Best house edition
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Azor Jon
Our blades are sharp
Azor Dany
Do most Houses have dull blades?
Azor Ahainnister
Loyal to lannister
How the fuck did Jon Snow avenge the Red Wedding?
Seriously, what did Manderly mean by this?
Lotta loyalty for a hired dog
I just got caught up and I have two questions:
Does Petyr go after the Stark kids just because they're the closest thing to Catelyn's vag he's ever going to get? And if Sansa and Arya died, would he start hitting on Bran?
>Lannister genes are stronger than valyrian
citation needed
The botlons were apart of it.
>Be the ship's captain Theon is travelling on.
>You want his gold but he is also fucking your daughter.
What you do?
Let him take the ugly slag
Ramsey wasnt.
But a bolton none the less. And the last bolton.
One yet lives
No, but he was the last member of the Bolton house. Jon retook The North from the Boltons who only got it because they literally stabbed Robb in the heart.
Now the Boltons are extinct and Jon has succeeded Robb as KitN
Act like a bitch and accept his gold then after he fucks off to grope asha,I proceed with giving my whore daughter a beating of a life time.
that bitch had uglier tits than smirkfu tbqh
>Brienne just so happens to run across The Hound and Arya in a continent speculated to be the size of South America
>Brienne just so happens to run across Sansa and Littlefinger in a continent speculated to be the size of South America
>Brienne just so happens to run across Stannis in a continent speculated to be the size of South America
>Brienne just so happens to run across Sansa AGAIN in a continent speculated to be the size of South America
why do people like this garbage
>best house
>A black hooded man, on a grey field, within a fiery tressure
Hooded man with fire rising = Bane
>Lord Quenten Banefort is captured at the battle in the Whispering Wood.[8]
>Lord Banefort spends the War of the Five Kings as a prisoner of Lord Jonos Bracken,[1] and he is probably freed when the Brackens submit to the Iron Throne after the Red Wedding.[9]
Was getting caught part of his plan?
Thats what happens in the books. Afterwards, she has another encounter with Theon but he doesn't acknowledge knowing her. And proceeds to fondle his sister.
>you find out later that Brienne has magic magnets placed in her brain that cause her to magnetically drawn to Baratheons and Starks.
Who dropped "a feast for crows" in dialogue better, Euron Greyjoy or Ramsay Snow?
The Seven lead her
Yes, how could people going to winterfell all find each other on the road or within the vicinity of winterfell? It's a mystery for the ages
The only strange one was finding the Hound and Arya because they were in the middle of fucking nowhere away from the roads we saw in s1
>haha doesnt know Im his sistre
>hes so horne
>Theor is grobing me what a prank :DD
>oh he stobbed horse now
>haha hes hard :D
>oh yes theor right in my graken
>btw its a prank bro :DDD
>People heading the same way ran into each other
Only Sansa and Littlefinger were on the road. The others were in mountain passes or the woods.
>the vicinity of
I know it would probably be hard to grasp for a person who never leaves his house, but mountain passes and the woods tend to be fuckhuge.
>Strongness of seed
Tully > Stark > Baratheon > Lannister > Targaryen
>oh yes theor right in my graken
Baratheon should be first black hair and blue eyes no matter who you fuck.
>The others were in mountain passes or the woods.
Arya and The Hound were going back on the path to the Eyrie, and there aren't very many of those.
Post these please.
>why do normalfags like garbage
you have to ask that?
>not the screenshot of dick warts
Ah, the personal insult. So you would prefer no one ever met and show continued on with no new plot lines? Think of another comeback, I'll wait.
Why did GRRM make the lannisters the most interesting characters but have the boring starks and targaryens be the endgame ?
the right is more realistic of a bunch of pirate faggot niggers tbqh
which is kinda silly considering blue eyes isn't a dominant gene
asher in all seriousness is a massive cunt
>victorion chillin with his holy bro
>EURON: "heh victorion how's your wi....oh sorry here have this mute bitch as an apology, I broke her in especially for you! well time to send your fleet on a suicide missions to bring back my bride cucky!"
poor old victorion and fuck asher the mad cunt
So you'll wish for their deaths and when they do die, you rejoice.
What was his end game?
euron isn't a pirate faggot nigger, he's a meshwork of obscure cultures and religions who hates the ironborn culture, in the books he will bring his family name and fleet to extinction on purpose
to be a villain and to be killed
he's not really a character just a plot device
>So you would prefer no one ever met and show continued on with no new plot lines?
No, I think if they're going to shoe-horn muh stronk womyn then they should do it in a better way than "Uh oh! Looks like X has run into Brienne and her wacky sidekick Pod! Woops! How are they gonna get out of this one?!"
or maybe don't write stupid, unrealistic plotlines where characters just bump into each other for plot convenience.
It’s really disappointing how badly D&D fucked up this series, especially considering that it was all conveniently laid out for them and would have only required some snipping here and there to tighten up the story for tv.
villains with characterization tend to be more interesting because they're more human.
