Why is he still afraid to come out of the closet?
Why is he still afraid to come out of the closet?
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He's inspired people with his music, his spoken-word and his relevant points for more than 30 years, OP. He doesn't owe you a god damn THING.
Because he likes to dress in women's lingerie when being fucked in the ass and the LGBTBBQ will start shouting for him to be trans and he doesn't want his dick chopped off.
Honestly, he already looks like a middle school lesbian gym teacher.
That wouldn't change if he came out. Most of his fans are fags anyway.
>yeh i think i no u xDD
he's a liar
wow his tattoos might be even worse than mine
You're one of them
His are authentic, yours are fucking hipster garbage.
Based on what?
because he's terrified of dropping his straight mask.
its why his buddy was murdered, they were fagging it up, and someone saw them, made fun of them, they talked shit, and dude got hit.
Literally talentless.
I don't think Henry Rollins ever really got over how the guy he loved (Joe Cole) being murdered.
I've usually got my tin foil hat on with celebrities and everyone being gay, but Rollins doesn't seem gay to me.
he's so fucking in the closet, his second home is in narnia.
my wife said she saw him walking across the street in manhattan once and he is >tiny< ..
i had a brief stint as a prison guard for a couple of years and would frequently see guys like that come through the system: tiny and really angry when they arrive... and then three weeks later they are somebody's bitch
Yeah, based on what? I even think 50 cent is gay, I don't see it in Rollins
his whole LITTLE MAN WITH BIG TOUGH ATTITUDE act. its like a very scared gay man, trying desperately to be as butch as possible.
his act slips sometimes, and he gets really swish.
In 8th grade I actually had a female PE teacher and she was the worst human being I have ever met. She had some injury at some point and for a month she was replaced by some other woman who was really nice. I accidentally kicked her in the face once while jumping over something, but she apparently thought that was pretty funny.
My point is that Henry just does what he wants and it doesn't matter whether he admits to being gay or not.
the samefag in this thread is ridiculous and... weird
rollins is not topical, no one cares if he is gay or not
stop trying to push this meme
if you want to talk total closeted fags who are actually important, talk about hugh jackman
that guy is fucking flaming
Jackman is nuclear level gay.
the gay mafia is real.
>In a 1992 Los Angeles Times interview, Rollins revealed he kept a plastic container full of soil soaked with Cole's blood. Rollins said, "I dug up all the earth where his head fell – he was shot in the face – and I've got all the dirt here, and so Joe Cole's in the house. I say good morning to him every day. I got his phone, too, so I got a direct line to him. So that feels good."
tell me that aint gay as fuck.
that's some real homo ass shit cuh
marlon brando did that with one of his dead friends - kept a jar of his friend's ashes that he said hello to every day
and Marlon Brando was bisexual.
>>Yeah, based on what?
Why the fuck would any guy abuse steroids to such an extent and adopt this whole ridiculously overblown macho act if not to compensate for wanting to get fucked in the asshole?
>Cole and Henry Rollins were assaulted by armed robbers in December 1991 outside their shared Venice Beach, California, home on Brooks Avenue in the Oakwood district
>two 30 year old men sharing a home
nothing wrong with that
Rollins was molested as a kid, he does the big act to show he isnt gay, and to cover up his shame, guilt and fear.
>>Rollins was molested as a kid
How can you claim he's not gay then? That's how they recruit gays, it's like vampires.
you got me wrong broseph. i never said he wasnt gay, i meant to more clearly explain that he is gay, and uses the whole tough guy act to try and self beard.
The fuck is the problem? How old do you think the Friends are? Or the people in Bazinga? Me and my roommate both work on our PhDs and even with scholarships it's better to share a flat.
>Rollins has campaigned for various political causes in the United States, including promoting LGBT rights
>Rollins has become an outspoken human rights activist, most vocally for gay rights
>Rollins frequently speaks out on social justice on his spoken word tours and promotes equality, regardless of sexuality
>He was the host of the WedRock benefit concert, which raised money for a pro-gay-marriage organization.
>i really, really like women
Why do you care? Is your life so pitiful that your concerns are on famous people and how they're represented in public? Kill yourself, please.
Sharing a bed is cheaper too right? and showering together just saves water.
Friends and Bazinga never move out because then the show is over.
You still live in your parents basement or are still dependent on them in some way. Sharing a kitchen and the electricity bill is not gay. Stop being insecure you whiny little virgin.
>a DC punk
>pro LGBT
>doesn't want to marry
Stop the presses!
is your phd on psychological projection?
He should have been cast as Negan.
Danzig in his prime or Rollins in his prime?
>Stop being insecure you whiny little virgin.
you're the one that can't handle some bants, buddy. now I'm off to mow my lawn and then maybe chill by the stream in my backyard. enjoy that flat.
