Is he Alien's George Lucas?

Is he Alien's George Lucas?

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Good talk

does that james cameron jj?

james cameron is irvin kershner.

ehhh.. well, as you can see from the behind the scenes footage of the Star Wars prequel movies, George Lucas had lost all passion for real film making, instead just sitting back drinking his coffee, using shot reverse shots of actors on greenscreens etc. But Scott, even the movies I don't like, I can't argue that he always has great cinematography. So I don't know if the comparison is really fair. Scott is a consistently great film maker who sometimes uses shitty scripts but Lucas completely sold out his craft.

Yes. Prometheus is good just like the prequels but due to the meme-tastic reputation of the already existing works they had no hope in hell of being well received unless he went 110% fanservice.

fan service wasn't the problem with Prometheus, like I said before your post, it's shitty writing. The characters act in unbelievable ways, there are plot inconsistencies, turning the Space Jockeys from something really strange and "alien" into just giant Dr. Manhattans, it was a weak script elevated only by Scott's directorial skill.

>fan service wasn't the problem
I don't think it was either. I don't think there was any real fan service in Prometheus outside of maybe the Mario Bava costumes at the end which went over the average Alien fan's head anyway. I'm saying it was a Star Wars prequels/force awakens scenario where Ridley tried new shit and got shit on because everyone just wants the same shit everyone got excited for 30 years ago.

As for the writing, I don't think it's bad. If you have a problem with the snake scene in particular I fucking hate you but the space-jockeys are at least a workable complaint. I don't share it but it isn't totally retarded. I find the idea of advanced aliens mulling over whether or not humanity deserves to live. It ties nicely into how in the Alien movies Ripley was just as often fucked over by other people as by the aliens. It makes for much more interesting science-fiction than a bunch of shit that's too mysterious to comprehend and malevolent forces out to kill us because that's what they do.

>space deity judges humanity's worth continuing as a species

That old chestnut? Ah Star Trek did that plot like a dozen times, it's pretty well worn territory. I mean, if you like that angle that's fine but relatable motivations from something again "alien" aren't necessary in my opinion. Like Lovecraft, it's scary because we can't understand it.

I thought Prometheus was a pretty decent movie too. It gets too much shit. The rolling ship shit is pretty hard to defend. But most of the complaints I have are said in the Red Letter Media review of it. But to most haters of the movie I just tell them that they can't think of it as an Alien movie just because it really isn't.

The problems in Prometheus don't lie with Ridley, it's with Lindelof

Ridley did his fucking job, that movie is beautifully directed, it just didn't have the script to match

>George Lucas had lost all passion for real film making, instead just sitting back drinking his coffee, using shot reverse shots of actors on greenscreens etc
You know how I can tell you never saw the behind-the-scenes?

If you mean an older director returning to a past success, I guess there are some similarities but their motives seem totally different. Lucas seemed to have a weight on his shoulders about the legacy of Star Wars and also used the prequels as a staging ground for new film tech. Scott doesn't seem to care about Alien all that much and wanted a different director to do Prometheus, he was only on board because the studio got him involved then said it had to be him not his chosen director, and because he was interested in the Chariots Of The Gods inspired themes. There was a straight Alien 5 script that was hugely edited to become Prometheus, partly because Ridley wasn't interested in just another Alien movie.

Why he's doing Alien Covenant, I don't know. Before that was announced he talked about taking the Prometheus sequel even further from Alien.

I agree, there's stupid shit like the ship and "FATHURRR" but it's visually amazing, with great themes, and an ok script. It's fairly decent, not "Top 10 Worst Movies Ever xD" like it's made out to be.

>Red Letter Memeia
I haven't seen their thing and I'm not too huge a fan of theirs since they seem to get hung up on writing conventions too much. Will their review make me angry? I can't stand plot-needling.

There's more to it than that, and aliens which are 2deep is boring as hell now. Some genuine conflict would be much more interesting now that Lovecraft has become a meme.

