You gonna see the new Ghostbusters anyway?

You gonna see the new Ghostbusters anyway?

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I haven't been to the cinema in nearly a decade

Extreme Ghostbusters is the only version that's good

Singles policy is a bitch, huh?

I never was into Ghostbusters anyway.

I watched old films long, long ago and liked Extreme cartoon

I actually hired a whore once to get in, but they still wouldnt let us in, because he had a foreskin.

No I'm really not

From his Ghostbusters Conclusion episode

>Ghostbusters III. Is it really gonna happen? Should it happen? Well, if they made The Santa Clause III, Free Willy III, Home Alone III, Psycho III, The Neverending Story III, Problem Child III, and about 10,000 Scary Movie and American Pie sequels, all the crap that gets shat out of Hollywood's big fat fucking ass, I don't see why Ghostbusters III shouldn't get made. I grew up with those movies. I would love to see those guys put on the proton packs one more time. Even if the whole movie's just the Ghostbusters sitting around taking a shit, I'd go see it.

So he was willing to see it, but now he won't because women are in it.

>foreskin matters

Were showers out of order?

It does seem a little more like sexism when you arrange it like that, eh? He'd rather watch 4 men taking a shit, than watch 4 woman at least attempting to be funny while fighting ghosts.

Good on him. I also avoid movies with female leads. Meanwhile ComicBookgirl19 got NO FLACK for saying the same thing.

i dont understand something

why james rolfe?

hes like the nicest guy ever... i could understand someone like doug walker even though hes probably ecstatic to shill out the film, but if you watched his home movie fottage of ebing in europen doug walker is an actual asshole in real life, very annoying

james is like the most down to earth nice guy there is. i mean maybe hes a huge douche in real life but i just dont see it, hes the kind of guy who would smile and say goodmorning as he gets his newspsper, just a well to do soul.

and hes fucking married with child! hes not some forever alone virgin hes a an actual man who has a family - he has more of a right totalk about childhood and nostalgia and whatever than fucking anyone

He's pretty obscure, most people don't know that he's boring and lame and has a shit top 10.

I'm pretty sure it's less because the Ghostbusters are women than the fact that it isn't Bill Murray or Dan Akroyd in a sequel to Ghostbusters. He'd probably be equally as disinterested in Adam Sandler and his crew taking over a Ghostbusters reboot.

But it's ok if you believe the sexism narrative that Sony's been pushing on your impressionable young mind. Thinking for yourself sure is hard.

true or meme?

Sony hasn't pushed anything on anybody, and it's wrong to think that they've influenced anybody to think any way. You can't just ignore what's said because you think there's a boogeyman behind it all

>Sony hasn't pushed anything on anybody, and it's wrong to think that they've influenced anybody to think any way.

Except for when they were deleting YouTube comments with legitimate criticisms from their trailer and leaving up sexist comments to push a narrative.

2/10 shill

So sexist people don't exist? It's not "their narrative" if people don't want to see it because females are worse than males.
You can stop any time. I guarantee every single time you've ever called somebody a "shill" you were wrong and paranoid.

james is 100% right

people always bitch about how movies are shit these days and "why did they make this movie that is garbage?!?" when they go see that garbage just to say it was garbage

it's like people watching simpsons just to say it still sucks and then wonder why it hasn't been cancelled

fucking retards dont know how shit works

You just know some retard with a nielson box is watching the simpsons just to say it's shit

>Even if the whole movie's just the Ghostbusters sitting around taking a shit, I'd go see it.
So the new Ghostbusters is a worse concept than this. Top kek.

so,if there's 1000 comments criticizing the movie itself and 1 comment saying that women suck and sony deletes the 1000 but leaves the one up, they aren't distorting reality in favor of the narrative that all the dislike comes from sexist manbabys?

>everyone who doesn't LOVEEE this turd is a 50 years old loser who lives with his parents!
This is something I don't get

god you are so annoying. everything you say is annoying

>I guarantee every single time you've ever called somebody a "shill" you were wrong and paranoid.
Just what s shill would say

Sexist people do NOT exsist, and i bet you're a fucking female because that post was utter fucking shit. Get back in the kitchen, whore!

Fffffffind out on tonights episode of real or ruse

It'd have to have the ORIGINAL CAST for that to entice him.
The studios waited too fucken long to make a 3rd GB movie, now they're just using it to promote their agenda. Plane & simple.

Childish bullying... from childish people.

lt's their marketing strategy user.
ldiots will genuinely believe it and watch the movie just to "stick it t the man".

You guys do realize they are trying to pull an anita sarkeesian and market the movie through backslash, right?

The only time I ever go to the theatre is if I deem s movie worth it. Ghostbusters is a shitflick and will be avoided.

