The only thing wrong with this is the script.
The only thing wrong with this is the script
The only thing wrong with it is the audience.
Superman looks like a retard
fixed you for you
the only thing wrong with this is upset fanboys thinking the script is shit
Oh well that's a trivial problem surely then
Just the script? Oh well then!
>The only thing wrong with this is the marketing.
Should have never been "vs." as it sets up an unrealistic expectation and frames it in a way it didnt realy play out or need to. Plus Superman's standing in pop culture is so tenuous, as he's seen as gay, overpowered, corny, etc, that it just served to degrade his brand. Of course 80% of the audience was rooting for Batman to kick his ass, literally out loud, as Supes is just trying to save his mothers life. So having Superman job for Batman hurt the DCCU. Also while it is excellent, it's not really for kids, and that's ok, DC offers a ton of other media that is, but that should have been made a bit clearer somehow. In line in front of me at the theater were 2 six-seven year old girls in a Superman and Batman cape. They should not have gone to see it, as it's not for them. They could stick with Titans cartoon, DC girls whatever else.
Marketing, and the truncated running time fucked this film up.
Stop stealing my bit fag
In 20 years BvS will be regarded as the pinnacle of cape-kino and be compared to the likes of Godfather and Citizen Kane
People are blaming Synder. It wasn't his fault at all.
It was also fucking boring. Beautiful scenes and camera work I could watch all day but lacked substance and I hated every character.
Bruce was only acceptable on a superficial level since he narrated the film and you can tell they tried really hard to create empathy for him but it doesn't say much about anything else.
That's like saying, the only thing wrong with Osama was 9-11
Superman is a super fucking boring super hero
>poor direction
>poor acting
>poor script
>poor editing
>videogame visuals
>super hero movie
I want to rub my cheeks on Henry's suit
It was pretty substantive, one of the most compelling aspects being "How would our modern, cynical world deal with the coming of Superman?" From Lex, the military, congress and of course Bruce those answers were represented.
Giving them the same mum.
Such a Dues Ex way to stop them fighting.
>poor direction
How do you superbly direct a poorly written movie?
>poor acting
They're reading from the shitty script.
>poor script
>poor editing
UE did the best it could with a poor script.
>videogame visuals
at certain points. like all capeshit films.
>superhero movie
>I don't understand emotions in general I'm such an edgelord
Did you also complain about Tony wanting to kill WS?
>Giving them the same mum.
They don't have the same mom, obviously, just the same name which has been canon for almost a century. It clearly humanized Superman to Bruce and sobered him up from his rage. I don't see why this is such a problem. Better than any single thing Nolan came up with.
Yep, pretty much. Give me a movie from later in the comics when the power-scales gone DBZ mode, i'll watch it. Hell, give me a superman that acts more like batman i'll watch it.
Watching someone who is THAT powerful be a goodie goodie is boring as shit. If i'm watching a crime fighting god, at least make him flawed as an individual jeez
I can't tell if this argument is meme or some people believe in it.
No it wasn't and it doesn't even properly explore or conclude that theme you bring up. All you cucks ever do is repeat yourselves.
It shows more people being thankful to Superman than it ever shows an actual real discussion of his detriment to society. It gets thrown out the window when it turns out Lex sets him and batman up anyway
Holy shit has anyone pointed out how ridiculous Affleck's costume looks? He's like Dude McLargehuge
Opinion disregarded Meme Satan.
So surprising people that use "cuck" as part of their vocabulary didnt get this film.
He looks fucking awesome next to Bale's ineffectual "Batman," and would dismantle 5'8, 180 lbs "Bane" in about sixty seconds.
its a movie you Sup Forums sensibilities
this. the fight scenes were GOAT.
>people keep saying script for some reason.
someone that powerful with any realistic flaws would instantly crown themselves god-king of the earth.
That was almost a sentence, good job!
