5 > 4 > 6 > 7 > 3 > 1 > 2
5 > 4 > 6 > 7 > 3 > 1 > 2
Other urls found in this thread:
i agree with that.
So close, OP.
objectively true
>it's a 5 > 4 list
Discarded as usual
You were close too.
4 > 5 > 7 > 3 > 6 > 1 > 2
> = signs
> power gaps
> multiple >>>
These are the three signs of the plebeian.
>Being this autistic.
How does it feel to be a kissless virgin?
So 6 months on people have finally accepted 3>7
Now only a year before people accept TFA is worse than the prequels. We're getting there lads.
Even marvelfags thought it sucked
3 > 6
When will this meme end?
Different poster but are you saying those things signify NOT being autistic?
Can you fucking read? I'm not going to fucking coddle you.
Yes, you put equals in your rating, then he called you on it, and then you called him autistic.
What I'm saying is that sticking extra symbols in your list would probably more of an indication than not, is all.
It will never end on Sup Forums, neither will the capekino meme.
5 4 7 6 3 2 1
5 > 4 > 6 > 7 > 1 > 3 > 2
agreed op, well done, finally a non-bullshit ranking on Sup Forums. its so hard to believe
it's the objectively true ranking, I'm betting that 8 will surpass 6 when it comes out too
it'll end when we invent time travel and rotj stops being such a piece of shit
6 was when george's mind started to go, with all the fluffy bear shits and all
I don't even rate 7.
Turds don't need ratings.
i'd say 6=7 but otherwise seems accurate
>The 'I'm a mindless pleb so I adopt whichever opinion has the most upvotes on reddit' order
>The 'I rate films based on how many explosions there are' order
>The 'I want to self-consciously show my approval of JJ Abram's sycophantic pleb-tier shitheap so I rank 7 ahead of the worst OT film' order
>Patrician order
>2 that high
Accurate, non-contrarian ranking :
(You can swap 3 and 1)
I bet 8 will be the best SW movie.
I bet 9 will be the worst.
Screencap this.
The guaranteed commercial success of the prequel trilogy enabled Lucas to take a novelistic approach to this trilogy. The critical misgivings were misplaced because it was reviewed as three standalone blockbusters, rather than a unified story. The critics and fans who rejected the prequels are a generation that don't read books, and have only Hollywood as a model of what storytelling can be. The RLM reviews typify this outlook.
Episode 1 methodically introduces the characters and themes, much like the early chapters of a novel, or the early episodes of a HBO serial like The Wire. It establishes Anakin's separation anxiety, his oedipal relationship with Padme, Padme's conflict between her youthful idealism and premature political responsibility, Palpatine's politicking and Obi Wan's reluctance in mentoring Anakin.
Episode 2 seamlessly transitions from Anakin's troubled childhood to his early adult years. His difficult relationship with Obi Wan leaves him yearning for a strong father figure and leads him to Palpatine. Later, the death of his mother further pushes him into a doomed romance with Padme, his surrogate mother. Episode 3 brings all these plot points to a crescendo. Palpatine uses Padme to pull Anakin to the dark side, and it is too late for his negectful surrogate father Obi Wan to prevent it.
The themes of the prequels perfectly tie into that of the original trilogy. Anakin's lack of parental guidance creates a troubled adult. Obi Wan redeems this past error by ensuring Luke has a loving family. Luke in turn rejects the stoicism of the old Jedi and builds the rebellion on love and friendship. The saga comes full circle when Luke heals Anakin with unconditional familial love.
For all the epic intergalactic warfare, the driving vision of Lucas's Star Wars is beautifully simple: the child is the father of the man. We need loving family relationships to develop morality and courage.
wrong OP
3 > 5 > 4 >>> 2 > 6 > 1
Ultimate plebian ranking
2 and 3 that high ?
1 and 6 that low ?
No 7 ?
Bcoz he isn't leik every1
Hez spessial, he hav a unique tasteee
Because he is a fucking contrarian, that's why
7 isn't Star Wars, kiddo
3 is the best SW film period
6 is only good for the ending, rest is bad
The prequels were a poor attempt at Greek tragedy. TFA was a poor attempt at an action adventure film.
Both are bad. The wild difference in reception is because 1) Plebs like action more that Greek tragedy, 2) Disney spent millions on a marketing campaign, pathetically trying to charm and therefore pacify the Star Wars fanbase.