I think Ridley is a great director though he does need better writers.

Prometheus has a whole shopping list of idiotic ideas that should've been phased out at the concept stage.

Namely :

- showing the engineers in the opening segment removed the awe of the audience discovering them along with the characters
- apparently a group of professionals in their field agreed to be cryogenically frozen and shipped off to an unknown destination that will take years to complete (in relative Earth time) without knowing anything about the mission, not even the basics
- once the alien planet is reached all protocol goes out the window and they literally jump into a buggy and jet into an alien structure within minutes of landing
- once in the structure they take their helmets promptly off, not taking into account that pathogens might be localized or dispersed when items are disturbed and so on... nope, helmets off
- once two people are stranded in the structure (sigh) everyone else on Prometheus simple decides to go to sleep and leave noone checking the comm if the away team happens to be in trouble, nope, nap time for everyone
- completely pointless "weyland is hiding on the ship in a closet" subplot
- characters acting mysterious when everything could've been played at face value easily
- biologist decides to pet alien life forms (yeah, I don't give a shit about the "explanation" from the deleted scenes, noone in their right mind would pet an alien snake)
- once they actually find a living engineer weyland immediately pesters him to give him immortality stat since he has days to live, yeah good luck with that
- xenomorph shoehorned into the movie so he can mug for the camera and that's that
- I'll just carry the android's head with me, I'm sure such a complex device can be powered on for the duration of the flight on an alien ship

It's like they had some sort of brainstorming scriptwriting session over lunch and Scott just said "okay that's that, that's the final script right there" and they went with it.

>Will their review make me angry? I can't stand plot-needling.
You will get angry, it's very nitpicky and complains that the movie isn't a strict 3 act structure with a single protagonist.

You should work for cinemasins, you're so insightful

very comprehensive, thank you.

not him but I really hope you're just confusing his grammar and not implying he actually put any effort into the prequels at all

Movies more or less just make themselves since computers were invented right?

Nobody mentions David literally being one of the best written and acted robots/cyborg ever written in scifi.

Noomi was fantastically cast as well.
The film is just as good as alien but the problem is people can't deal with the fact that anything written by lindelof is never going to be explained and each plot point brings more questions that it can answer.


>David literally being one of the best written and acted robots/cyborg ever written in scifi.

But that spot is already taken by Roy Batty

Most of these are good points on the plot's weaknesses but I've got contention with a few.

- Alien pathogens probably wouldn't harm us
- Weyland was on the ship because it's a movie about questioning and killing your gods and fathers (still feels cheap)
- The biologist was out of his head and wearing an environment suit, not expecting a bioweapon to attack him. (still stupid)
- We don't know how androids are powered, he probably just needs biomass and can issue repairs verbally. David's a smart cookie.

>alien pathogens probably wouldn't harm us
who knows, it could be like War of the Worlds where germs can effect extraterrestrial organisms or not, point is it's irresponsible to break quarantine until that has been 100% confirmed.

Thinking on it, they had some inkling we would have genetic similarities. The problem is that evolution is an arms race half the time, and anything as exceptionally old and different as what grew up on that planet would not have been able to interact with our bodies (unless, of course, it was built to).

The writing style of the movie leaves room for interpretation for the sake of pacing, something Gravity did too. I think the problem is that it occasionally asks too much of people, and that some actions could have been contrived otherwise. A couple minutes here and there to stop audience frustration goes a hell of a long way.

At least it's a different movie from Alien, for that I appreciate it. I think showing the engineers early could also be justified, by the way. The big reveal would be some head in an exploding chamber. Hardly any awe to be had there, only justified confusion and disgust. Prometheus has a lot going on, and not a lot of it is great, but it's at least worth thinking and talking about.

I said "one of the most" not "the most"

Don't forget:
>completely nonsensical alien life cycle
>guy randomly turns into a zombie
>whore clings to christianity even though she has witnessed god being disproven