>February 23, 2018
>February 23, 2018
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I read somewhere that because Del Taco is not directing anymore, but some tv director, it's going to be on a smaller scale than 1
Please don't fuck it up
>one of my most expected kinos
>on the shitty slot
t-this is good right? less competition and stuff
Which Angels will be in this Evangelion?
The first film was easily one of the most fun films I've seen in a cinema. Doesn't really do it when you watch it later at home.
John Boyega is in it, so it won't be getting a dollar out of me.
Ooga Booga
He's also funding the movie
He was the only great/good part of Star Wars TFA tho
>you now remember that Deadpool was a February release
Fuck off, Reddit.
> shItty slot
If anything, this year should teach you that oversaturating the market in the summer months leads to tons of flops and movies can find success in earlier months like February. Look at Deadpool
>Neural Handshake initiating.
That soundtrack was so fucking based.
Tom Morello needs to do more soundtrack work
Deadpool wasn't expected to do that well, it looks incredibly cheap because the budget was miniscule compared to other superhero films and all the marketing was done via Twitter and comedy central. It was a surprise hit that Fox let out to die, the sequel is probably getting a Christmas release.
Pacific Rim 2 will get a lot of social media buzz like Deadpool because "muh underrated nerd movie!" It can do well in February.
I just want a successor to Cloverfield. Make me Cloverfield 2. Throw in your nigger and mechs, some neon and google glass since its da future n shieeeet, call it PR2.
Wasted trips
Also Deadpool was a retarded movie aimed to retard
That's why it worked
What makes February so bad?
Will there be any new jaegers in this movie?
>no del taco
>nigger protag
>no mako
>no hellboy
into le trash
From a marketing perspective it's generally expected that normies will only go to the Kinoplex in February to see some shitty romantic movie on Valentines' Day and few people go to the movies more than once a month
>Boyega's wide hips and ass in a tight plugsuit
they did some calculating and found out that january and february are the months with the smallest amount of movie goers
those months later became known as "dump months" where studios release movies they don't want to be associated with
but there are exceptions to the rule like treasure of sierra madre and deadpool who were released during those months but did very well in the box office
What is the Evangelion of Sup Forums?
>Deadpool was aimed at retards
>Not like my sophisticated giant robot and monster sci-fi!
a grey shaved monkey would really look out of place next to the others
>directed by a literally who
Del Toro made the movie what it is, 2 will fucking stink.
>no del taco
Please be at least half as good as the first one.
Pacific Rim will be the GOAT trilogy OF ALL TIME
if he doesn't direct, it will definitely be shit. PR was only good because he helmed it and because his style is unique as fuck
>implying my TV isn't awesome
>implying passive 3D at home isn't a thousand times better than in the theater
watching 3D movies is way more fun when done at home. the effects for pacific rim are really strong
if there are german and bosnian/croatian/serbian jaegers, I'll cream my pants
have you watched the movie? germans invented the jaggers, "jagger" means hunter in german
>Jaeger drivers are supposed to be the perfect match, mind and body
>white male, asian female
>tv director
> tfw i was going to watch the original for the first time tonight
wish me luck lads
Is praising this movie a running joke?
I fucking hated it and Im a weaboo and GDT fan.
>implying that isn't the perfect match as ordained by God
Unfortunately their weak, fleshy mortal forms cannot handle the divinity so their sons are born autistic school shooters and their daughters are born whores.
keep watching for a bit after the credits, fambro
t-there is hope for my qt asian wife dreams!!!
>implying a german doesn't know what jaeger means
kek. I was talking about the ones that actually fight in the movie
Seriously, one of the best soundtracks in recent years for sure imo, and actually memorable.
is being a weeaboo a running joke? I don't watch hentai toons so I wouldn't know
>that last one
I dunno user I genuinely loved every second of it.
What movie is the biggest one from?
these suits are too lewd
release the kraken
I hope they fix the water level inconsistencies.
the one with "The Kraken (2010)" below it? hmm let me check
>implying that's the name of the movie
you fucking retard
It's Clash of the Titans
>The Kraken (2010)
google it, just do it
see what the first result is, it's a youtube link with some text in the title that might help you identify the motion picture
>tfw the cunt who drew this is not giving you us the best resolution because he's selling prints
>wants to make money off his work
what a fucking dick!
>penis and vagina's weren't a match made in heaven
Keep your sodomite agenda to yourself
t. beta bitchcuck
>Liam Neeson as Zeus
>Ralph Fiennes as Hades
that was a fucking great cast, too bad it ended up being so shit
Shut up and release the full rez you slavic fuck.
His mech will be called Jupiter's Cock.
t. girls wont have sex with me because of le racial boogeyman
Why do we hate Boyega? He was the least shit character in TFA.
Because least shit isn't good. So that's why. Also wooden and boring.
Boyega played Han Solo?
haha fucking disgusting GOOKS... look at those disgusting little slit eyed shit skins compared to those beautiful aryan princesses!
only a subhuman degenerate would ever date anything other than a white woman!
14/88 brothers, day of the rope is coming, deus vult !!
pic related, my gf
>Implying America hasn't been the most mongrel nation since ever.
It started when we let the Irish, Italians, and Germans in.
You realize the first one had a black british guy in it too?
There is 5 races in this world
ASIAN (CHINK VARIETY japan china korea thailand etc)
ASIAN (SANDNIGGER VARIETY pakis, indians, arabs etc)
LATINO (mexican, red indian etc)
Those god damn Irish and Germans ruined everything!
is that some Hobbit concept art?
Sure, potatonigger. Jews are white too, right?
Jews are more like sandnigger/arab
We could be having a nice discussion about Pacific Rim 2.
I want Sup Forums to leave.
These are all small time compared to the monstrosities we saw in EVA.
Based Ramin Djawadi makes the best soundtracks
>John Booga
>Not Oscar Isaac
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I sure can't wait for another 40 minutes of bland and uninteresting characters talking about literally fucking nothing while waiting for the action to happen
We didn't watch the same movie
All those other Sup Forumsacks do not represent Sup Forums. Sup Forums is a board of peace. #notall/pol/acks. May Kek bless you
I heard he is still involved. Producer I think
>we saw in EVA
"we" didn't see shit
not all of us are weebs, degenerate
Oh boy! Time to post this again!
not all of us are plebs like you either
>15 boards to discuss your weeb shit
>goes to Sup Forums
>Del Taco
Good eye
>100 subreddits to flaunt your shitty opinions
>go to a forum dedicated to japanese cartoons
>Del Taco
>some porch monkey is the lead
Hard pass
>implying Sup Forums doesn't have EVA threads too
I felt absolutely none of the excitement from PR1 that I would expect from an evangelion ripoff
the horrible new series is still more exciting
you can't make giant robots interesting, 40 years later, without having an actual plot
weeaboo hate should be banned to be honest. it's the most redditiest of hatreds. look at how much anime there is in r/cringeanarchy and alike subreddits
Del "Taco" did the same to the Hobbits..... Brace yourselves Sup Forums
Exactly! When I went to watch Warcraft and the music started I was so hyped! Run and you might still enjoy it on the theater as much as I did