ITT God-tier high school feels movies
Technically immediately after graduating feels, but good nonetheless.
why did this movie fuck me up so bad?
Olivia Thirlby played a good bitch in this one.
>i..love you
>whoa chill dude
did the same with me fampai, probably because fomo
The movie hit me right in the feels because I managed the double role of weed dealer/isolated semi-sperg in high school and can totally relate to feeling used for both your drugs and feelings because there's a stigma behind what you do. It's a really, really good portrayal of the experience. I can't say I ever had a psychiatrist that was that batshit insane though.
I was a drug dealer too but i didn't have that experience, i just sold weed to mostly old people while going to school.
I can relate to his experiences with the girl though.
>not posting the shoop
For me it was pretty on par with him, people viewed you as an invaluable resource for drugs instead of a person. Getting invited to parties but getting subsequently ignored unless someone needed drugs isn't a fun time. It kinda creates the situation he was in in the movie where you latch yourself onto the first person who shows you any sort of attention/affection because it differs so much from your normal experiences.
if this movie is anything like the book, it sucks a fat dick.
>liking coming of age movies
Fuck off normals
might have to watch this
Fucking normies
It has one of the weirdest casts ever, but you should definitely watch it. It has a god-tier soundtrack too.
>tfw you're not going to fuck your friend's chucklefuck mom ever again because you happened to have DUDEWEED in your car ever again
Hey it's the movie where being a loser = having friends, having girls crush on you, having your aunt molest you, having a girlfriend.
I sure wish I had been a loser in high school!
You sound bitter, it might be better for you if you get it off your chest. What happened in high school?
Emma Watson was a casting mistake but generally losers have groups they belong to which have a few girls in them.
I used to hang out with a bunch of stoner musicians and hippies who never went to class and they had pretty cute girls who would sleep around within the group.
We watch them to compensate for the feels we never had. You probably already experienced them so don't care to sit through a virtual replay
>normie detected
>We watch them to compensate for the feels we never had.
It just depresses me
>You probably already experienced them so don't care to sit through a virtual replay
Lol, younsound pretty young. You might still have some time
and what a realistic depiction of depression and social anxiety!!! I can totally relate life is hard :/
Hmm I rather doubt that I'd be what you'd think to be bitter. I may have been someone for whom school was bereft of any friendships, but that sadly was what best suited for me.
More than anything, I'm remorseful that this film be dictating the new brand of what a loser should be. It seems to be the prevailing opinions nowadays that to transcend yourself above the rest, you're meant to pride yourself in having OCD, social anxiety, autism, and all the like. We've all seen that girl asserting of herself that she was "introverted" when she has tens of friends by her side. But these are real diseases that screw over real people.
I pretty much deplore that this film might rebrand what being a loser is, what I arguably experienced in my high school days, as being something where you have -friends, -crushes on you, -girlfriends, etc...
I'd hate for the newer generation to bestow on themselves the title of loser, only because they're not the most popular person at school.
This movie is entailing though that you can have all the comforts of a happy person, and still deem yourself a loser. That kid wasn't a loser. He had everything anyone would ever have wanted for themselves and more.
Am I making any sense? English isn't my first language.
Never had a friend circle lol.
Carter, not only are you destroying /asp/, but you're also fucking up Sup Forums as well.
How autistic are you?
Gain height nerd
i literally stopped watching when he said "i feel infinite". too much cringe.