This board has become too plebeian for me. What is a good place to discuss cinema with more aware people? Don't recommend me reddit, apparently it is more plebeian than this place.
This board has become too plebeian for me. What is a good place to discuss cinema with more aware people...
Other urls found in this thread:
why don't you try for yourself
There is nowhere because there is little middle ground.
Either the community is full of capeshit and garbage, or full fucking pretentious.
Try reddit.
The film board on 4+Sup Forums is really slow, but there is some great discussion on there.
Otherwise DO try reddit, for film it's not that bad.
Try metafilter. It's full of hipsters but usually interesting.
I don't even care about discussing.I just come here to find something decent to watch but it is always garbage. There is no place to find something worth watching.I am sick of going through a thousand films a day on letterboxd.
>I need to DISCUSS
Just read reviewers and have some pro et contra in your mind
>There is no place to find something worth watching
Letterboxd (add reviewers you are interested and check what they're watching), RYM has autistic charts, and if you are part of private tracker new torrents list is pretty nice (Works in RARGBG too)
r/truefilm isn't bad
Is there any chance of /film/ happening or should I cut chord the chord and leave this useless shit hole?
>to find something worth watching
There you go, friend.
Citizen Kane (1941)
La règle du jeu (1939)
Bronenosets Potemkin (1925)
Vertigo (1958)
8½ (1963)
The Godfather (1972)
The Godfather: Part II (1974)
La passion de Jeanne d'Arc (1928)
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
L'avventura (1960)
Ladri di biciclette (1948)
Tôkyô monogatari (1953)
Shichinin no samurai (1954)
The Searchers (1956)
Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927)
City Lights (1931)
L'Atalante (1934)
Singin' in the Rain (1952)
The General (1926)
Greed (1924)
La grande illusion (1937)
The Gold Rush (1925)
Ugetsu monogatari (1953)
Rashômon (1950)
Raging Bull (1980)
Ivan Groznyy (1945-1958)
Pather Panchali (1955)
The Magnificent Ambersons (1942)
Andrey Rublyov (1966)
Touch of Evil (1958)
La dolce vita (1960)
Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages (1916)
Jules et Jim (1962)
Smultronstället (1957)
Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
À bout de souffle (1960)
The Third Man (1949)
Les enfants du paradis (1945)
Hiroshima mon amour (1959)
Monsieur Verdoux (1947)
Pierrot le fou (1965)
Some Like It Hot (1959)
Modern Times (1936)
Ikiru (1952)
Persona (1966)
Zerkalo (1975)
La strada (1954)
Fanny och Alexander (1982)
>RYM has autistic charts
autistic? dude I can spend hours getting recommendations from that
>The film board on 4+Sup Forums is really slow, but there is some great discussion on there.
I concur.
>Otherwise DO try reddit, for film it's not that bad.
I disagree. I've only posted in one thread (and it was an alright thread) but I've lurked in dozens over the course of around three weeks before giving up on that site.
For all the cancer on Sup Forums, it's still the best place for discussion, as well.
Reviews are not enough. Let's imagine I'm looking for suggestions of films with very specific type of cinematography, and I need a place where I can be recommended with correct films.
>worth watching
>posts nothing but imdb-core but with original foreign titles to be exotic
Then u fucking nigger are fubar
I completely agree that this place is filled with a bunch of idiots who don't know a thing about cinema.
Come join us over at
>yfw Cinemos charts
This post almost unlocked /film/ again
boring movies.
Alright :) You convinced me. Greet me reddit, I'm coming!
prepared to live for recognition instead of responses. It's sure to put a permanent smile on your dial.
I always use a film's original title when referring to it.
Is there something wrong with that?
Have you tried actually making threads on Sup Forums? I personally jump on any opportunity to actually discuss a fucking movie here.
>has become too "pleb" for me
>posts screenshot of citizen kane
>original foreign titles
As it should. God I fucking hate sites that use their English name.
I just looked at their front page and they look like mostly plebs just like Sup Forums only they can't get away with cunnyspam over there. I'm seriously considering trying Reddit just to actually discuss movies, even if everyone there is an idiot and I can't call people retarded niggers for it.
