"I will break the wheel."

>"I will break the wheel."

What exactly does this mean in non-wheel talk?

Other urls found in this thread:


The wheel represents a cycle of leaders each one at the top for only a certain amount of time.

When she says she will break the wheel, she means she will stop cycle of a rise and fall in power between warring factions.

However she fails to notice that although the spokes are only at certain point for one moment in time. The real purpose of the wheel is that it is always moving forward. If all we have to suffer is one very similar terrible leader to the next appearing every so often, it's a worthy price for progress.

She however wants to plunge the entire kingdom into disarray, with a demonstrably brutal dictatorship. Wherein the wheel has not only stopped but all hope of progress is destroyed. Much like a broken wheel

She is the Dark One

Jesus Christ.

Are you doing a thesis on this?

A+ though.

>now I alone am The Wheel Of Time


That's bullshit, it's obviously the medieval idea of the wheel of fortune, which isn't about progress, our modern notion of constant social and technological improvements didn't exist. It's a reminder that fortunes always change and while you may come out on top it'll soon be someone else's turn. They saw things as working in cycles, not in a linear direction.

It means she'll torch the Red Keep and melt the Iron Throne into slag.

I'd like to buy a dragon

that explanation, whilst it can be seen as correct, is vert fucking obvious. A+ for autism

Obviously a jab at the upcoming Wheel of Time series.

She will install liberal democracy and use her horde of brown enrichers to end the evil racist white race.

She means she will sit on it and break it with her immense weight.

i think shes refering to some gigantic wheel that blocks her entrance to medieval mcdonalds


Danny fag detected

She's going to make Westeros better by bringing a giant army of rapist savages and start a huge war in an already war-torn kingdom. This is right at the start of the long winter. It makes total sense, trust me. It's for the good of the people.

Kekked hard

I will break the wheel, and sunset will find me squatting on my designated street


Very interesting thread.

I also heard someone shouting "praise the wheel" in Stannis camp at least once, when the ice had melt, and maybe on another instance too always by some Stannis' soldier.

I think it might refer to the wheel/pointed stars of the seven Gods, if that makes any sense.


but seven niggods is hers religion

the things I'd do to have those lips on my dick

I'm sorry I made you read this

Shes going to import millions of niggers to first rate nation.

Shes literally Merkel the character.


She's talking about how much asoiaf is better than wheel of time

if this is actually where dany's character is going I might actually start to like her. I'll take it over dicking around in slavers bay for 3 books getting fucked by a blue bearded chad

I don't agree. I think she's just trying to sound cool and it's basically entirely bullshit.

You're correct that in this context, the wheel is the cycle of leaders and noble houses taking power over Westeros before falling to the next one. However, her plan is simply to take over Westeros, so she would be fulfilling this cycle rather than breaking it.

Breaking the wheel would mean enacting an entirely new system of government not based on a monarchy at all, which she clearly has no intention of doing; she believes herself the rightful Queen.
