What was the point of having ruby rose?

what was the point of having ruby rose?

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Condemning a generation of impressionable young girls to bad haircuts and worse tattoos.

For dumb broads to say they'd lick the Australian Justin Bieber impersonator's pussy

I have shit taste or she's actually "hot"?

Face is attractive. She would be hot if she didn't have such shitty hairstyle

she looks like the killer aussie bot from dark matter

Same actress.

What did she mean by this?

best elvis impersonator ive seen in a while

>ywn be her wife

Cuck my life into pieces

This is my last readout resort

nah the hairstyle's alright

>bad haircuts
fucking cuck

She is influencing alot of girls get that haircut

>She is influencing alot of girls get that haircut
This is what she looked like with longer hair

My brain actually tried to force her to be hot in an androgynous sorta way. But no, she's caked in gaudy taatoos with a 6.5/10 body and tits. She's only there to make girls question their sexuallity for liking the female version of a trap.

Thank fuck.
I could one day have a qt short hair aussie gf

>>She is influencing alot of girls get that haircut
Old pics of her

Accent is hot, face is good looking but she needs better hair. She looks too much like Bieber like this.

>>>She is influencing alot of girls get that haircut
Newer pics with shorter hair

How can bak gwei even compete?

>>>>She is influencing alot of girls get that haircut
She even put this comparison pic on her IG

So who the fuck is this?

>boys liking traps is wrong
>girls liking trap-looking girls is okay

i was watching OITNB and they mentioned she has a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles tat. Is that true and if it is, why did she get it?

a lot more happened than a hair change, someone just explain this shit to me.

She got nekkid last season. I havent watched the new season yet but does she show her titties in the new one?

Legit spoiler

shes in one episode for maybe 2 minutes

>no ruby rose
so it's 10 times better than season 3 I guess.
Season 3 was garbage btw.
Caputo is arguably the most likeable character.

I'm guessing his tiny asian penis turned her off of guys for good


She was a meme for like 3 months because she's "queer" and dresses in mens suits sometimes, so of course the uberfeminist Kohan had to put her in for the extra shekels and publicity.

She came into the restaurant I work at before her DJ set at 9:30 club once. Didn't know who she was at the time, but she was hot as fuck in person. She had the pixie haircut.

>had JUST tattooed on a hand

she would look so much hotter with longer hair. it doesnt even have to be shoulder length but just longer in general


Every girl I know that is "bi" or "lesbian" essentially tends to like girls that look like young dudes with dude haircuts which leads me to believe that they just like dudes but prefer not to deal with male sexuality/like the naughtiness factor of being gay.

id fuck her

didn't know who she was until this thread but she's got some sexy ass feet desu


>let's introduce this chick that only Australians know for ratings

nobody knew that this shit would make her """"famous"""" here

Probably because she's part of the genetic elite.

>that face
>that hair
>that belly flabs
my erections

To turn me on.

Or they like tits and vaginas, and regardless of a haircut, Ruby Rose has tits and a vagina. Retard.

>gets famous
>dumps her wife

real feminism equality

although she is hot, she looked kinda flabby in her nude scene. she looks much more toned here


Hmmm, maybe on the vagina, but like I said, they almost exclusively go after notit girls that look like dudes (or at least try their hardest to).

Of course, good job dodging the discussion with namecalling.

I'm willing to have a discussion about some weird part of "lesbian sexuality" that makes them averse to a traditional female body, but if you look around, I think you will see that a large portion of lesbian relationships where one person has "switched" consist of a traditional looking female and a female that's trying really hard to be a dude. Or maybe every lesbian couple I know is the exception.


she's a lesbian so it's DAD'S GONNA FLIP b/c they all want daddy's attention

fem dom nufag squirt porn with ultra bitch feminazi's to spunk out to next to cuck

Too many tattos (Tattos are fine and can be a + if you don't get too many) and horrible haircut, other than that, 6/10, would be 9/10 if she actually looked at least a little feminine.

for some random reason girls like other girls that lack that feminine side. Both gay and straight, I still don't get it but it seems that's the deal.

She was literally very similar to my cousin, i wonder if my cousin would look like her if she wnet total dyke patrol
>Pic related, my cousin, am i face blind?

Fuck, forgot the pic.

Calling you a retard isn't dodging the discussion, retard. I responded to the nonsensical point you were desperately trying to make look reasonable. THEN I called you a retard.

And liking tits doesn't mean you like big tits. Completely retarded point you tried to make there, retard. Back to the retardium with you.

you're autistic user - I'm so sorry

Before she went full retard, she was pretty nice

Why wasn't she on the 4th season though?

Kill your self you flaming faggot.

>dykes and biwhores almost always dig butch chicks
>not evidence

Btw, the western world deserves to be annihiliated by an asteroid for greenlighting the abomination called "gay marriage".

I'm not surprised tbqh.
My AQ is only 16 though, i'm only faceblind i suppose.

You're baiting WAYYY too hard fag, go back to.


Good luck.

God damn Asian guys are so unattractive.

You're right that's not evidence.

It's just a generalization, and a lazy one at that.


>Why wasn't she on the 4th season though?

I dont understand that since they made a big thing about it in the last episode where she got caught with the contraband.

piper got her sent to a maximum security prison in season 3, can't remember why but there's a line about it in season 4

Ruby stole a bunch of money from Piper's panty business, and Piper was on a Walter White-esque powertrip.

lol get a load of this triggered dyke I bet she's the butch. your such a toughy you go grrrl!

Nicky went to maximum security that's why she was barely on season 3 I think, and that's probaby why we got ruby rose to fill in the gap.
Still need to watch season 4 and I'm really hoping it's better than the trash that was season 3.
Also fuck piper trying to play "we wuz gangsta and shit", it was the dumbest thing on the show.