How the fuck does Tony just suddenly up and kill his own nephew out of nowhere when we spent literally 6 seasons establishing how he loves him like a son.
this would be like if tony just randomly killed AJ.
can someone explain this shit to me?
How the fuck does Tony just suddenly up and kill his own nephew out of nowhere when we spent literally 6 seasons establishing how he loves him like a son.
this would be like if tony just randomly killed AJ.
can someone explain this shit to me?
Poor writing for shitty shock value.
There is literally no use in explaining it to you but I am going to try because I am unemployed and bored.
Christopher and Tony used to love each other, but the relationship rapidly deteriorated when Chris gave up Adriana. If you notice, their interactions become a lot more tense, and the camaraderie is forced. When Christopher fucks that real estate woman Tony had his eyes on it and lies about it (Kaisha), Tony then writes Christopher off and starts moving onto Bobby (the episode after is Soprano Home Movies). Then came Cleaver, which was Christopher's subconscious feelings towards Tony on the big screen. This was a great humiliation to Tony and he truly hated Christopher for doing it. After that, it was merely waiting for a right opportunity. Then Christopher gets in a car accident, an accident that would have killed his infant daughter. This upsets Tony to no end, so he finally gets rid of, in his mind, the biggest liability he's had throughout his entire life.
chris was back on the heroin. and seeing a tree branch impale the baby car seat (as tony has a lot of sympathy, being a sociopath, for kids) tony had enough of chris' addiction and possibly becoming untrustworthy as an heir to the mob family.
this guy said it better than me
also i bet you think Spartacus is a better written show you faggot
Fatal case of Final Season Syndrome
No one trusts a drug addict, least of all a mob boss.
It's all MUH FAMILIA until somebody betrays their own family and has to be killed for it.
The Italians are a bunch of liars. Trust them like you would trust a jew.
literally this
>hating on GOAT italians
I bet your a fucking potato nigger
No kidding. That's one of the major themes of the show. It's all bullshit.
The moment in the car was Tony seizing an opportunity on a whim, but it's likely that Tony would have either written him off completely by putting him on shit jobs until he makes a move on Tony, giving him an opportunity to put Chris down as a threat, or outright shunned him.
This comes after, what, 4 years of watching Chris constantly disappoint him, feeling like he doesn't know him, etc. In Chris's defense, Tony had okay'd a lot of Chris's behavior until it started to affect him and his business personally. Seeing Chris's rampant disregard for his own family was the breaking point where Tony seized the opportunity. My point is, it was always going to happen, as early as Season 3
Love is never unconditional.
You never read Kafkas metamorphosis?
Tony threatens to kill Chris in the first episode of the series.
Eh, in a joking kind of way
>his would be like if tony just randomly killed AJ.
That would have been great. I hate AJ so much I still fast-forward when he's on screen.
>spotted the Nu-male
It just really felt like it came out of nowhere. I mean six season to establish such a bond and commitment
then a few episodes of minor shit and he just murders him in cold blood, devastating all his family and friends. I thought T cared about people on some level.
I wouldn't call holding him up by his shirt and saying "I will fucking kill you" joking but whatever.
You didn't even once mention the drugs and alcohol addiction
>T cared about people on some level
you know he's a sociopath from the start of the show, right?
But he's just explained where it came from, and why it didn't come out of nowhere. I think you're just a pleb mate. Don't hurt your head trying to wrap your mind around it, go watch Breaking Bad.
chris was fuckin up since season 1
he was a psychopathic dangerous drug addict and he kind of deserved his death,
Tony was a psychopath, he didn't care about anyone
>it's a "someone makes a harmless joke and christopher beats them to near death" episode
>Tony is a sociopath meme
He murdered Ralph over Tracee (and expressed guilt for it) and killed Christopher because he put his infant daughter at risk. He's a bad dude with entitlement issues but shows a great deal of empathy and has moral boundaries
they literally spell it out for you in the dream sequence when hes talking to his psychiatrist. it wasn't random, he was fucked up on drugs, and almost killed tony in a car accident. tony mades decisions like that all the time, they built it up the entire sixth season.. not random
Back to GoT for you
Tony sees people as expendable. Killing someone is easier than dealing with them. That's why he killed Chris, Ralphie, and Tony B. He feels the same way when his mother dies.
absolutely this plus which was key
He was losing his shit, absolute power corrupts.
not him but it's basically just emphasis on the fact that he is a liability to tony.
didnt chris tell him that he used again or something? after tony died chris would take power and tony didnt want a junkie with power so he killed him
>it's a "christopher goes on a drunken rage about how he hates Tony and the others and would have no problem taking them all down but realizes his mistake and kills the guy that tried talk sense to him" episode
Drug addicts are usually easily flipped by the Feds which is why a lot of Mob guys are cautious about dealing with that stuff.
He already told Chris back in Season 4 when his drug problem spiraled out of control that most guys wouldn't have gotten a second chance but he loved Chris and was willing to help him. But he betrayed his trust again after Adriana got whacked, and finally with the car accident. When Tony saw the baby seat skewered by a tree branch he knew that this was never going to end and eventually Chris would destroy himself, his family and/or rat on him to save his own skin.
The Car accident also worked in Tony's favor because he was able to kill him and make it look like an accident, getting rid of the problem while still being able to feign innocence and keeping a clean conscience.
>tries to talk sense to him
You mean when he told him to fuck off and that he was in the Mafia?
Not a good thing to say to a dangerous psychopath who sees himself as your friend.