7 IS Star Wars, but i give you the fact that it's different. It starts something new.
3 is horribly bad, it's not good because it's "omg 2 daark 4 meee so gud"
6 is flawed but the ending (The throne scene) and the beginning are god tier
TFA is still better than the prequels
And on par with ROTJ
>7 IS Star Wars
7 is quite bad but it's a Star Wars.
It have the soul of the OT.
A raped soul, but still a soul.
a "star wars" movie not made by Lucas is not a "star wars" movie in my view. It's junk food, it has no more soul than a McDonald's big mac.
>3 is the best SW film period
I'd agree with that, but maybe swap 7 and 3.
Swap 6 and 7 around and I'd agree with that.
Might not be a popular opinion, I think 6 is a great ending to the OT but as a stand alone movie there's a lot of wasted characters and it really suffers from "find them something to do" storytelling. Still love the movie and those elements don't ruin it for me or anything, I just think that 7 has a tighter narrative and returning characters serve a purpose whilst the new characters are given a chance to shine and drive the plot in their own right.
So fucking much
It's nice to see someone agrees with me.
5 > 3 > 4 > 6 = 7 > 2 = 1
ONLY correct answer desu
>>The 'I rate films based on how many explosions there are' order
Wrong, the correct 'I rate films based on how many explosions there are' order is:
3 has the most action.
>>Patrician order
You mean
>Flaming faggot order
6 is heavily flawed but it's much better than 1 and 2. 7 takes far too much from 4 but it's better than 1 and 2 in almost every way.
>3 above 4
I hate this "3 is a good movie" meme. The writing is just as terrible as 1 and 2, the only reason people think it's better than 1 and 2 is "muh action" and "muh darkness"
>"3 is instantly bad because it's grouped in with the prequels" meme
>le 3 is a good movie meme
>le beta nigger meme
5>4>7>6>>>>>1>>>Objective non meme ranking
Its clearly
5 > 4 > 6 > 3 > 7 > 1 > 2
There is no other order.
(Unless we bring in subjective taste)
1 is okay.
2 is one of the worst things ever made by a human
3 is horribly bad
4 is a masterpiece, but is quite cheesy
5 is amazing but overrated
6 is okay
7 is okay
even if i don't like 7, i gotta admit it's better than 3 and on par with 6
swap 7 and 3 and you're right
(2 is not that terrible tho)
4>5>6>3>1>holiday special>2
1 is shit
2 is one of the worst things ever made by a human
3 is pretty bad
4 is a masterpiece, but is quite cheesy
5 is amazing but overrated
6 is good but flawed
7 is good but meme bait
>1 > 2
First one I agree to.
I agree with that except I think 3>7, mainly because the characters in 7 suck.
4, 5, 6, 2, 3, 7. 1 is optional.
What exactly did 7 bring to the table? It was a complete copy of 4 but with shit characters and a weak soundtrack.
What if I told you they all sucked and that there are no memorable characters in any of the star wars movies.
no they don't
Poe, Finn, Kylo Ren and Hux are awesome
I agree that Leia and Han are quite bad
Rey is meh at most
i agree with your ranking, even though for personnal reasons i prefer mine
Also, i never undestand why 7 was considered as meme bait, can you explain why pls ?
New toys...that's it
1 is mediocre
2 is one of the worst sci-fi movies of all time
3 is an unintentionally hilarious trainwreck
4 is a masterpiece
5 is the best
6 is flawed but good
7 is alright
Almost nothing, but it wasn't the goal
The goal was to restart the franchise
And it did
you're right and you're wrong, you can't deny that there are no memorable characters (everyone knows Darth Vader)
would you consider that 7 is on par with 6 ?
>complete copy of 4
Show me a character from 4 that's like Kylo Ren.
Because it was a solid Star Wars movie that's miles better than any of the prequels and arguably RoTJ. But because it's the new hotness memesters will insist on saying it's shit and spouting "not muh starwars" when it's the most Star Wars-ey thing to come out in movie form for decades.
At least that's how I feel.
All the prequels had more memorable moments than VII.
I would say 6 is better than 7 but I don't have any problem with people thinking they're equal. Both are flawed but fun.
And TPM was a biggest rehash of ANH than TFA
mmh okay interesting, thanks for answering me user
not at all
Vader obviously.
But those moments were memorable for all the wrong reasons.
No problem, dude.
Shit stinks longer than water, user.