>Bill Murray
But Bill Murray is a boring actor

Bill Murray >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everyone that's in the Ghostbusters remake

The reaction to a mild six-minute video essentially saying "I won't be giving money to a movie I think looks shitty" from asspained leftists desperately defending a dogshit movie because it pleases their political agenda is far more entertaining than the movie could ever be. I'll remember it everytime the faggots get angry about "DA INTERNET" overreacting to something or when they try to pretend they're good, tolerant people.James just raised $20k for a children's hospital....meanwhile, SJW's live in a city with an enormous homeless problem they giggle over while writing shitty clickbait articles about how -something with white straight men X- should be destroyed or changed to have women and minorities in it and that is somehow making the world a better place. Soon they'll be dragged out into their cucksheds and burned down, screaming as their problem glasses fill with blood and smoke.

That's easy to get around, the thing that really drove me off was the mandatory penis inspections. They'd be bearable if they didn't hire asian girls to laugh at you the entire time.

Nice try New Ghostbusters Internet Defense Force

SJW shame tactics+ Sony marketing...a match made in some shitty San Francisco bar where people vape a lot.

Maybe when it hits torrent sites, but I doubt it.

No, the first one was just OK, and this one looks to be much worse.

It's almost a week before this shit movie comes out and no reviews from critics on floater and rotten tomatoes. That's all you need to know.

Meant to say Flixster and Rotten Tomatoes. While during the same time period BvS was getting bombed by critics. It's all you need to know in regards to the critics payoff that's going to happen.

I've seen the trailer and I think I've seen enough. I won't even torrent it.

If you want to see this trash, if you absolutely have to witness the car crash yourself, just pay to see a different movie, then sneak into Ghostbusters. But even if the proceeds aren't going to Ghostbusters, you're still technically paying to spend your time watching Ghostbusters, so no way in hell am I going to do that

The illuminati hates Avgn.

No, trashy comedy reboot movies that shit on adventure movies from my childhood are not really my genre.

No since I never saw any of the original movies to get me interested in the franchise.

Not going to see. Just not excited. Never cared for the original Ghostbusters, and don't care about this one.

Anyway, to the people who cry about this movie; you guys better go see it, if you're planning on hating it. I think it's absolutely absurd to hate the MOVIE for its TRAILER. Of course the movie can be just as meh as the trailer, but you have to see the movie to be sure.

The new movie isn't part of the old franchise.

Google is your friend, newfag.

a trailer is supposed to make you go want to see the movie, not scare you away from it

Yeah, I'll definitely check it out once the blu-ray hits torrent sites. But until then, I'm going to pretty much ignore it, because you faggots won't shut the fuck up about it. I don't care. I don't want to be involved in your inane retardation. Why do you idiots think this is a fun game to play? It's so boring and stupid, and all you're doing is serving to give this stupid shit free advertising. Although honestly, these threads are probably posted so frequently because someone is paid to, and that also makes me want to ignore this shit. This could be a great movie, or a terrible one. I don't care. I'm not listening to what any of you have to say until I see it for myself, and I won't be paying to see it. You advertising teams really need to reign in the bullshit because you're driving away potential sales by being overly aggresive with the online marketing aspect of your films. Take my advice or don't. It's your $10.

Please, it's


As a kid I used to find it very uninteresting, now even more so.

Great example of mediocre sense of humor in films for me. So of course I also don't care who was casted.

Okay shill, I WILL see this flick! PS: six cents has been deposited into your account. ;)

Is it just me or does it feel like this crapola film is taking ten years to hurry up and come out so no one can watch it

Laughing asians inspecting my penis is my fetish.

>isn't part of the old franchise

No of course not it just took the name, the likeness, the overall plot, and even the logo from it.

But other than that it's in no way related.

Of course, but people are criticizing the new movie as if they've already seen it and it's been treated as one of the worst things on earth.

Again, it may very well turn out to be utter garbage, but we need to see the movie first.

But we have seen this before it just wasn't ghostbusters.

Didn't care before. Don't care now.

Love the drama, though.

>You gonna see the new Ghostbusters anyway?

Sure, everyone's gonna see the movies, including the haters.

Don't you worry, negative publicity is a good thing.

This always works out.

All memeing aside, yes.

I can't tell the levels of irony we have transcended anymore.

Watch as these SJW simpletons try to explain why Hollyjew designers don't want to use the gorilla as their advertising model.

It's because she's over a size two! Of course!

Not because she has a face so ugly her parents had to tie a porkchop around her neck to get the dog to play with her.

nope. everything of this "movie" looks terrible.

>plus she is gorgeous


That's the thing I don't get, how is this not Ghostbusters? I don't think the original Ghostbusters trailers are somehow light years better, BUT because I'm not a fan of the franchise, I understand, I probably don't view this whole situation the way I ''should'', and that's fine and you're fine to think whatever you want too of course.

I just think it's bit excessive to ''hate'' an un-released movie as strongly as people have on the internet.

>we need to see the movie first.

The entire story leaked on reddit months ago.

It's shit.

The backstory to why it was made (muh female empowerment, intentional recasts to please Amy Pascal, Feig the fag wanting a franchise to make money) has also leaked.