>believing the You Coulda Killed Your Daughter meme
Even Tony didn't believe this
The murder of Chris had literally nothing to do with the tree branch in the baby seat. It's just something Tony used to justify Chris' death.
Do you think he gives a shit if a baby is skewered by a tree branch?
>it's a "Tony catches Paulie leaving the backroom in a hurry and soon after see Christopher leaving and wiping his mouth" episode
Yes. He gave a shit when Pie-O-My died and the braces hoo-er from the club died. Granted, a lot of the hate stemmed from Ralph, but still. He does care about minor things.
Tony doesn't care about a single person aside from himself. What he does care about is appearances which can be misunderstood as caring about people pretty easily, as their conduct affects how others see him. So he gets upset and mad and shows compassion when someone messes up or whatever, but only on a very base level.
this is now a sopranos murder thread
surgical af
He murdered Ralph over Pie-O-My. Tony's love of animals was much greater than his love of random whores the same age as Meadow.
Right this second I'm on the part where Richie notices the Polish maid's husband wearing DA JACKIT
He put him out of his misery
Huh, who would've thought mobsters were complete pieces of shit?
>out of nowhere
It was building up to this point because Christopher kept being a fuck up and almost getting Tony killed because you were driving while high is the last mistake. Tony had pardoned him at least 5 or 6 times, at cost to the crew's view of him as promoting his family even though it wasn't deserved.
When Chris gave up on the person who loved him unconditionally, Adriana, for people who loved him conditionally, you knew this was coming.
Chris was a piece of shit
musta crawled under there for warmth
Chris was tormented by giving up Adriana in Season 6, they never outright say it but you can see it in Imperioli''s acting. He knew he should have left with her and couldn't live with it so he started using again. Adriana was the only person who understood him and actually loved him and he knows this, he tells Juliana Skiff he doesn't love his wife because she doesn't understand him and he just rushed into it. It also doesn't help that no matter what he did he was shit on for it, tried to stay sober and the guys thought he was a drag and never came around anymore etc.
He was fucked regardless because if Tony never killed him New York would have in the next couple of episodes
spoilers faggot
*adriana farts*
>He was fucked regardless because if Tony never killed him New York would have in the next couple of episodes
I think that if Chris was still alive, he would have been approached by New York about a power change, like they tried with Silvio. Maybe they would have gone to Chris after Silvio says no, but Chrissy says yes and sets them all up.
The horse was the straw that broke the camels back but Tony killed him because of the resentment that had been building since he murdered Tracee compounded with the stress Ralph was causing him from shit like the ginny sack joke
I don't remember that episode.
You are starting from the assumption that Tony is a sociopath and disregarding any evidence to the contrary through circular logic. This all stems from your autistic black and white morality where people are all good or all evil.
Tony murders 8 people on the show and ruins the lives of many others, all for his own personal gain. How is he anything but evil.
Donny was out of his league. He needed to get got.
He is a bad man but he is not a total sociopath, this is where your autistic black and white morality comes in
You sound like Carmella talking to that therapist.
Tony is a career criminal who kills people but he still shows empathy and does good for people on occasion. He took care of Pussy's widow, he cared about Tracee and hated Ralph for killing her and felt guilty over gloria's suicide
>fetishizing specific descendants of European immigrants
Y tho
These are things he had to do to keep up appearances.
>this would be like if tony just randomly killed AJ
He should have.
Nigger the show's been over and done with for ten years, it's your own fucking fault at this point.
What appearances was he keeping up by murdering ralph, his best earner? Why did he confess to melfi he felt guilty over Gloria?
[citation needed]
You're doing exactly what he's accusing you of.
He hated Ralphie. He finally had an excuse and was fired up enough over it. Half of the shit he says to Melfi is keeping up appearances with her, too. Therapy can get like that, just because he's in that room doesn't mean he's being honest, even to himself.
he wasn't loyle to his capo
It was after "Pine Barrens" but HBO permadeleted the ep then some elements of it were brought back much later but these traits were put onto Vito instead of Paulie because it was quite obvious with Paulie and they decided to focus on Chris's drug problem instead of his latent homosexuality.
You weren't supposed to like tony so they decided to suddenly making him a sociopath incapable of feeling.
and the core of Tony's hatred of Ralph stemmed from his murder of Tracee
Seriously, Tony doesn't let that go. He constantly alludes to her death, such as when he talks about the "guy" at the "sanitation plant" who had an "accident" during his therapy sessions and he literally sees a vision of meadow as tracee
I might be misremembering things, but doesn't he look at a picture of tracee at bada bing shortly before or after murdering Ralph, too?
Tony didn't give a shit about Cleaver.
Chris relapsed and caused the wreck. He was high on drugs and would not pass the drug test. This is situation Tony can't be in where one of his closets can be pressured against Tony. Also this was the last straw because Tony saw the tree branch impale his infant daughters car seat.
he drove him out to the middle of nowhere and put a gun to his fucking head the previous season you retard
>out of nowhere
Did you even watch the show?
>There is a scene in this very same episode (Kennedy and Heidi) where Tony, in a dream, explains exactly why he did it
>this thread still needed to be created
I enjoy the Sopranos discussion but damn, does it have to be started by a retard who wasn't paying attention?
>le sociopath meme
That's not how mafia works. Chris was a major liability so he had to go. Tony didn't want to kill Chris, he just had to.
Welcome to neo-Sup Forums.
Just started watching, it's kinda boring. When does daenerys become capo?