Why do people spit on TFA's soundtrack ? It was amazing
>The Attack on Jakku
>Kylo Ren's theme
>Rey's theme
>Poe & Finn's escape theme
>The escape from jakku theme
All the themes in the middle of the movie are pretty bad tho
>March of the Resistance, one of the best SW themes
>Han's death theme
>The new version of burning homestead
>Luke's new theme
If you think they're the same character you're retarded. Vader was a confident badass, Kylo was an angsty kid who wants to be a badass.
No one as far as I remember, but he is also a terrible character who makes no sense.
It's still a copy of 4 in many many things including the most story points, and a nostalgia fix, which is both unimaginative and low
>7 anywhere but last place
Well done sheep. Well done.
Aannnd you're wrong
Vader has nothing much of a character in his first movie, Ren is much better (in his first movie, because ESB'S Vader is undefeatable)
And they are nothing alike
Kylo ren was an awesome bad guy, he was original and risky.
7 is good objectively.
Just because you don't like it mean it's bad
>4 is a masterpiece
Come on now. The series at it's height is 7/10. It got acclaim for it's special effects and nothing else. It's the Final Fantasy VII of Sup Forums, and there is nothing wrong with that, but don't pretend it's anything other than a light show.
7 is retroactively the worst in the series because it does nothing new or attempts anything. It's just a mediocre, if not Transformers-tier plotline with awful dialogue, awful characters, terrible pacing, the worst editing I've seen outside of Game of Thrones and on top of that it's just a fucking remake of A New Hope with Disney's agenda. It makes the same mistakes and features none of the originality of A New Hope.
If A New Hope is a masterpiece, The Force Awakens is gutter material. Throw it in the trash and put Abrams and everybody who cites George Lucas as an influence in there while you're at it.
How is Kylo original, and how is he risky, and how is he an awesome bad guy?
His whole role in the film doesn't make any sense.
VII restarts the franchise after the disaster of the prequels, and it had to have a familiar formula
By the end the movie brings new interesting elements, and escapes from the shadow of ANH.
>le 7 is the worst because it's unoriginal meme
I agree that 7 took way too much from 4 but let's not pretend that the prequels are in anyway better. The prequels may have more "originality" than 7 but everything else about the prequels is inferior. "awful dialogue, awful characters, terrible pacing, the worst editing I've seen outside of Game of Thrones" perfectly sums up the prequels.
The Star Wars setting is the familiar formula, you're telling me that they had to copy the story and fill i with cheap nostalgia because than a Star Wars movie wouldn't be familiar?
During most of the film we believe he is a super badass big guy (For you), that he is strong and everything...
But he turns out to be an angry and edgy kid, with no other goal than to be Vader's shadow
It's risky because people thought he was super badass and they discovered an edgy brat. And it's risky when most of the people nowadays just want a "suprrr badaaasss bad guyy heeeee"
>"awful dialogue, awful characters, terrible pacing, the worst editing I've seen outside of Game of Thrones" perfectly sums up the prequels
It also sums up 4-6, except maybe the editing. The characters weren't awful in the originals, but they were certainly as unoriginal as they come.
Like I said, Star Wars originality comes from it's effects, and that is it, period. VII failed in that regard, and succeeded in no other regard.
I'd say it failed harder than the others. 4-6 may have had awful dialogue, but it wasn't groan worthy, it just wasn't even worth listening to. Every word out of every character's mouth annoyed the living shit out of me in VII, right down to Han and Chewie.
It wasn't risky because they know their target audience well and they know what sells well, no one takes risks these days because the losses are too big.
Big titles, in any media, are very very planned.
Him being and edgy kid is the worst part because that's the part which makes him not work as a character.
Swap 3 with 4 and make 1 > 2 then it's perfect.
No, to make it feel like the OT
They did a bit too much but I was okay with it
It makes him original. He is a unique villain.
the only true ranking
Okay, Sup Forums, listen.
I didn't like TFA first, but I rewatched it.
Then I rerewatched it.
Then I rererewatched it.
I watched it 37 times, and i'm currently in my 38th viewing.
This is the best star wars movie. I'll make a thread or something else explaining why, but this movie beats the prequels, respects the original trilogy and is far better than any other SW movie.
I think i'm not even a fan of the originals anymore. 7 is much more entertaining. I'll explain why someday
Kylo Ren is just Anakin in Ep. 3
Ignoring that and the fact that every character and archetype has already been done in the newly non-canon EU, then yeah I guess he's original.
Correct Ranking
What ? Kylo literally blew Anakin.
Anakin made no sense, where Kylo makes a lot of sens