What's your favourite Chinese movie? Mine's 醉拳.
ehm, you should already have seen 95% of those if you're seriously attempting to discuss film
not him, but those opportunities get rarer and rarer these days. seems like all threads end up devolving into anti-sjw, anti-women, racism or memes. very little actual discourse anywhere on Sup Forums these days.
>original foreign titles
>but no the original script
decent list but citizen kane first?
that movie is like the beatles
why are you assuming that the list is ordered
We need to come up with a way to start a /film/ general - cone bra edition -
I have seen them all, this post in an advice to another guy who's looking for suggestions. Hopefully he likes it.
Because a discerning one should use every opportunity to express his skills of assessing quality.
yeah, you obviously have seen them, because you are recommending them
my reply was directed towards the other guy
At times I come here at random for the same reason, and mostly just quickly leave.
It's just superheros, blockbusters, cliché punch lines, and "A-list" Hollywoodian obsession...
>tfw you want to find a real community that actually discusses television and film, but nothing beats anonymity
fuck reddit, fuck forums, fuck upboats and personality cults and attentionwhores
Sup Forums isn't anonymous. Don't even pretend that just because there isn't user names (by default) that it is anonymous. In a actual conversation you can track and identify posters based on their shibboleths, how they use certain words, or just by reply chain.
Logins are the worst honestly.
You practically log-in to Sup Forums every time you write CAPTCHA and all the information goes through Google.-
Still you don't need a login.
And someone would have to really care about it to be tracing you.
Quite not your problem if someone takes the time to obsess over stalking a random person they have no actual connection with, hm?
No, I don't.
I don't type my email, username, dah-dah-dah
>all the information goes through Google
Kind of sucks honestly. I think people who actually care try proxies.
I'm not hiding. I just not into social medias, creating profiles, etc...
>I don't type my email, username, dah-dah-dah
Google attaches it all to your ID in their servers and can track you, your posts.
It is exactly the same as login in principle and reality, no matter if the technicality doesn't match up a classic login
You could buy Sup Forums pass, but then Sup Forums tracks you and not Google.
I wish Google was tracking me so it would know it's me and not a bot and stop making me solve these retarded captchas every time
go on a actual forum? there is more than one website OP
>shilling for 8gag
Kill yourself
Sup Forums is Sup Forums2.0
Why the stress? It's a good place
artist caffees and pubs, with your liberal arts and film studies friends from uni.
yesterday someone posted though and it had more Sup Forums related content than all of the other threads combined for last 7 days
Gook revive /film/
That thread was retarded as fuck. Starts off with AGI while badmouthing capeshit or GOT. Talk about a fucking person with no sense of how ridiculous he sounds when AGI made a failed critique of 'capeshit killing the cinema'
It arguably did, but it was just another pretentious try at what /film/ should be. This mustn't be held as an example to be followed to make 'good' threads
>Starts off with AGI while badmouthing capeshit or GOT
Yeah that was retarded. It wasn't like people would shitpost all over the thread with capeshit and GoT anyway.
Every single one of these films is pleb-core. Oh please. I bet you have not seen one true patrician kino. How drole.
My dog could do a shitpost with more effort, guy above
/film/ already happened and it was a failure
/film/ was beautiful.
that shitposting was why I come here
The original film was the only /film/ posted in that thread.
Probably because your dog is legit retarded.
>I just come here to find something decent to watch
Go watch the Goon. Only Sup Forums rec worth watching.
Seen 19 of those. Where's my medal?
It failed by what criteria? Most people asking for /film/ didn't even get a chance to use it.
Which says a lot about yourself, then
It was memed to dead
>/film/ already happened
Not really. It didn't even get an announcement, some user just realized >>>/film/ redirected to an actual board and it was filled with shitposting before it was even open.
The problem with the split is that it effectively creates /tvg/ and /cape & shitposting/. Ignore any dipshit that thinks some heretofore unknown patrician mod is going to only allow fedora approved movie discussion.
No. It was memed on a bit, and then the pussies in command killed it. Quite different
what an ugly and aimless piece of shit. Post true kino.
