Literally: Sup Forums the movie
>neo-natzis in the current century
well in this case they were stopped by the undercover guy. a fairly interesting read, but i expect the movie to flop
>limited release
>video on demand
*raises paw*
If the Jews run everything shouldn't they be doing everything in their power to make sure a movie with neo-Nazi villains gets maximum exposure.
>wingardium leviosa!
>all the brown people fly away
*unzips dick* jews care about profit, not much to be seen here i think. maybe they thought so. and jews prioritize profit over everything else.
so harry finally became a death eater
I'll save my money for Iron Sky 2.
Doesn't look like too bad of a flick. Radcliffe isn't a bad actor at all. Might be worth checking out.
>that accent
>For evil to triumph, it only takes good men to do nothing
WTF I hate nazi now
Why are white people so violent?
>Why are white *MEN so violent?
>literally /pol the movie
>it's about a Jew undercover cop trying to bring down a white nationalist organisation
>For evil to triumph, it only takes good men.................................... do nothing
i hate this. just say the quote, stop dragging it out like that. happens in so many movies. it's a famous quote, there's no suspense or or anything, just fucking come on already.
how come they didn't do a penis inspection before accepting him?
>it's a "Jew plays a white nationalist" movie
Radcliffe is a nazi confirmed
he found the perfect excuse to act like one in a movie too
>Daniel Radcliffe
how old is this nigga? he looks like fucking 12
>inspired by real events
So totally dramatized and overblown
This actually looks kind of cool though I'm a sucker for neo nazi plots
Aren't all people in the US circumcised anyway?
>inspired by real events
What event is this exactly?
last good neo nazi movie we got was american history X, unless I'm missing something.
Karl Tanner from Gin Alley @ 1m11s
Agreed. I like the quote, not particularly original, but god damn do they drag it out for no fucking reason.
Is there gonna be a Point Break moment when he realises that nazi are really nice people who just want to feel free?
What about The Believer?
here's an interview with the guy it's based on, i believe
>The film is scheduled to be released on August 19, 2016 in a limited release and through video on demand by Lionsgate Premiere
what did they mean by this?
What an autistic comic. Yes, the Jews control hollywood. Holocaust movies winning oscars is not sufficient evidence.
i think its the default. im not a jew and i am.
>its the default thing to cut skin off your dick
What is seriously wrong with americucks?
well i imagine now they do it because "everyone does it". but how did it begin for the non-jews? did some doctor recommend it?
Is there going to be a Point Break moment where he fires his gun into the air and goes "ahhhhhh"?
uncut penises looks like something out of a Cronenberg film
harry potter became a neo-nazi after voldemort
>in any way a dangerous or serious threat to national security
The worst neo nazis are just degenerate drug addicts, why does the media always portray them as these super hardcore violent psycopaths? Most of the time they're just fat dudes who lived outside cities with one too many chimpouts and want the nigs to fuck off
who uncircumcised american master race.
I am no jew slave.
bamn ("anti-fascist" group) attacking neo-nazi protesters:
>uncut penises looks like something out of a Cronenberg film
White penises are generally disgusting. This is why I only entrust my wife to be handled with aesthetically pleasing BBCs
to stop masturbation, its the same reason Abraham circumcised his son. you have to remember that most of the religions nuts left Europe for the colonies, which is why the US is so much more religious and why its the only non jewish or muslim country where the majority of men are circumcised
So looks like this thread is about to break out into a cut vs uncut debate.
P.s. mutilated kike cocks will never regrow the extra nerve endings that give you more pleasure
thank you, nick bougas
>why are *CAUCASIAN *MALES so violent?
Makes sense that they would be a Jew's nightmare since they would never be able to have one
>jews are showing Poland as nazi state
cut dicks are all scarred and dried up
An uncut dick with the skin pulled back looks the same as a cut dick but smooth and healthy looking
>why are *STRAIGHT *CAUCASIAN *MALES so violent?
Kellogg the cornflake man I think, who recommended it as a deterrent for masturbation.
That and I think there is a very high proportion of Jewish pediatric doctors in the US.
>Nazi's are trying to set it off.
>Not muslims
It truly is a fantasy isn't it.
>these super hardcore violent psycopaths?
Thats exactly who they are and how they look like. I know because I met tons of them. You would know if you ever left your mothers basement
Even if that was true (which is not, learn to hygiene, jew cuck), I don't give a fuck even if my dick looks like Steve Buscemi, I'm not letting anyone chop parts of it. Its a fucking dick for fucks sake
Western women will not go anywhere near your lovecraft schlongs and this is the reality you must bear
good night and good luck
My hairline ia pretry much exactly that. Am I ok family? 25
Have neo-nazis actually done anything?