>Impregnate Rickon
>Have Rickon bear him a son
>Love that son like his father never did
>Make Rickon his broodmare
>They marry and open up a bakery and get a show on TLC
>Become the new 19 Kids and Counting
>except the title would be more punny
>muh stronk womyn
Oh, you're one of those
>spinoff narrating the adventures of Captain Victarion the Fully Armored Madman and his Virile Volcano Arm
>I have no argument
thanks for playing fampai
>"Uh oh! Looks like X has run into Brienne and her wacky sidekick Pod! Woops! How are they gonna get out of this one?!"
If I had the drawing skills, I would do an old timey cartoon version of this scenario. do understand that rickon is a boy?
he can't get pregnant
>spinoff with euron's expedition to doomed valyria
>spin off Robert's war when?
>spin off about valyria pre-end doom
pls mek it stahp gooby
can anyone post the roose and doran martell one?
So why did the riverlands join with Robb in open rebellion? I mean, yeah, there was a letter floating around that said Jofferey was an incest bastard, but that doesn't seem like enough evidence to rebel. Was it just because everyone else was doing it? Are the riverlands the ultimate follower betas?
So will Melly res Jon in the books as well, or will he claim a new body through warging as GURM went out of his way to show was possible in the prologue of Dance?
>he can't get pregnant
it's fantasy, brah. anything could happen
Yes, but that wouldn't have stopped Ramsay. That's why after many failed attempts, he brokenheartedly killed Rickon and the dreams of their happy future.
He wargs into Ghost because second life.
They're related to Robb and (probably most important) Joffrey held Ned hostage and they've come way back since BobbyB's rebellion
probably because the Mountain was terrorizing their people on Tywin's orders.
>So why did the riverlands join with Robb in open rebellion?
Because Tywin Lannnister sent the Mountain to tear the fuck out’a the Riverlands, after Catelyn Stark (nee Tully) captured Tyrion.
The Tully’s had no idea WTF was going on, when suddenly there were Lannister raiders killing, looting and raping all over the place.
>it's a main protagonist becomes a talking animal book
just end my suffering
So he's just gonna be an animal for the rest of the series?
>lancel lannister almost saved the seven kingdoms
Then how will he impregnate Sansa and Dany in the books?
>muh stronk womyn
So it wouldn't bother you if Brienne was a guy?
Lancel is a Targ, so he survived
Be warden of the north
Get Sansa back and impregnate her
Lay the foundation for a future Bolton dynasty
I don't think it was any more complicated than that.
queen of love and beauty
targaryens aren't immune to fire
She's got great hands. I'd like them around my dick please.
bad bait
> do understand that rickon is a boy?
you think D&D care about biology?
Where you were when Preston lost his mind completely?
>everyone's a Targ
>Targs are immune to fire
it's like you took the cancer from bookfags and showfags and made them into one
No, the reason GRRM had the Wildling Warg POV chapter is to show you can warg back if you're really good - I think that's where Melisandre comes into play.
>implying they won't have wild wargsome orgy
>He wargs into Ghost because second life.
No, Jon will warg into Ghost after he dies but it’ll only be for a chapter, before Melisandre accidentally resurrects him.
actually i think its new meme
Brian Cox revealed in a recent interview with Vodzilla that, in the early days of Game of Thrones he was offered a role. “Stupidly, I turned it down in the early days because they didn’t pay enough money,” Cox confided to the online video-on-demand magazine. “Now they have more money. And I was silly. I was silly, it was silly, because I’m a complete addict now. But I don’t know what I could play.”
It’s unknown exactly which character he might have played, but a guess would be Stannis Baratheon, the would-be King of Westeros. That’s assuming he was approached by the producers after the first season. If it was really early on, he could have even played Jeor Mormont, former Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch (the role actually went to his Braveheart co-star James Cosmo).
To make matters worse, Cox—who refers to himself as a “great Game Of Thrones fanatic”—now has to watch all of his fellow gravitas-laden acting buddies stepping into Westerosi characters left and right and then cashing HBO paychecks down at the bank. “I just watched my friend Ian McShane (Septon Ray), and I thought, ‘Ooh, Ian’s in it’, so I settled down to watch him. And I thought, ‘Ian did that?’ and immediately I thought, ‘God, they must have paid him well’, because I know Ian!” he joked to the interviewer. “And there was Max von Sydow (The Three-Eyed Raven) doing that character that he did, so in a way, it’s attracting certain people who do film, and, of course, I’ve got friends like Clive Russell (Brynden “The Blackfish” Tully) and Liam Cunningham (Davos Seaworth) and Charlie Dance (Tywin Lannister) is an old pal, being in it, and they had a great time in it.”
when he started crying about Salsa in his ep10 review I lost my sides
How is that any different from what I've said?
WHO OWNS THE NORTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
R.I.P greatjon
It was smalljon.
Greatjon was the one who crowned Robb King in the North
BAD PUSSY_____________________cat
wait that's not the right image
>all this kvetching over lost shekels
top kek
>And there was Max von Sydow (The Three-Eyed Raven) doing that character that he did
remind me what the point was in recasting this guy? even McShane had more lines and screentime than him.