What is the film equivalent?

What is the film equivalent?

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tree of life.

nobody on this board actually reads, try /lit/


Any John Green adaptation. Fault in our Stars, Paper Towns etc.

Green frequently cites this book as a large influence on his writing style and the themes he puts in his books. Having read both to see for myself, the similarities are certainly numerous.

Fight Club.

Bio Dome

Ah holy fuck! You did not fucking compare Green who writes subpár Christian YA to David fucking Wallace Foster did you? I could shit on your head right now!

David Foster Wallace effectively invented YA.

The Dark Knight Rises

11/10, elder master troll

>comparing John Green to DFW

100/10 holy shit. dfw is over-rated as fuck but he's still light years beyond green in his prose.

see kids this is how you troll

the 8 episode miniseries being written by the guy who made parks and rec adapting infinite jest

nothing in film has the same scope and effective point as IJ does

i am curious what the inevitable adaptation will be. probably a shorter tv show with two seaons or something

the pest intro

Was he right?


I can't even deduce the point he's trying to make. What a rambling fuck.

English is not my first language, but it's pretty clear.

He says that a true artist don't follow what the critics/tradition wants he does what he wants and what he thinks it's the best. Lynch had a completely new way to show surrealism and break reality and it was something that DFW hadn't seen before and inspired him to follow his own perceptions of his art.

do not be rude to david-san

An artist respects the silence, it serves the foundations of creativity.

Who the fuck are you?

IJ was one of the most meaningful literary experiences of my life. Highly recommend to anyone lurking this thread. It's definitely very relevant to Sup Forums lifers like myself.

Probably something De Palma or Antonioni made. Not in the literal sense, but in the meta context or something

>relevant to Sup Forums lifers

It's got a lot to do with addiction

Because one of the central themes of the book is the damaging nature of irony (the type irony often employed here) and that it will often lead to a vacuous existence if left unchecked. Essentially, irony is tool to distance oneself from ones emotions and from other people. You see this kind of stuff on /r9k/ a lot with talk of "normies" and such.


Not him but one thing it made me do was re-evaluate my relationship with entertainment. Seeing how this board is specifically dedicated to mass marketed entertainment I'm sure most people here would identify with its ideas on the matter.



Damn son, preach it.

To add on to that, a lot of the memeing and trolling on this board typify the sort of ironical disposition that is criticized in IJ. I think one of the points DFW tries to make is ithat often discussion of real emotion and feeling is met with insincere responses and derision because it lame, or banal, or trite or whatever. You see this kind of shit on Sup Forums all the time. However, if you let this attitude seep into your reallife, then you have a problem. It turns out that a lot of the good stuff in life, the stuff that makes life bearable, exists in these trite little moments of banality.

Anything by West Anderman


Case in point.

yeah bro, totally

You're still doing it

So are you. You don't even know it.


>it's long so it must be good
Everyone before they read this garbage book

The only message you get after reading IJ is that Wallace hates trees

uh huh, tell me more oh great master of the intricacies of DFW's views

Take a look at this post and tell me what you are doing is not exactly that. No one hear claimed to be a DFW expert, or that he was a go. He simply wrote a good book that is clearly very applicable to your average 4channer.

This book has sat on my desk unread for years now. I've had more false starts than I care to remember. I was able to read my way through Moby-Dick (and enjoyed it, no less) but this book seems like too much of a superfluous bore for me to care enough to read.

>he gets mad at ironic shitposting

>. I've had more false starts than I care to remember
Just like my life.

I think the first 100 pages are really difficult to get through for whatever reason. Theres this really terrible chapter written in ebonics that almost made me put the book down for good. After the first 100, though, it really started to click for me.

congratulations, you now realise the ultimate irony behind it all, the book itself IS the infinite jest

The End of the Tour

Are you posting this in every board? There is a thread like this on Sup Forums

>he'll never read hal's and ori's conversations
>he'll never read about eschaton
>he'll never read marathe and steeply's conversations
>he'll never read the passages describing tennis matches
>he'll never read about the beautiful fate of don gately

you're missing out

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice

Some Soviet art movie that's like 16 hours long.

Op here, it was in fact a serious question, infinite memes is my favorite book and i'm trying to get into more serious film now, so far this seems like the only serious answer (maybe also? i can't tell), so i will definitely check that out.

yeah i love wes andersons stuff, he probably appeals to much of the same crowd, but i'm not sure if i'd call any of his works "The film equivalent" of IJ

have not heard of them but I will check them out

I actually did not, looks like a copy-cat, but that is really funny lmao

just read through that Sup Forums thread and remembered why i do not go on Sup Forums, wew lass

De Palma and Antonioni both made similar post modern films, like IJ is a post modern novel.

It's the same idea dissecting what the film as medium is, Foster tried to dissect what literature/novel is

Whatever the fuck you do don't watch anything made by Terrence Malick.

Hey go fuck yourself Terence makes peautiful vilsm

Wes Anderson is definitely an example of New Sincerity, which means his films are at least thematically linked with IJ

The Comedy, maybe?

Seriously read it, it's a masterpiece.

anything by christopher nolan. The themes are unmissable

Yes yes very good Canada very good Canada HOWEVER

>tree of life.
shit movie

only shit here is in your mouth

Your moms pussy doesnt taste that bad.

Gravity's Rainbow was better desu

>still being stuck in a better-worse dichotomy wrt. to art.

ascend user

>marijuana addiction


Satantango by Bela Tarr. Just for the pure length of it. I mean IJ is like 5000 pages long. It's a pain in the ass to read. Also there are prophetic and apocalyptic themes in both of them.

>Blue Velvet doesn't come out of any previous stylistic tradition.

>The movie is heavily influenced by the surrealism of Luis Bunuel, Kenneth Anger and the aesthetic of Douglas Sirk.

So was DFW intentionally full of shit or was he just honestly not as intelligent as he thought he was?

Fucking this. How much of a hypocritical asshole do you have to be to smoke too much weed and pretend you're a drug addict. That's real fucking insulting to people like me who actually went throug periods of substance abuse problems.

lol this is p good

>peautiful vilsm

....Did I miss a meme?

umm im many cup of coffee awake

you should read the book i think you'd like the passages in the halfway house

What was the most overrated movie of the 20th century?


If you're looking for a film equivalent of Infinite Jest, you won't find it. Just watch The End of The Tour, it's literally about David Foster Wallace


There are post modern film makers and film makers deconstructing film.

Esentially what david tried to do with literature and novels

>A literary technique is damaging to society.

Jesus you really think this kind of pretentious bullshit is meaningful?

Sauce in this my dude?

I think a big part of the reason BvS was so hated was due to exactly what DFW was talking about in IF.

Marvel movies get a pass because they constantly make fun of themselves ("none of this makes sense!", "Oh, so we're cool just like that?" etc) they constantly pre-empt any sort of criticism was quips and sarcastic jokes about the content of the flicks.

BvS went for sincerity and depth with things like the 'Martha' moment and frequent thematic, sincere allusions to politics and religion and the current media climate, and it was relentlessly mocked for it, by the sad affleck meme, the deadpool comic, etc.

If you look at the movies that get the best responses from critics these days, they're almost all hyper-aware flicks with lots of self-referential humor, fourth wall breaks, etc. Even moments of heart are broken up with jokes to prevent you from thinking too hard about it.

DFW really predicted the current class of criticism. Hipster irony is destroying cinema.

BvS was hated because Zack Snyder can't tell a proper story. Sincerity doesn't fucking matter when you're bad at what you are making.

story was fine, you just have shit taste user