Now that the dust has settled, is anyone even looking forward to the sequel for this? The movie wasn't memorable in any way, do people eat these movies up because of muh dinos and muh CGI?
Jurassic World
i remember how bdh was so fucking hot in it that they could make 10 more as long as i see her sweety jugs again
i'm hyped for anything with more BDH in it
>do people eat these movies up because of muh dinos and muh CGI?
there are other reasons
I don't actually remember much apart from the hot ginge. I'd watch a sequel if she was in it.
Wtf i want milky now
Honestly if it wasn't for BDH and Chris Pratt and the final T Rex battle scene then JW would be totally shit. That's the only thing fans talk about in this movie anyways.
yeah, cgi dino's are fucking awesome. it's tributed the original, so I can't hate it either.
It was a movie that kinda played against the tropes, so that's good. It makes totally NEW mistakes, but it still played against the typical tropes.
don't, you're embarrassing yourself in front of guys. she's not here.
>muh dinos and muh CGI
Not to forget
>muh pinup in distress
People like lazy safe American cinema, so... Congratulations to the studio's marketing team.
>don't, you're embarrassing yourself in front of guys. she's not here.
It's a meme - god forbid someone is silly on the official Dark Knight Rises board hosted on Mongolian badminton website known as "Sup Forums"
I thought it was one of the best major Hollywood movies of last year and possibly still this year.
Was entertaining and didn't take itself too seriously. Also better than 3
>kinda played against the tropes
>still played against the typical tropes
...the movie was total shit. It was cringeworthy, cheesy, and terrible. How can you possibly defend it, especially with no evidence or explanation? Hurr muh tropes. Shut the fuck up faggot. It was predictable in every way and totally forgettable, how exactly was it new and different faggot?
>movies that dont get thread spammed by DCuks every 2 minutes on Sup Forums are not memorable
>do people eat these movies up because of muh dinos and muh CGI?
actually, yes
also we have "muh dino weapons" too, can't wait to see a full armored metal raptor killing japaneses with our main protagonist mounted on top of it firing a machine gun attached to the raptor's back
this is the end of the thread
They should add a sex scenes where she takes it in her pooper.
Instant box office smash!
I'd smash her box office famalam
I thought it was fun. Definitely the best of the Jurassic Park sequels. My only real complaint was that the kids served absolutely no purpose and could have been left out of the movie entirely or written better. I also thought it was a little odd how the raptors really showed no loyalty to Chris Pratt and he was just barely able to command their respect, but then finally at the end of the movie they turn against the giant dino out of affection for Chris Pratt. What the fuck? BDH gets all sweaty in it though so it's a perfect 10 movie.
It didn't have everything fuck up at once, it was a bunch of cascading failures that lead to an entire fuck up. That's more of how you'd expect shit to fuck up. Better then Nedry shutting EVERYTHING down at the same time.
They had a team of trained experts to deal with an outbreak. They get killed, but it was still better then muldoon the lone gunman. They even had GENSEC as backup, I don't know if it was official but the GENSEC guy seemed to be there for a reason like that... hard to tell from the movie I only saw it like twice.
There's a lot of other stuff, but still there was a bunch of other shit. It was a kids movie, but it was a better kids movie then I ever got growing up. They didn't make up dinosaurshit without saying "we made up this dinosaur" explicitly like the indomitable rex, which from a kids movie reference is more along the means of imagination and I like that too.
The girl not being able to hack it bugged me, because she should not have been able to hack it. I didn't care either way, but I don't really know why they kept the scene in at all, let alone cut down like that.
I can handle the homoerotics of CIA and Bane's untold love, but when guys start hetero role playing sexual fantasies with other guys, you just have to take your own head out of your ass and realize you're flirting with neckbeards...
It's not even cuck, since there's not even a girl involved...
God I would eat her ass without hesitation.
>I can handle the homoerotics of CIA and Bane's untold love, but when guys start hetero role playing sexual fantasies with other guys, you just have to take your own head out of your ass and realize you're flirting with neckbeards...
I wasn't trying to start flirt with whoever posted the image, LOL, I just thought "MAMA, BABY NEED MIWKIES!" was a funny thing to say in regards to Bryce's big slutty tits.
Good move. Hesitating gives her time to call the police
He was referring to ass you faggot
It would be a mutual ass eating, I'd never force anything on her.
sorry, are you making the argument that it actually is memorable?
You do realize that's where she shit's right?
Why would you want your tongue there...
MCU thread? But I just masturbated.
Women don't shit, especially women like BDH
Big fatsos like BDH definitely shit
I'm assuming you don't have sisters, and if not I know you have a mom who you've lived with.
They also fart, and shit out rank turds. Grow up.
>The movie wasn't memorable in any way
nigga it had a raptor riding a t-rex fighting a genetically engineered t-rex that was eaten by a giant whale dinosaur, it was memorable af
>Implying BvS isn't the highest grossing, highest rated film in history that changed the face of cinema forever.
nice lies
>I'm just another shitposter getting angry at people for liking a movie I didn't like
>I know, I'll post a picture of this 5headed troll, that'll show em
The truth hurts