Stuff like this, i literally only have this picture

Stuff like this, i literally only have this picture

Bump for interest



All I have

Extra bamp


the uselessness of americans



How are these taken? Like do the girls know? If not wouldn't it be weird to ask to take a photo of your phone and them????

How are these taken? Like do the girls know? If not wouldn't it be weird to ask to take a photo of your phone and them??????????

Cell phone one takes pic of cell phone two showing girl pics on phone while said girl is in background presumably "unaware" of said pic on cell phone two.

One last bump...


half of these are proven fake

By all means... provide your evidence



awaiting "proof"

how did the people take the photos when they are already using their phone?

See here

Found unblured pic


Shes a freak... choke a bitch while doggie her!

Good work mate, appreciate all the bumps and posts

I posted these pics.

Been trying to search for pics like this. Don't even know how to describe them accurately enough to get a valid hit.

u guys serious? Its so easily faked. also checked


You again? Please provide proof these are fake.

I could understand if there were a shit ton of these pics out there. There arent so for someone to "fake" such a tight, limited type of picture niche would be a waste of time...

Why do you think these are fake?

>proven fake
weak proof


Just a thought... but the expressions on the other people's faces make it believable that a fair portion of these, the phone with the porn on it was just handed to our photographer by the person in the porn, and then he was like, "damn, you freak, i'm fixin to take a picture of you and your picture."
The girl in the white tshirt and the girl in the classroom this doesn't work for, but for the girl in the classroom it coulda been an ex bf showing his bud the picture and then bud snaps a well inspired pic off....
if i find myself in a similar situation, i'll try to score us some OC. :-)

But no on here has proven any of these fake.

>Good luck with that OC user. Godspeed you magnificent bastard!