Pick your poison

pick your poison




I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't pick C, the other two sound insufferable.

I usually hate gamer girls but I'must gonna have to go A



wtf. all of these women are beautiful and sound like well balanced humans.
Ya'll need to look in the mirror before talking shit. O-o
picture unrelated

A, shes literally a cum dump for me, which is perfect. Also, shes the hottest out of the 3 and probably has the tightest pussy.

I married B

I choose D.

Robbie Rotten.

Goddamn, C. It isn't even a question.


C.....had me at nurse...a lot of them are good fucks, good cooks and free spending...well maybe not the last one...

C. Had me at tits.

"Gamer girls" are cancer universally.
>Art major
Literal scum.

absolutely B

A for where I am in my life right now, and B for when I get my shit together, I'll try to make her more kinky though

C - without hesitation
>A - slightly clingy
>B - Sophomore in College
stopped reading right there
>C - welcome to my life
dem tittays

"Art major" is code for "vagina that you need to feed and shop for because it will never do anything for itself"

C for sure.

>A is unsatiable dick lover
>Picks the attention whore instead
user confirmed gaylord

A because the Nurse bio says that she isn't very intelligent, which means that she barely passed her coursework by getting all C's and will likely never be promoted or continue her education, she'll get fatter and fatter until she eventually turns into a jabba the ham planet.

B would be great, but she won't do freaky shit...that's the deal breaker.

>low maintenance
A all the way

None of the above
would take a bit from all 3


C is the only correct choice. There's no such thing as a tolerable "gamer girl", and
>art major
>works at a coffee shop
You would have to be literally gay to pick this.

A all the way



B because I can reason with intelligent people and don't want to think for someone else. Wit is a huge plus because stupid people aren't witty.

A is dumb and dumb is deadly. I cannot tolerate stupid drunks due to alcoholic ex. B has self-esteem issues which manifest in fucked up shit later in life. Better than A by a long margin.

Almost went with c until I realized the last word is cook not cock

But seriously, i will never again be with a chick who isn't kinky as fuck!

A: Bluepill, virgin
B: Liberal or cuckold
C: Actual man

Which are you, Sup Forums?


Your post gave me cancer...

Are you this fucking annoying IRL? I feel like if I met you, I'd end up going to prison for bashing your annoying, redditor fucking neckbeard skull in.



It's practical, and she's easy to manipulate and upkeep a social self-imprisonment isolation from others since being depressed and shy is something that can be amplified. She makes money and buys you things, I'll get the better half if she divorces too.

I don't like overweight at all, but it's very easy to accept for everything else. I might not even have to work a day in my life.

B anytime.
A is a manchild's pick and C is for cucks

>selecting a tumblrina and calling anyone a cuck

It's internet troll/flame logic to call people what you are or you're being at the moment. I don't see why we stopped using the word "flaming" anymore.


A is a unemployed slut and clingy
B is intelligent and independent
C is fat and dumb
>people pick anything other than B


B is fucking perfect! Why would you get the other ones???

C, honestly.

Depressed people match well with other depressed people.


why the fuck would anyone choose anything other than #1

b is worthless
c is useful but not worth holding on to

I meant C

Fuck yes

Leak your teacher or even your sister lol - snap leak .cf check the image

>tfw Robbie Rotten will never steal your heart

i would marry B
but i would date A for some time

Easily C, self esteem can be worked on seems like she would make an amazing mom and tits

"Intelligent but relatively uneducated"
>A is dumb and dumb is deadly
Says the nigga that can't read

Smart people self-educate. Intelligent and SMART are different things. Uneducated people, especially women, are beyond fixing as adults because they don't grow.

I like 'em smart and educated.

"Will attend a local college 1 year from now"
>I like 'em smart and educated.
Nigga seriously learn to read this shit

Def C


B, but I don't mind to have some great sex with A, which is the most hotter than the others..

lmao C of course. I would slowly mould her into an obedient little wife. Subjecting her to my every whim at home.

tbh B would be the best long term option
A is childish
C is fat which is a deal breaker

"A" all day everyday.

Ever heard of a College Educated Idiot?

B cause redheads

A will leave you in a year.

B will divorce you in 7.

C. Definitely.

All three of them are worthless dumb sluts.

B is absolutely out of the question, an absolute bitch cunt.
C is too high maintenance. She should just accept the fact that she's a prostitute and stop lying to herself.
A would be my choice.

C, no doubt...

i have had both A and C. B is soulmate material

A = my wife basically

Super clingy, unemployed, low maintenance, loves games and movies.

There are definite pros and cons there. But overall it works well enough for me, plus she's Nordic so dem good genes (if I can ever afford kids anyway). Maybe I'm bluepilled, idk.

Why would you admit to something so embarrassing? Good thing you're anonymous on this board.

>C demands "gifts"
1. It's not a gift if it's demanded of you.
2. Demanding "gifts" really just means she's a materialistic prostitute.
3. Wait a minute... that's ALL cunts isn't it? So yeah, take C because at least she can cook.

But really, when are we going to put cunts back in their place? The mudslimes have it right.

I dare not partake of the flower of the white devil for fear of tainting my soul with hated and bleach.

Sounds fun. Can't see myself keeping up with someone like that long term though. I got bored of the party scene pretty quick.

This is basically my current girlfriend as of 3 years ago when we started dating.

>Self esteem issues, requires regular attention and affection or will become depressed.
Might as well start a countdown timer, she cheats on you.

fukin C
just lookin for sum luv in this empty shell called life

I've dated all 3 and found A good in the long term

A. She's moldable.

Yeah, you. Kys you fucking cancerous piece of slime