Criterion sale thread: recommendations edition

Criterion sale thread: recommendations edition
Already getting Days of Heaven because I've seen it and fucking love it

need recs though. Should I get
>My Darling Clementine
and I already have Fanny and Alexander and Wild Strawberries, so what's the next Bergman I should get? Not the Seventh Seal. I'm thinking Summer Interlude because it's only $15 for some reason

have a day off, Criterion employee.

also, as weird as this is, I want my next Bergman to be something my mom/normies would like. Should I go for Autumn Sonata then?
this is one of the events that inspires film discussion on this board. Pardon me for liking it

Hiya Shill!

hello enemy of cinema

Gonna get ABSD, Brief Encounter, Only Angels Have Wings, not sure what else

I wish The New World was out already, those basterds

It's on sale for $25. First time I've seen them have even a dollar off of a new release

is seriously no one interested in this?

Hey assholes respond to this thread

Just get Saló and be done with it

Gonna get the New World, seems like it ships/comes out in 3 weeks which isnt bad?

Also recommending Close Up/Certified Copy in light of Kiarostami's passing. Great bonus features and content.

You're the reason people think criterion is a meme

> Hiroshima Mon Amour
> Persona
> Salo
> Picnic on Hanging Rock
> Tokyo Story
> Three Colors Trilogy
> Apu Trilogy

> In the Mood for Love
> Stilman Trilogy

Debating on grabbing Badlands, Eyes Without a Face, and the Road Trilogy


This right here my nigger

hahaha I love the Criterion dvd collection senpai!

I have all the Wes Anderson movies! Did you know they once released Armagedon!



>Fantastic Planet
My nigga

i second this, it's really good.

Anyone have a Barnes membership? I'm thinking of getting one for this

My friend has one. 10% off and he gets a good amount of coupons sent to him.

Not sure if it's worth it just for this sale.

I might pick up New World and a couple of other things

it's a drag being in Canada because the shipping is a bitch, still a decent deal though