>18h of David Lynch
I know I shouldn't be but I'm hyped.
18h of David Lynch
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I've been let down by so many TV shows I don't dare let myself hope. Not until I've seen the last episode, and seen it get praised by critics, audiences and Sup Forums, win awards and be celebrated as the greatest tv show ever and David Lynch's crowning triumph, will I allow myself to get retrospectively hype
Dare to dream in this case. David usually steps up, he's no hack.
What is the point of doing this though? It was what it was - odd. No big deal.
It ended on a cliffhanger you fucking moron! Are you serious right now? Am I being baited?
I watched it when there was fuck all on the tv here in England, I wouldn't rate it as anything brilliant. It was a bit shit and disappointing.
Had some of the best hotties of the time on it though.
Cliffhangers can fuck off as far as I'm concerned.
You won't get no resolution to it and it's be ambiguous as Lynch always is. Because he can't tell a story.
>Because he can't tell a story
Confirmed for not seeing Elephant Man
Next time try harder pretending you're not a pleb
Is Lynch too much of a poorfag to afford proper camera equipment?
Everything I've seen from him looks like dogshit
I have seen that. That was a real story.
Freeform imagery and random weird characters is just creative mastutrbation.
The equivalent of a guitar player noodling scales.
Hype is only setting yourself up for disappointment, but in this case, I know what you mean. I can't help myself.
Have you only seen Inland Empire, or are you just an incurable pleb?
Being a pleb is believing you have to idolise David quiff Lynch to be educated in films and fit in with your edgy social outcast film buff mates.
Yeah, well, imagine, like, a Big Lebowski reaction image, man.
Being a pleb is believing everyone is just pretending to like what you don't. I sincerely enjoy some(not all) of his work, and I couldn't care less whether anyone else does.
This show is going to be spoiled to hell on here, shitposted even worse, and it's going to make people think it's bad that have never even seen it.
Twin Peaks was and is something special that people have to see for themselves and any singular plotpoint mentioned will sound stupid out of content.
Avoid Sup Forums, don't even think about discussing it with people because you will get a fuckload of people attempting to ruin your enjoyment, some of which are only watching to nitpick, and we all know Twin Peaks, at least s2, can be nitpicked if you're a faggot.
Yet you won't allow me to not like it, which is the weird part I find with his fans.
there has to be something wrong with me because I don't like him, similar to not being cool if you don't smoke weed.
>Have you only seen Inland Empire
*only Eraserhead and Dune
You don't have to like it.
You don't even have to post in David Lynch threads. Did you know that?
>Ray Wise is coming back
Wew lad. Not sure how that's going to work, but I'm excited.
What you're replying to is my first post. I don't care if you don't like him, tastes differ. Most people are unable to understand this though, so get used to it.
Why are you posting in a Lynch thread, though?
Eraserhead is practically a no-budget garage movie, and it looks fucking great, considering.
As for Dune, it's not really a Lynch film.
He's obviously a new BOB
So Lynch made this thread?
I came in here to post in a new version of Twin Peaks thread.
This. I can't wait for it, but I'm not looking forward to hordes of shitposters invading the threads. It's going to be even worse if it gains some mainstream popularity, Sup Forums is going to fucking hate it. Probably best to stop browsing when it arrives.
What are you talking about? You're not participating in or initiating any discussion, you just came into the thread to say you don't like it. What's the point?
Nah, I don't think we'll fuck it up. Sup Forums will likely determine it's certified kino television and heap love on it like they do CIA, Refn, and Elle Fanning
Is that why your first post was just shitting on it because it's Lynch? Don't pretend you came in here to have a real discussion.
I'm offering a flip sided viewpoint. And it's keeping your thread active if anything.
I'm not even doing it to annoy people, my initial thought was why can't they think of any new ideas.
The premise was plain and doesn't exactly make me think wow this is really deep, I need conclusion after all these years.
Why would I fall for the same trick again? it's insanity.
I wasn't aware of Lynch when I t this on at the time, I thought what is this shit. Watched many episodes and felt tricked but got to see two hot women on screen so carried on watching.
At least I'm being honest with myself.
will there be music by badalamenti and julee cruise?
sick projecting, really gives insight on where your own insecurities lie
Don't say projecting, it just sounds ridiculous, formulate your own opinions and don't just use terms that will be redundant next year.
>At least I'm being honest with myself.
There you are again, implying everyone's just pretending to like it.
Well, you're not really offering anything, you just keep repeating you don't like it. Which is okay, but why should we care?
I disagree with everything you said, I love the show, it's in my top 3. As for conclusion - that's not what I want. I love cliffhanger endings and I always enjoyed the mysteries the most; I just want more of something I love.
Yes. Dunno about Cruise.
"forumlate your own opinions"
i did? there's nothing wrong with your contrarian views but it's autistic how you make sure everyone knows them because to you, taste in film is more of a social status type thing. no plebs only patrician taste xd
You know what... peace, I'm out of here, sorry if I was a nuisance. I didn't mean the insult.
Hope it's a good version or continuation of the show or whatever.
Sounds like you're speaking a foreign language there mate, I'm not a hipster film buff.
Hey, not that user but I noticed you being defensive over being called out on your blatant projections.
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and just assume you're not actually a condescending twat with shitty ill-formed opinions that don't contribute in any way towards an understanding of the work in question.
no you're some edgy Sup Forums poster lmao
Twin Peaks is overrated. The episodes Lynch was involved in were great, but most were made without him, and they sucked.
This revival has a chance at being great because Lynch is involved in making all of the 18 episodes.
I can't wait
Fuck, that was funny. Is he a regular in newscasters? I might have to start watching it.