Well, the script was responsible for batman telepathically knowing doomsday was kryptonian after seeing it for a second.
also for lois telepathically knowing the spear was needed before ever seeing doomsday
Extremely bloated. Horrendously edited. Poorly cast. Baldly acted. Lazily written. Painstakingly dull. Unbelievably boring. Unnecessarily broody. Terribly paced. And that is just the first hour, there is still two more hours left.
The shear number of pointless subplots are simply staggering. Plot holes? You mean mystery elements. The fact that someone read the script and decided it was worthy of spending over 250 million to bring it to the screen boggles my mind. This is what happens when you take five different scripts that have no sense of correlation. Did editing and streamlining the story not cross anyone's mind.
The production is big on making terrible decisions and this is clearly evident in the casting. Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luther is laughably bad giving his rejected Social Network performance as twitching Mark Zuckerberg. Gal Gadot is by far the biggest miscast. Most people complained when she cast due to her poor physicality and zero resemblance to Wonder Woman. Those points are fine, but the biggest drawback is that she's frankly not a good actress. She has the emotional range of a potato. Her big reveal in costume is complete with a 'cool' guitar rift like it's some Robert Rodriguez film. During action scene she is replaced by her cgi double which obviously looks bigger and muscular in comparison to Gal Gadot's actual physical appearance. I just couldn't help by have a good chuckle at that.
>We patricians refer to blockbusters as movies. Films are much more sophisticated.
The biggest misstep in the entire production is the appointment of Zack Snyder as director. It seem like he just walked of the set of making Watchmen and nobody seemed to tell him that he wasn't contracted to direct a lackluster patchwork Watchmen sequel. An opening scene that features Jeffrey Dean Morgan being killed with a slo-mo shot of a shell casing exiting a gun; the government against masked vigilantes, a powerful god-like superhuman figure; a man that dresses in a black costume and fights crime with gadgets coming out of retirement; the death of a famous hero; not one, but three funeral scenes. How is this not recycling elements of Watchmen.
Zack Snyder has the inability to direct scenes where no action takes place and he can't mask it with stylish cgi backgrounds like he did in 300. Simply put when there's no explosions it dull and boring. Simple character interactions prove to be a struggle for a director who still gets his philosophy for his movies from teenage web forums. Religious references that completely lack subtlety and elegance doesn't make you movie 'intellectual'.
Other grievances include: a scene and a plot point that revolves around urine; Lex Luther's so called evil plan; Knightmare; a hyped fight that just ends up being a normal fistfight; and actual teaser trailers for future movies in the franchise.
calm down embryo
you don't want to have a panic attack
Liking the casting and smart references it tries to make doesn't mean there aren't any groundbreaking flaws to your favorite film, fanboy. You're also on a Chinese cartoon board and you shouldn't actually believe most people use a common term here in their spoken vocabulary unless they're still in that college neckbeard phase.
This. Though we're stuck with him because he's a classic and they decided to put him at the center of DCEU.
I just disliked Lex being autistic and Flash coming on a dream.
I get it, they didnt want to show Flash's costume, but still they could have made him go back in time all hurt and with his costume destroyed and ask Bruce for help
>Baldly acted
What did he mean by this?
He is just boring to watch with no discerning personality. Even when they drown him in burden and despair they forget to give him an actual soul.
But they show the armor, it's just another costume entirely, not the regular Flash costume
You post this in every thread. He could be Bruce Willis bald and he'll still be more famous, rich, and successful than you'll ever be.
It's okay that some people don't like your balding Superman, Henry. Relax.
What was right about that film ?
Most things felt out of place or were shoehorned in.
Making fun of someone, for something they can't do anything about, is edgy, Tom.
>The only thing wrong with this food is how it tastes
It's not a disease, dipstick. You're awfully sensitive aren't you? Try some hair plugs and CGI
While it is not the only thing, I give you this.
BvS fags are fucking cancer.
