What's a good movie for the Stormfront / Sup Forums crowd?

What's a good movie for the Stormfront / Sup Forums crowd?

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Django unchained

Hateful Eight

The Cuckold



>le Sup Forums boogie man
Sup Forums or stormfront don't come here, you paranoid redditer.

Honest answer, The Birth of Nation, but it's old as fuck and I'm pretty sure that most of the user base would be bored to death while watching that.

Any blaxploitation Flick

Yes they do.

Ghostbusters (2016)

Upcoming dark tower movie.

Barbershop 3

Sup Forums is a cancer that's spread to every board

Romper Stomper

hola reddito

Hola snow nigger

You millennials with your participation trophies and twitter slang and tumblr sensibilities make me sick.
Whatsa matta? Widdle baby needs a safe space from da big meanie on da inta-net? Well I've got news for you cuck.
Real life has no safe spaces. So look up from your phone, get your head out of the PC clouds, and wake up.
The real world is knocking at the door. We're taking this country back. And you can lead, follow, or get your fairy ass out of the way. Choice is yours, kiddo.

The Santa Clause II

This is a television and film board and your bullshit doesn't belong here.

*smacks lips together loudly*

*masturbates to anime furiously*

I would say Triumph of the Will. It's very German though. I mean German in a musical marchy song type German way.

Stormfront is comfy af

I don't think I've ever encountered someone using kid/kiddo as a pejorative who I could take seriously. Post quality in these cases are totally irrelevant, as soon as the kiddo is dropped, so is all credibility.

psh.. your a nigger
*does nazi jutsu formation and summons a Mercedes-Benz 770 and drives away*

this is reddit this is memes this is reddit this is memes this is reddit this is memes

Der Ewige Jude

Fuck off reddit


> tfw will never be white and allowed to hang out with fellow racists at stormfront

Soul Plane (2004) directed by Jessy Terrero, written by Joe Zenga and starring Kevin Hart, Method Man, Tom Arnold & Mo'Nique

Any black ghetto movie made in the 90s thats showcases the real behavior of black americans that the media hides from white people because they know white people would flip out when they realize the disturbing implications of having such humans in their society(LOTS OF FUCKING CRIME).

American History X