Well if he's gay I'm not listening to his music anymore, I'd say that's a valid reason for wanting to know.
Both are gay as shit but Black Flag was objectively better than The Misfits.
If jackman ever came out literally no one would be surprised. I bet his ugly wife has a dick
>little man
The guy is 5'9"
jackman is so gay that when his wife wanted him to stop working out so much, he continued anyway.
probably because he fucks dudes in the gym shower
>Black Flag was objectively better than The Misfits.
he means subjectively, but he can't handle people with different tastes and opinions.
You're not making your case, man.
I lived with my parents until I was twenty six. I paid off my loans, bought a car, and got into a nicer condominium. I'm almost done with grad school myself, just the masters which I'm doing part time.
The whole living on your own thing is a meme anyway, a boomer meme primarily. For the most part, the vast majority of people from the conception of humanity to the current day have lived in multi generational households.
Personally, I see zero shame in living with family or with friends or roommates.
All that independent living and all that credit and where did all those bellyup boomers and late Gen X folks wind ala 2007-2008?
>in b4 the recession IDF
It happened. And if it didn't happen then, it's probably happening in your country as we speak.
No, they were objectively better, more influential and more innovative.
Danzig's a good singer but the Misfits are a meme band.
>Implying his aren't awesome
Says the guy insisting a celebrity is gay.
i personally moved out when i was 19. got into university and got student financing which allowed me to get a (tiny) apartment, then got a part time job and got a bigger one. holy fuck was i glad i moved out, i was getting so tired of my parents, felt like a new planet to live by myself and be my own man. i understand not everyone is/was as fortunate as me though, living with other people certainly has its benefits. like you don't have to be gay for living with another man. but living on your own is certainly not a boomer meme, it just felt natural for me.
Imagine me not giving a fuck if you do, and you'll understand.
Part of our biggest problems are people such as you pretending to give a fuck about or what a person does in their personal lives.
When I listen to music, or watch film, or TV I don't care about the people. Perhaps it is an interesting footnote to understand how the entertainment came about, but nothing more.
In life, as the internet has brought more to awareness this has caused a push that causes a push back reaction by the public over stupid shit people really shouldn't care about as it changes nothing but their stupid little ideas about how "things are supposed to be" when all it is is ridiculous nonsense. Stop being a shit about things that really don't matter to you personally, and stop pretending we should give a fuck about you being a butthurt pussy.
point out where i insisted on that, please.
That's fair, man. Admittedly, I lived on my own in college and moved back in with them when I graduated at 23. I had no intention of taking out loans to begin with, but I transferred colleges, and scholarships don't unfortunately lol.
That's fair by the way. I live alone again as well, and admittedly, I think it would be kind of strange to live like Bert & Ernie until you died, parents not as much. The hope is that one obviously meets a mate and starts some sort of household or family.
so he is a giant dwarf.
both my gay dads are taller than him.
End of silence is a dank album
Faggots make some of the best music, though.
>so he is a giant dwarf.
Nope. He's a depressive thin boned little gay boy... but 60
what's the tattoo of the eye thing on his right shoulder? I swear I've seen it like a hundred times before
einsturzende neubauten
Danzig, easily... Rollins is pretty talentless.
Danzig. I like Henry but Glenn's stuff was always so wonderfully dramatic and theatrical.
iggy Pop
Because he's straight edge, not gay edge.
>it's a "Josh Homme hasn't mastered live falsetto like he has during the ...Like Clockwork and Post Pop Depression tours" episode
I like the guy, I really do, but frankly I'm not sure if he's had a prime.
Danzig definitely.
>you'll never join Danzig's book club
Why even live?
No he does lots of drugs
yeah he keeps saying that but you just know
When you move out your parents basement you might not be able to afford all your rent and utilities and many people house share
I wonder how Henry today would react to this?
When are you going to stop projecting your faggotry onto people more masculine than you?
>yfw Danzig is still killing it at 61 years old
>yfw he releases videos with female nudity on youtube and doesn't give a fuck
He was a truly beautiful man no homo. Wonder how much pussy he's had.
What was that kid thinking?
Wow, is that even real? I love original misfits and the first Danzig album, but this sounds like someone poorly imitating Danzing drunkenly singing Ozzy at a karaoke bar.
Look at the dislikes and the comments are disabled lel
It is though.
Yeah the new album is a cover album. It's pretty bad.
they would have some badass babies if they could knock each other up.
>Uber manlet Danzig
When will he learn?
How can one man be so based?
Wow, Corey Feldman was an asshole.
Except Rollins had nothing to do with what make Black Flag good so Danzig wins
Also, compare Samhain and Danzig to whatever shit Rollins did after. No contest.
I still like him.