the fuck.
people here are obviously too young to know about him
again, rest in peace
rip in piece
rip jj
What are you talking about, Godard didn't die
But JJ Abrams is alive
Who murdered James Cameron?
george lucas would get a sticky and a month of mourning here.
RIP James Cameron.
Who's this Kakkis Chiaroscuro and why is he relevant?
I watched Certified Copy and I was certified bored, ha ha.
Not anymore
Kurosawa is quoted as stating:
>“When Satyajit Ray passed on, I was very depressed. But after seeing Kiarostami’s films, I thanked God for giving us just the right person to take his place.”
Now Apichatpong takes Abbas's place
>If you look across the contemporary filmmaking landscape, which peers would you name as allies, which are the ones whose work you cherish the most?
>I’d have to say Kiarostami. He is still unsurpassed. As Brecht put it, “simplicity is the hardest thing to achieve.” Everyone dreams of doing things simply and still impregnating them with the fullness of the world. Only the best ones achieve this. Kiarostami has, and so has Bresson.
Was that before or after he "tried to kill himself" by scratching himself 30 times with a razor like a retarded emo kid.
get this, in countries without stupid gun laws people have to resort to doing things like cutting themselves to commit suicide
and no, Kiarostami was not internationally famous in 1971
Name one samurai who survived sudoku.
user, most Japanese people aren't samurai and don't own samurai swords
He could've done a women's sudoku and stabbed himself in the neck but he was too much of a pussy for that too.
well not after they got banned in 1876
Kubrick's been dead a while m8
it's a good thing that this type of film-making (Ray's, Kiarostami's, Apichatpong's) is only going to spread around the world and grow in popularity.
it's funny - I always feel like I'm intruding whenever I encounter new artists who renew the world for me with their vision. I always get the feeling like "this is not for me - it's too undiluted, too pure."
that's the burden of having grown up on really commercial garbage, I suppose. it certainly makes the apparent gulf in quality between those two extremes that much more stark.
lol I remember playing that on Yahoo Games
L I T E R A L L Y W H O ?
RIP Yahoo Games...
here's an interview with Kiarostami from '96-'97:
What if he got gay married to Aki Kaurismaki then they would be Mr. and Mr. Kaurismaki Kiarostami, and then they got divorced but Aki kept the last name and gay married Boutros Boutros Ghali, who would take his last name and become Boutros Boutros Kaurismaki Kiarostami.
Who fucking cares? It's some some shitty mudslime. Not like Zack Snyder died, then I would be sad.
Zack snyder diedeedd?
it's alright newfriend - just watch Close-Up and Taste of Cherry:
oh brother
>100% someone who has never been transformed by a work of art
why should I care what you think?
CLOSE-UP, Like Someone in Love,. Criterion.. the list goes.on! Kys dumb nigger
another legend has passed on
Did he direct 2 fast 2 furious??
Which reboot was he in??
Quick someone tell the mod some swag fag #RIP in piece, he'll post a sticky
>literally greatest living director
That's not Godard
You're right, it's not.
I liked Certified Copy
but at the same time, I thought that I'd get the same enjoyment listening to a podcast while looking at the travel channel
I generally like movies where people just have naturalistic conversations and there is no plot.
but I suspect that I don't actually like movies. do I want movies to "be more" or do I want movies to not be movies?
it may be telling that I haven't watched any new movies for the past few years
>Film discussion
>On Sup Forums
We used to have that every day, you know? Before the capeshit, bane and the nostalgia critic.
If he's dead then he's not the greatest living director.
Who cares about this literally who hack.
Bud Spencer deserves a sticky.
I liked taste of cherry, what else should I watch?
>meme actor deserves sticky over an actual artist
American Pie
oh no does this mean justice league is cancelled??
For newfriends interested in watching his works
Close-up or Taste of Cherry.
Or you can start with one of his more recent masterpieces with Juliette Binoche: Copie conforme AKA Certified Copy [2010]
>We used to have that every day, you know?
hahaha sure fucking thing newfag
Literally who?
Who the fuck cares
Effective bait is subtle, mate.
That's not Wong Kar-wai
Most new movies suck, anyways.
>implying he's made anything worthwhile in the past decade
That doesn't matter senpai he made Mood he's done it. That's it bruh. He's DONE. He DID IT. Him and Lynch the only niggas in the S&S top 50. Nobody knows what the fuck happening in 2046 but he made it anyway and said fuck you senpai I made MOOD. I MADE MOOD BRO WE MADE IT IM DONE SENPAI ITS OVER.
no sticky you plebs
What went wrong?
I haven't seen any of his films since The Wind Will Carry us, but I liked that one a lot; saw it twice in the theatre.
most of TV doesn't even know who he was... pleb best board doesn't even begiing to describe it
An amazing filmmaker and his quality never faded. Some of his later films are certainly among his best.
>living director