Non-porn webms

non-porn webms

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Ive seen this gif a few times and I still dont get it. Why do niggers act like this? Can someone explain...

Planet of the Apes


what a loser


Because, niggers.. that's the only possibility.

dafuq happened??


Resident Evil. Niggermesis.


dude is a champion

get a load of this fag



Damn pretty funny




wtf is this shit?


>wtf is this shit?

That is how circumcision works. You dick could be twice as long but your murricunt parents didn't luv ya

Girls are so fragile its insane.


What the fuck?
Where is that from?

>Girls are so fragile its insane.

Thank god because I hate other men.

Sin City

Wait, what's your point?

Dont know. Looks like Warsaw to me.

dead snow 2


nigger space program, a little faster, a little smoother, we will sonn acheive lift off. today we should be proud of ourselves

I guess its from the Dead Snow




Says the guy making fun of some clearly upbeat guy having fun in a video on Sup Forums

One day you'll realise you're the loser

meth lab

when somebody says Chevy is better than Ford

I remember seeing this in a gore documentary a long time ago. The guy was a rapist iirc and this is how they handle them in the third world.

same nazi zombies like these in dead snow but idk

must be a pretty good high

Fuckin' glorious.


lol he got back in

That guy sucks. Drops his left throwing that overhand right/hook piece of shit haymaker at the end.


love it...


lol driver 3 shots like it was nothing

link please

Alright well he's fighting toothless billy from down the street not wonderboy thompson

I fucking called it in the first three seconds. Still kek'd though.



That nigga prolly been smoking for decades

In case you missed it, that wasn't a fight, that was a beating. Bubba looks like he's got 100 lbs on poor Cletus

What wrestling move is this?

Can someone from /asp/ tell me?


Come on tittie

that shit looks gross

I've seen this a few times and all I can pick out are the Ramen and the chips. Maybe lemon/lime juice...

What the fuck.

That's probably because it is a gross mess of shit.

Hahahahaha FUCKING KEK

my god. jealousy of a redneck from a webm. ive seen it all

That is NOT American. That's some Hispanic shit, and the only way I can tell is because putting lime or lemon juice on Doritos is a Mexican thing that I have never seen in the US.

not from there but that's a belly to back to reverse giant swing 900 degree sitting powerbomb. Before that day, only Tony Hawk had done a 900.
now here I am, holding on to what i am

>That is NOT American.

Yes it is! I saw it in down town San Francisco myself.

The day nickelodeon went too far.

European woman forgets to pay for car heating tax stamp.webm


Well, even if that were true, just because someone can make a pile of foreign shit in San Francisco doesn't automatically make it "American"

By that logic, baking an apple pie in Nigeria makes it African.

underrated post

Since when does homer simpson wear leather?

It's not a Mexican thing
Dorilocos are a Mexican thing
But this is some Chicano garbage taking the original idea and saying DURR WERE HISPANIC RIGHT
t. An actual Mexican


mexico: the only hispanic people

i honestly cant tell if it being named 'florida woman' is supposed to be funny or a troll

Well, I like Doritos with lime or lemon juice, but I agree that whatever that pile of shit is, is garbage.

Dammit Spiccoli


tank top punches like a girl.
Actually fuck that I"ve seen girls put more into their punches.

>i honestly cant tell when I'm being trolled

what do you think? It's obviously from Slav-land considering, you know, everything. but the license plates should be a dead giveaway.

Slow motion for the masses is one of the greatest things modern technology has given humanity.

as opposed to individual slo motion

Few too many chromosomes for you, eh?





It's mexican. The only people that i've seen eating that are poor uneducated people, literally anyone with a bit of intelligence ignores that kind of food

same fucking videos every day. post something new


The music in the background in the actual video for this is gangsta as hell.


It's the sequal to dead snow.

While I would assume poor people who want quantity over quality would eat that, how is that correlated to intelligence? Especially in Mexico where opportunities are scarce.

Did the cop get charged for running him over?

basically a webm thread

Don't try to deny you amerifats would love this. I can hear from here (Paris, France), that you're just butthurt like hell that you haven't invented this before the Mex'