Why was this kino so underrated?
Why was this kino so underrated?
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If it wasn't called "True Detective", people would've given it a pass.
But it had too much hype and expectations to live up to.
The first one defined a sub-genre and a narrative style. This one was too different.
Redditors on Sup Forums started hating on it because it got popular part way through season 1.
>so bad HBO actually canceled it
But boy those contrarians on Sup Forums say it's good so it must be, right?
It's officially overrated at this point because of all the contrarian shit posters on Sup Forums who insist it's good.
They totally abandoned the spirit of the first season and the fanbase felt betrayed
If it wasn't called True Detective it would have been given much more leniency, critically.
Oh, look, another thread where Sup Forums shitposters try to delude themselves into thinking TD season 2 was anything but garbage.
You're fucking delusional.
So where were the fucking lebrons?
He's correct
All the reviews compare it to its previous season.
Fortunately critics aren't as easily duped and fooled as you fucking chumps, this shit could have been called anything and it would have been rightfully derided and called out for it's stilted, over-wrought dialogue, pointlessly jumbled plot, lack of atmosphere, poor characters and mediocre acting. Call it whatever you want, the substance is shit, only Sup Forums kids think calling it something else would fool people. Get a grip motherfucker.
It certainly has it's moments, it's enjoyable on an ironic level, to see how bad it gets, but that's about it.
It was trash. It's time for your memers to accept this.
stopped reading when you decided to deride us in the first sentence, you should really think about what your words do to people.
Yes? And? So?
Exactly, kill yourself faggot. If it was called something else the reviews would be three sentences shorter and would just say ''this new series sucks''
I don't care either way.
It was a meme factory regardless.
it was more consistent than S1 was for sure,
S1 would've been immensely better had it not completely shit the bed in the last 2 or 3 episodes
>you should really think about what your words do to people.
Stopped reading right there.
>it was more consistent than S1 was for sure
If by more consistent you mean more consistently awful, sure.
lol this
I liked it. All those plebs shitting on it are nothing but dust in my eyes. I just blink it away.
no, more consistently entertaining actually you no-wit reprobate.
Sure, kid. Keep deluding yourself.
You're a fucking idiot and a faggot.
why do you plebs get so aggressive and upset when people don't follow in line?
The underage retards of this board can't get into anything that actually has plot or character development because "NOTHING'S HAPPENING"
Season 2 was great, it's just that most people won't be able to pay attention to something unless there's a scene with some kind of violence or sex every 5 minutes.
relationships are importants.
Words matter
Double trips fucking confirm, TDS2 is excellent.
Nice meme.
nice post loser
Sorry for insulting your """kino""". You probably also think BvS is a masterpiece, don't you, you pathetic memer?
>he dislikes BvS too
not surprised seeing how upset you get at this
go shitpost in more BvS threads craven
TD2 is too cinema for Sup Forums underaged kids
>he likes BvS too
Oh, man, even more of your credibility down the drain.
what else do you hate because it's not critically well received? AoJJ?
The lera lynn songs were underrated
Show had so much atmosphere in the bar.
what else do you pretend to love because it's not critically well received?
That's it i think
rewatched Fury Road yet today pleb?
What else do you love just because everybody else hates it?
You see this face?
It's the face of telekino.
That's it i think
rewatched Fury Road yet today pleb?
Kid, you unironically believe BvS and TDS2 are good. You are the very definition of a pleb.
>he didn't answer
holy shit you have hahahahhhahaah
Ray was so good.
Ain't no nu-male cuck, but pure RAGE KINOCTIVE
Holy fuck KYS plebe
Season 2 was one of the most atmospheric things i've seen on Sup Forums
>he dodged the accusation
>being THIS plen
it's better than S1
It got cancelled because of ratings, not because of quality.
And it lost ratings because it sucked.
that's why quality shows like the walking dead have such good ratings.
Right, all shows of high quality have high ratings and all shows of low quality have low ratings because that's how our perfect world operates.
>a popular and highly-watched show all of a sudden has a dramatic decrease in viewership
Now why would this happen?
shit argument
Dodging it like a pussy, I see. I'll give you the answer: because of a dramatic drop in quality.
or a dramatic change in tone and accessibility.
S1 had plenty of relationship drama for plebs to hold on to.
TD season 2 = zero original content
those are some huge leaps
No, it had plenty of 10/10 asses for patricians such as myself. There was more relationship drama in S2 by virtue of three times as many characters
Even the relationship drama in S2 wasn't as accessible, the most was about a closeted gay's beard
Oh I agree, S2 is shit and was a bad idea all around.
shit retort
Truly the best waifu of s2
he looks like McAdams in this particular shot
Whats with the sudden influx of TD season 2?
I mean, I liked it and all, but these people are 1 year too late.
First season had one director. Secobd season had 2663372817.
Absolutely god-fucking-awful writing with regards to just about everything in the show.
Pizzahack was revealed already in TD S1 with how bad he backtracked and tried to salvage his shit mystery.
everyone who uses the word hack in their posts, especially in a name always oust themselves as fucking retards, wonder why that is.
>why are people still talking about movies from 40s?
Celebrating the one-year anniversary, of course.
I just randomly rewatched S2 a couple of days ago, so I was pretty happy to find no less than two threads about it today.