I have to say, whenever i thought of bvs i'd just get fucking angrily triggered by my disappointment of that shit movie, but now I chuckle at it tnx to the relentless trolls on tv. You have made me a happier man and helped me get over my disappointment, thank you trolls.
i would watch this
There's a non-Superman comic where a Superman like character goes berserk
Don't remember its name tho
it was pretty shit
Yeah I think that was it. Looks like it. He later trips balls with his parents in some weird dimension (at the end of the ocmic), he was some Alien insert on earth
Outside of the Watchmen, I have never felt I was reading a comic book. Everything I've read after reading Watchmen just reads like a failed screenwriter (that is a failed novel writer or a failed script writer for film) try to get people to notice his stuff.
What would you recommend?
back to your letterboxd containment thread, faggot.
back to Sup Forums, outsider
Not even him but generals are cancer and you are cancer
>the only thing wrong with this house is that it has no foundations
General are cancer, but so is the rest of the board at all times. There's no difference
Either way those threads have been on this board longer than 90% of the current userbase so it doesn't matter
Hello, I am Lois Lane and I know everything that's happening in this story and I show up in scenes I have no logical reason to be in knowing things I shouldn't know just so I can be an example of superman's flaws and weaknesses
Oh you dropped that spear in the water and I never saw you drop it there? let me go get that for you
hello I am on a B52 now with the military, because I'm a reporter and they let me on
greetings, I need this helicopter and its NOT FOR NEWS, which compels you to give me a helicopter, even though you have a huge motive to get aerial footage of that huge monster, please and thank you.
BvS was trash writing more than anything
The script is the best part. The only thing wrong is the audience.
Yeah and they contribute is 'YIKES' and looking down on 'Tarko/v/sky' and other shit ironic shitposting.
fuck off, you guys ruin any movie discussion by forcing your uneducated opinions down people's throats
you are not welcome here and you're all extremely easy to spot.
you post like you're from /r/truefilm.
Cry harder, faggot. Your kind isn't welcome here
>say film
get a job
And? This happened before the site was even being brought up here too
honestly, the whole spear thing was the most confusing thing ever.
Was there something cut, even from the ultimate version?
back to your cancerous general you buzzword spamming teenagers.
Don't forget about the jew on duty.
which part was confusing? How she knew about it for no reason or why they needed it?
You post like you're from Sup Forums and started coming to Sup Forums after you heard about baneposting
And the casting.
back to your GoT-- oops I mean Letterboxd General.
Your posts reek of rabbit.
>Well, the script was responsible for batman telepathically knowing doomsday was kryptonian after seeing it for a second.
It's hardly an incredible leap of logic given the fact that the only things that are even remotely comparable to Doomsday are kryptonians.
Whats wrong? Am I right about where you stand when it comes to authentic Sup Forums?
nice boogeyman.
Your buzzwords and boogeymen are meaningless.
Been in Sup Forums for nearly 12 years. Letterboxd General is easily just a shitpost central designed to contain redditors.
confirmed for not seeing the film
You literally haven't offered a counter argument above 'no it doesn't'.
You're hardly the epitome of intelligence when you never elaborate on your factual opinions. Literally just scream NONONO IT DOESN'T any time anyone presents you with an argument like a spoiled little babby.
It probably actually will, everyone is now saying Man of steel was good and that had bigger backlash than BvS because of how shocking it was
There is, one's reddit, and one isn't. Back to your reddit circlejerk generals cockgobbler.
t. ledditor
But you're only here because redditors made this board accessible for like minded people
Get the fuck back to your yikes general, holy shit he actually saves reddit screencaps
Could you prove my point better
>actually downvoting and upvoting
>"Why is Sup Forums the worst moderated board on Sup Forums and when will the mods there get fired?"
What did you mean by this?
whats the problem? who will tell you the truth about why you're here then?
who are you quoting?
>everyone is now saying Man of steel was good
you're just falling for a meme retard
with your epic website wars that was already old in the Sup Forums vs goons raid era