Can anyone name some movies with a bad ending? I'm tired of all the happy endings in movies

Can anyone name some movies with a bad ending? I'm tired of all the happy endings in movies.
No I'm not depressed or anything.
No horror please, unless it has a really good storyline.

Other urls found in this thread:

In the Mouth of Madness
One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest kinda

I'm presuming you're looking for "bad guys win" endings not "shitty endings"

The Descent


Yeah that's what I meant. One flew was the good stuff. Will check the others

Thanks will look into them

Lars von Trier is great at bad endings

Dancer in the Dark, Europa, Nymphomaniac, Melancholia ...


The Departed

Thanks, Chinatown looks nice

Odd Thomas.

it depends on your perspective

resolutions are not always pretty

but these are open to that interpretation

Just watch any film you want and switch it off before the resolution i.e. whiplash after fletcher's like 'do you think i'm an idiot' and andrew looks worried



It's mostly just depressing all over.
The ending can go either way though.
Probably still bad.

That's actually a very good idea



It's a bit of a pleb filter, desu

>In the Mouth of Madness

Event Horizon too.

I fucking love sam neil


Yeah I have seen this one, this is one of those movies that actually make you sad for the entire day because it's so depressing lol


I'm definitely going to watch this one, thank you user

I remember seeing this in theatre.
Beginning everyone was just happy chatty.
But everyone walked out in silence.


The Good Shepherd
A Most Wanted Man
Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia
The Wild Bunch
Any Macbeth interpretation (but Kurzel's, Kurosawa's and Welles' are my favorites)

Yeah that's pretty awesome. And a lot of people think that being silent after a movie is a bad thing, I think it's a great compliment for the director.

The Mist

Thanks for your sweet list, I'll definitely watch some of those

Black Christmas
Paths of Glory (mostly)
Barton Fink
Inside Llewyn Davis
Night on the Galactic Railroad
Night of the Living Dead

Nobody mentioned Brazil?

Why? He gets away in the end.


Looks interesting, will look into this

This one didn't end that bad, right?

Seven of coarse

Unforgiven kinda

Yeah that one is God tier

Main character and his wife are killed. The killer gets away. Another character monologues a bit about how all the goodness and justice in the world has gone.

That sounds pretty bad to me

Guys i need help finding a movie

>Young, coming if age film (ish)
>Made in mid to late 90s (at least it has that feel)
>several boys, one girl
>involves a train track bridge, i think someone dies on it at some point
>they sneak on to some guys land and break into his barn (i think bc they suspect him of killing a girl or something)
>the 'trouble maker' kid finds some dynamite or something
>the girl has sex with one of the boys
>he gets distant and she says the line "we just made love, bro"
>the guy whos barn theyre sneaking into finds them and they hit him on the head with a shovel i think
>they think they killed him and try to bury him or something

Thats all i remember, and im fuzzy on even those facts. Anybody have anything?


The Pawnbroker

Leaving Las Vegas

The Wicker Man

Sorta random, but that's all I can remember for now.

Stand By Me?

Hyena has a pretty ballsy ending that I really liked. Has anyone here seen it?


I came in here to check, then say that.


More like a downer ending but whatever.

The ending is a little insulting to the audience to be honest and I support downer endings too.

fuck you why do you wanna watch bad ending movies? kys cunt

Blood Diamond.
Never Let Me Go.
Remains of The Day.

Nah, its newer than that and theres a girl in the group

One of the best bad endings in a film ever. Polanski really had to fight to have it included, too.

what kind of sucks about this question is you ruin the ending for yourself

knowing what happens isn't very fun

Yeah that's true, but I also don't want to watch almost every single movie there is, only to find a few movies with bad endings

The ending made me angry because it showed that when they were in the bunker they could stayed and been ok.

Incendies (the bad ending to end all bad endings, really)
Shutter Island
Les Diaboliques
La Strada
Bicycle Thieves
The Great Escape (technically)
The Green Mile (oddly dark ending)
American History X
Dead Man's Shoes
District 9
Dog Day Afternoon
Rain Man
Sunset Boulevard (the quintessential bad ending movie)
The Killing
The Seventh Seal (another quintessential one)



>Leaving Las Vegas
That shit's just depressing in general.

Why is tragedy such an attractive narrative?


>District 9
Why do you say that? The movie wants us to root for the aliens.

Yeah that one is really unexpected lol love it

anything by


You haven't seen Chinatown? Holy shit close this thread now and go watch it.

bad ending good song

Runaway Train

Final destination 1,2, and 5

Closely Watched Trains

How did I forget to mention Threads?

The single best bad ending to a film in existence.

Well, it's more about how the main character will forever be a prawn and cast off from his own society, never to know or be loved again by the people who knew him. His entire existence, probably, just surviving as best he can, but he can never go back to his own life. It's quite reminiscent of a Hans Christian Andersen story, actually.

Beat me to it

This had a real bittersweet ending, ordinary people is badass

Ernest Hemingway once said

'Every true story ends in death.'


After all the praise this movie gets I was severely disappointed and the ending is more of a "serves you right, you stupid cunt" thing.

Great movie, I still feel like even though it ends bad, he was kind of asking for it yeah.

He was a completely edgy cunt though, to be fair. He got exactly what he deserved in the end. Still a pretty good film all in all though.

Thirded, I didn't even like it but how the fuck did no one say it??

Yeah I agree. It felt like it was actually his plan to stay in the wild, just waiting for a moment where he would be forced to stop.

Cabin in the Woods.

Ex Machina

>evil manipulative males die
>woman liberated
>bad ending
does not fempute


bad ending as in unhappy? Awakenings is a huge fucking slap in the face. One of the rare movies that actually made me cry a lot of manly tears

3:10 To Yuma

Not bad in the sense that the movie sucks. The ending was great. But nobody wins.

The prestige

Seems like Russell Crowe won since his horse picked him up in the end

what? he perfected his time travel and just kept pulling himself 1 second into the past to finish The Prestigeā„¢


Bonnie & Clyde

No mention of Funny Games? Videodrome is also a good one.

Rocket Science
Braindead (Bill Paxton and Bill Pullman

I was under the impression that he wanted Bale to win (because he could have just escaped from prison anyway), which was why he got butthurt and shot his right hand man after that guy killed Bale.

We Need to Talk About Kevin

Depressing all the way through



I Saw the Devil
Yellow Sea

Easy Rider

[spoilers]She's smiling at the end so that means it's a happy ending[/spoiler]

We can argue that she achieved some kind of liberation at the end, but come on. She sold her soul for Satan and her entire family is gone.

The Pledge

The Assassination of Richard Nixon.
Also The Assassination of Jesse James by The Coward Robert Ford.