Says a lot about you, actually.
I've seen 17 and I feel like a patricianhood is non-existent, just a fading oasis. You can either be a pleb or a person who needs more thematic stimulus than most films can provide.
It does. But says a lot more about (you). And none of them nice
>Just read reviewers
Can you recommend some? Also are you talking about professional reviewers, or YT critics like RLM?
Not him, Armond White is actually great in a non-meme way and you can learn about some fantastic movies by reading his stuff every week.
I know some closed/private cinephile facebook group that has surprisingly GOOD discussion. Too bad it’s on facebook and it would be too normie for you guys.
Actually it says more about you, and not the ones you're thinking of.
I use facebook, I unfollow any actual people who come up in my feed so that they can't disrupt the flow of cancerous post-ironic memes but still, I'm on facebook.
Senses Of Cinema
Various randoms from Letterboxd
Jonathan Rosenbaum
Tag Gallagher
I’m at work atm, so if I could still see this thread alive after I got home I could post the name of the group here. It’s an invitation only group so I guess you could message the admins/higher ups
no, I'm too cool for them. Also it's 2am here and I should sleep. I won't but I'll try.
In truth I speak, it's about you all the unpleasant things that that says.
Manny Farber
Jonathan Rosenbaum
J. Hoberman
Ignatiy Vishnevetsky
Adrian Martin
Stephen Prince
Peter Brunette
Sam Rohdie
Tag Gallagher
Donald Ritchie
only the first four are reviewers, the rest are more academic/historical. if you want more reviewers, i actually think the writers from the AV Club's golden age are pretty entertaining: Scott Tobias, Nathan Rabin, Keith Phipps, Tasha Robinson, et. al. (though they kinda sucked while doing The Dissolve, but i mostly blame Pitchfork for that)
Citizen Kane is great
The Beatles are great
I feel like you're right for the wrong reasons
Hating on both those things is really showing that you're trying to enjoy film or music rather than just enjoying them
Ray Carney, Michael Koresky, Nick Pinkerton, Adam Nayman, J. Hoberman, and Amy Taubin
>Citizen meme
stopped reading.
The sad truth, however, is that Sup Forums is indeed as close as you can get to a sort of "middle ground"
(as mentioned by this user )
wow, I just noticed:
Satanic hexes: When?
There's a simple rule of thumb:
As long as you can't pronounce the name of the director properly, it's probably pure Cinéma
i hope, i hope, i hope.
you know Sup Forums is fucked when the most popular threads every day are either capeshit, GOT, or waifu threads. we don't even get sticky for directors croaking but we do for that got finale!
If you didn't know this board is a unredeemable sewer since 2012, you missed a very shiny memo. Might as well enjoy the shittiness
>capeshit whining
>Star Wars shit rumors
>Star Wars shit whining
>Ghostbusters whining
>shitty show general
>shitty show that has a general not being made to use general
>capeshit company wars
>screencap of RT score of blockbuster
>celeb said this on social media whining
>gender / race of cast whining
>interracial porn
>SJW falseflagging
>waifu thread
>"Me on the left"
>Sup Forums
>pedo thread
>"is it kino?"
>Who will play [unrelated to film & television] in the inevitable biopic?
>eceleb trash
>[unrelated to film & television] black person doing anything
>walking down the street when you see these girls
>sitcom trash
>celebrity's personal lives drama
>persecution complex whining
>thinly veiled Trump shilling
>"What did [unrelated to film & television] mean by this?"
>unflattering pic of celebrity
>screencap + forced meme from shitty movie
If I weren't in this board and got this description, I would go running to enjoy a place with all that funposting
You know it's more fucked because someone like you that posts a thread with AGI picture thinks he has any audacity to call anyone pleb. You lack self awareness, Sup Forums has been shit for fucking aeons. Be glad the spam is only legal porn and not Cheese Pizza or gorespam
Why should anyone be glad with it?
I agree. That's why Sup Forums should be left unaltered and /film/ should be created.
Koji? Kaji? Wat was the cheese pizza spammer nick name
>kojirj kajiri please go