Also why does Daniel Radcliffe always looke like he's prematurely JUST?
well in this case the nazis were trying to set it off
>It's another EVIL WHITE MEN movie
>why are *STRAIGHT *CIS *CAUCASIAN *MALES so violent?
"No, no, you see it's the EVIL NAZIS we should worry about, not the people cutting off our heads in real life!"
Thanks jews.
I love this holocaust propaganda shoved down literally every conceivable angle. It's like how the crusades are mentioned to balance out half a millennium of muslim barbarity. Or as if "but they have good food" tips the scale on cultures burning women alive, or cutting off their genitals.
The left is a death cult at this point.
You kept your tonsils and your wisdom teeth too, right? If you get appendicitis, keep that shit exploding in your body, right?
The US is the only "Western" country that does that, though
reminder that the alt-right is THIS easily triggered
worse than the sjw's they loathe so much
>Western women
america is the only western country where the majority are circumcised, the next is Australia and its around 30%
Seriously though, memes aside they really are churning out anti-white movies by the fucking dozens.
Why does Hollyjew hate white people so much?
Worried.......maybe bc ita cut so short.
SeeAm I ok?
>defend your nation
>become your enemy
>I know because I met tons of them
Yeah, so have I, and like I said most of them are tweaked out drug addicts. The whole perception of being violent psychopaths mostly comes from the punk rock scene.
I guess if you're a sheltered twat they seem completely out there, but in reality it's no more than any other biker gang
>You would know if you ever left your mothers basement
Oh you're one of those types of people, how original
>You kept your tonsils and your wisdom teeth too, right?
Yes? My wisdom teeth are fine, never gave me any problems same for my tonsils
>You kept your tonsils and your wisdom teeth too, right?
not him but yeah i have, i have no problems with them and my doctors aren't forcing me to do anything since health is not a for-profit business in my country
>If you get appendicitis, keep that shit exploding in your body, right?
no that would be dangerous.
if your phimosis is so severe you need surgery then of course, just like appendicitis it could be painful and even dangerous. but cutting off infants dick parts is horrifying. also it's connected with irreparable brain damage and autism
one of the twelve it means
>Let's stop racism by showing how evil white manz are.
I'm a liberal and I've voted for the social democrats for 2 elections.
Why did you people invent this meme? So you could feel safe and blame "the evil right wing"? Most people who think like me are not and weren't ever on the right.
You people just claimed the left label and think your insanity is the beginning and end of it.
Inferiority complex.
White man: creator of modern civilization and everything good and wholesome.
Jew: kicked out of every land and "holocausted" in WW2.
>defend your nation
>become your enemy
He converts to Judaism?
I hate when trailers give the end away.
It was recommended by Protestant preachers and then disreputable doctors as a way to prevent sexual urges and infidelity.
Baby foreskin is used for cosmetics
Life as a jewish circumsion-er in the US and A must be be pretty sweet.
>get paid to ruin goy penis
>sell foreskin to cosmetic companies for extra profit
>then sell cosmetics back to the population for even more shekels
Like the whole country is your cattle ranch. Is it too late to convert?
>implying Neonazis aren't the niggers of the white race
The world would be better off without them.
Don't forget to make this year's Oscar baiting black man's struggle against the white menace film.
They just wanted to make a film about this event. Calm down faggot.
>he thinks all film has a personal agenda
They wanted to make money, that's the agenda of this film.
>doing anything but getting drunk in their trailer parks
>mfw the twist is that they were the good guys all along
Neonazis are meme tier but this will further show that if any white person has any sort of pride or love for their race they are a ''le evil nazi trying to blow everything up''.
>Wanted to make money.
If they wanted to make money they could had made another capeshit movie.
They didn't choose radical muslims, they didn't choose radical Judaism, they didn't choose radical Russians or some north Korean splinter groups.
They choose white people.
>limited release
>making money
Why won't white people just die already. Like, ugh, its 2016, are we seriously allowing a race of slavers and racists to roam free?
Someone has to support the wife and her bulls.
can someone explain me what's the deal with racists and shaving yourself bald, like why is that haircut so popular with them
this, but unironically
>people should only make films that support my own political agenda
Holyshit. You are the worst kind of person. Stop being such an incredible faggot.
Wow another kike made antiwhite film.
Who would of guessed?
>ANTIFA beating up Nazi's
Oi I'm laughing
It looks like it because he's like 5'4"
Because the modern Neo-nazi was born from the London punk-rock scene
>Literally: Sup Forums the movie
So is it a satire?