We literally know more about this movie before release than we know about most movies after release.

The "withhold judgement" people are trolls, idiots or paid shills.

This is great.

Honstly, film events were much more interesting when celebrities dressed themselves.

Now it's like watching kids: Dressed by others with clothes they have do handle back.

>Pic related: The lovely Léa Seydoux, getting screwed by her Louis Vuitton contract and new stylist.

I'll see it at the dollar theater in a month or two

>it may very well turn out to be utter garbage, but we need to see the movie first.
>pay to see something that looks like shit just to see if we are correct in our confirmations.

thats not how it works.

They have shown enough in the multiple trailers for us to conclude that the movie is going to be bad.

>Hurr durr we strong womynz we shoot ghost in the dick lol xD!!!!11!!!
That's the level of humour and thought they put into this film.

I don't think you understood that comment at all.

>2 are sexist
>8 aren't
>the 8 non sexist comments with genuine criticism of the film get deleted
>Only the 2 sexist ones remain
THIS is pushing an agenda, and creating a narrative. They are hiding genuine criticism and highlighting sexist comments to make it seem like only sexist pigs who live in their mothers basement hate the trailer.

But also criticizing something this heavily requires seeing the movie first, but I guess I'm just crazy.

>de slime got everywhere
>in every crack
>geddit crack
>like my ass and pussy
>because I'm a woman
>slime in de pussy

Laugh or you're a woman hater.

Hey, look, I get it, but I'm talking about the people who seem to be criticizing the flick beyond the trailer and for some reason immediately get super hostile about it. Sometimes the critics sound just as stupid as the studio pushing its sexist narrative.

>"i don't like thing"
What a great world. Because this attitude in the 3D world wasn't enough.

>why james rolfe?
>hes like the nicest guy ever
This is the answer unfortunately.

>most people don't know that he's boring and lame

>look l'm wearing a funny wig
>funny right?

This is where you're supposed to laugh, you misogynist pig.

no -- all of the actresses are somewhat repulsive or cringey

if they had emma stone, rachel mcadams, juno temple and lily collins, with michael shannon as the reception dude, and if it was directed by Lynch or Del Toro, i'd prolly see it

but alas

i dont like the original ghostbusters so why would i see this one?

not even gonna pirate that shit famalam

wow you are the definition of a nerd cuck stereotype

>Plus, she is GORGEOUS.

No one actually really thinks this.

Because it fits their narrative like a POWER glove.
>James is known as the ANGRY nerd
>he literally films in a basement
>looks mildly slobbish
>lives games
>is a straight white man
>is against a movie that has WOMEN in it

It's too easy to paint him as sexist mythological creature. And people are falling for. They don't even bother to look into him. They already think they got him figured out; how he's a disgusting women-hating white fatso in his mommy's basement.


im going to see it because judging a book by its feminine cover seems pretty childish

You're right, I am now a #HillDawg.

I think i will see it, not sure when it shows in europe but if it does now that i am on summer vacation i will go and see it.

I read a lot about it here on Sup Forums, mostly bad because 4 not supermodel women has the lead roles.

Actually it feels strange that one of the greatest western world countries has the same views on women as the islamic world :(.

not sure what you mean, but at least i enjoy my movies my way

>I would love to see those guys put on the proton packs one more time.
>those guys

Nah, totally just because women are in it.

Those GUYS you cishet

brunette, blonde, black, red

1) He wants to see the ORIGINAL CAST and original characters. Duh.

2) The new Ghostbusters is a chick flick, I'm sorry psychotic forever-alone feminists have convinced you that you need to enjoy chick flicks or else you're sexist. These same women would never watch Sex in the City if it was remade with a bunch of men in it...

Compare to movies with female leads which are not chick flicks e.g. Alien, Tomb Raider.

There's Ghostbusters video up at IGN's channel and the comment section and the bandwagon disliking once again show how childish some these people are.

You didn't like the trailer? Fine, me neither, but it's ridiculous to go around slandering and shitposting, and then turn around and say with a straight face how rational, legit and not at all anti-women their so-called ''critiques'' are.

>I'm talking about the people who seem to be criticizing the flick beyond the trailer
And who exactly is doing that? Everything bad people are saying is either based on the trailer, the actors involved and their previous work, or interviews they have given.

>I didn't like the trailer
>Let me go around defending the film as much as possible
Bro, Melissa McCarthy ain't gonna suck your dick because you defended her on Sup Forums.

Walks like a turd, smells like a turd, feels like a turd, came out of a smelly butthole...probably is a turd? Is that what we're saying? What did I mean by this?

Idiot cuck.

Are people also sexist and anti-women for not watching Bridesmaids? Stop trying to guilt men into watching this girly propoganda movie.

You can criticize the trailer and other clips released. We're saying the movie LOOKS bad, and it does.

Gonna download first camrip that goes online, just to hate-rate it on IMDb and RT.

Asians trying to laugh while I'm making a bulge in their throats is my fetish.