Post the nearest public transport stop from your home and r8

Post the nearest public transport stop from your home and r8

Not really near and not really the nearest since there are hundreds of bus stops all around
MetroBus Station and Metro station under it

Looks nice for mexico but not comfy


Literally in front of my house



small pic but is the only one i could find


looks so comfy

all these surface-only plebs

pretty meh in my opinion, the buses stops in my hometown are way better

What the fuck, I live right next to that.



That bufet looks comfy

We don't have bus stops here; buses just sort of look for people waiting on the side of the street like taxis.

typical argie bus stop

Reminds me of my vacations in Spain 7/10
Looks comfy 6/10
Looks exactly like the new developments in Vantaa, 7/10
Comfyness level 8/10
7/10 looks nice but nothing special
huehuehue, looks poor and dirty 2/10
3/10 I can imagine igor and vladimir fighting at that bus stop every friday night
africa-tier 1/10

>Aca hay una escuela


Кpaйний cпpaвa cтильный, явнo нe мyхocpaнь.


нy дa нe мyхocpaнь)
этo кoтopый в чepнoй кypткe?

Its cold and dark outside so all i have to offer is this shitty google maps picture.

no toilet because the old station house is a real estate office now

rate my /bustop/

Дa, oн. И cтoит eщё тaк выёбиcтo. Пидop нeбocь, нeгoжe pyccкoмy мyжикy тaк, дa eщё в мyхocpaни.
Cyкa, этoт тpeд мeня paccтpaивaeт, дaжe в бpaзилии лyчшe ocтaнoвoчки.

kek like in Russia
did they gave bribe for it?


why it is so clean it's triggers me

e400 best bus

an ordinary bus stop here


Forgot to rate
Less good:


I live right down the street


>when your city mayor falls for the memebus meme



>tfw the closest one is miles away



>tfw you can see where I live


why do you hate handicapped?

if I'm not mistaken, there are some stops with ramps


>All those fancy public transport stations and my bus station is just a pole with a roof

>Seeing all these fancy bus stops when mine is just a pole with a roof

hey, at least the neighbourhood looks nice

>his pole has a roof



Closest stop is literally right in front of my apartment complex.

And the downtown terminal is only a five minute walk away.

not that bad for a third world country i guess

That actually looks really nice 9.5/10
