Is there really a big difference between north and south italy...

Is there really a big difference between north and south italy, or do italians just exaggerate it like they do with everything?

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Actual economic data says it's not a meme. Since Italy's unification the North was industrialised, while the South was agricultural. The disparity continues today.

Nice trips

the south says the north made them poor

The north is rightfull German land.

People south of the Rubicon are really bad people

>do italians just exaggerate it like they do with everything
you already know the answer..
also there are more southerns in the north today, than any number left in the south
make your own conclusions


>that map
It's North, Center and South
Putting Rome in the North is completely laughable for any Italian
Also Sardinia really doesn't fit into the South except for poverty

That's because, as your niggas, they like to complain and cry instead to take their faults and responsabilities

>1001-1100 AD
Naples + Sicily
>1101-1200 AD
Naples + Sicily + Genoa
Naples + Sicily + Genoa + Toscane + Venice
Naples + Toscane + Venice + Milan
Toscane + Venice + Milan + Naples
Toscane + Milan + Venice
Milan + Toscane + Venice
Italy is a shithole
Italy is a shithole
Italy is a shithole
Milan + Rome + all Northern Italy
Italy is a shithole

I really do feel bad for the south. The north has been abusing them for years, taxing the hell out of them, taking their money, and they feel disconnected with the rest of italy. Nobody helps them, the mafia basically runs the region like the cartels do in mexico. Its just sad. Almost every northern italian has a distance ancestor from the south.



Btw that's the truth and not a meme. Northern regions are part of the Blue Banana and one of The EU ecofinancial cores with Ruhrgebiet, London, etc. The South is a wasteland full of lazy and weeping ''muh evil northz'' greasy terroni

Would it be wrong to assume that every italian on this board is from the north region, or at worst the central?

Blue banana doesn't mean shit from an economic point of view.
For example the North of France (Lille) is part of the blue banana and it's shit.


South Italy brought us norhtern mafia and terroni + unleashed neapolitans to the rest of the world.

Neapolitans are your average Italian who goes to foreign countries and is loud as fuck, ignorant, impolite, greasy and unable to speak basic english.

It's not true, us Southerners simply don't post (at least seriously) in threads like these.

I wish i could genocide southern italy, they and their greaseball descendants have ruined new york and new jersey.

The per capita gdp in the south is half the per capita gdp in the north, it's not a meme, every year tens of billions of euros go from northern regions to the south to pay for their healthcare and welfare but they just steal the money so nothing works anyway

i think only south italy is a real italy.

I disagree. Those old school italian neighborhoods were spotless and relatively crime free before the blacks and puerto ricans came. Rudy guiliani really cleaned up NYC too.

The only regions that should be erased from the Italian map are the following:

>Campania (where Napoli is located)

After that --> build a big wall to separate north from south.

The last step to cure the cancer in Italy should be a mix of dictatorship and fascism, we should purge the corrupted people, the church, Italian and foreign thieves/criminals, mafious and politicians, then we will reborn like a phoenix.

TL;DR = The problem in Italy is the Italians themselves

Agreed, which is why unifying this "country" was a horrific idea. These northern italians are just a bunch of germanic tribes with some slavs and god knows what mixed in. I don't even know why they still speak a latin language. Nothing about them is italian.


in my experience, tanos are pure filth.
northern italians are alright.

>The problem in Italy is the Italians themselves
as long as they are shitheads like yourself...

North is white, rich, taller, and hardworking people.

South is poorer, shorter, and lazier


My grandfather was a southern Italian, the classic "terrone", but once he came here in the north his mentality changed and he actually became integrated, was a strong worker focused on family and has lived following the laws and the rules.

He actually talks shit about his people in south Italy because he recognizes that the mentality there is different, full of victimism and people who don't want to do nothing to change their situation, so fuck them.

As of today these values were transferred to my father and now I'm carrying them, being an honest worker myself with a strong sense of justice and honesty, so that's why I'm so pissed about my country being destroyed day by day by our politicians, by immigrants and by my people, and I really want a dramatic change.

there is, northerns are homo cucks

See thats the thing, about 99% of northern italians have southern italian roots if you dig deep enough.

At this point we might as well partition it.
I've been to Calabria and it's Africa-tier.
Come home, white man.

Apart from your mongoloid response, please tell me why I'm not right.

Friendly reminder that we have different Berlusconi's governments, we had democrazia cristiana and we now have (had?) Renzi and at least the 40% part of the voting Italians are supporting that fucker.

Since our country is being destroyed and mutilated by these people you can agree that since Italian put these fuckers in charge, we, the Italians, are the problem.

>his 120.000 strong bourbonic army was cucked by 1.015 savoyarde and berghem teenagers
>calling other people cuck

Sounds legit

there isn't that much difference genetically though. It's mostly cultural

>See thats the thing, about 99% of northern italians have southern italian roots if you dig deep enough.
99 is a meme but 45% is a probable percentage

There is not enought m*radona

Are north italians roleplaying as italians?

Or at least they've a partially southern Italian descendance.

As I said my grandfather is southern Italian but the rest of my family is either from Milan or Trento, so I'm at least 25% southern Italian, and since my skin is solid white, almost pale, I have no doubt about my dominant genes.

Are >we the bad guys, padanian brothers? We look a bit like arrogant smug cunts


Germanic impact in North Italy is less than 20% excluding some alpine valleys... the indigenous northern population is (was?) mostly gaulish-romanic with minor etruscan and slavic input

We are the good guys, pissed about parasites and invaders.

>implying that everyone of us is an honest and clean man with a strong sense of justice

The hate towards the politicians and the corruption unites us, we want revenge and a better future.

I swear to god that after the World War III we'll have an Italian civil war.

Is pic related the hero we don't deserve but the one we need?

Do you have a beard of notable length?

*before WWIII

Yes. Germans with italian surnames pretending to be latin.


Probabily the highest percentage and number of pureblood southerners in the north is Turin, both city and the province. Even higher than Milan

And i remind you we basically never had a properly functioning democracy, do i have to list you the external powers our institutions were hijacked by since the end of WWII? American secret services fighting a proxy war with the Soviet Union via our politics to the point they even let Borghese organizing the coup, unregulated masonry, EU taking sovereignty and many non-elected governments in a row, imposed after the rating agencies toppled the last government we've elected? (A government that was endorsed by P2 lmao)
Wow, these italians really can't look after themselves.

No because my name isn't Mohammed unlike most of the ''italian'' newborn/babies

more like southern french and swiss.

Prove this.
Links, books, any reliable and accurate source is welcome.

>And i remind you we basically never had a properly functioning democracy

You know, in other civilized country the population would have taken guns and shit and would have fought for the liberty and justice of their own country.

In Romania thousand of people were protesting against their corrupted government, while we in Italy...well, there was a football match.

>rovinare il circlejerk dei padani rabbiosi
lasciali in pace

andate al minuto 2:05


wait, what's he saying?

I understand something about goats being the best animal, but that's about it.

Prove what? You can find the gdp figures anywhere, the billions going north to south are also everywhere on google
wikipedia sources this one, though to be fair it includes money going to shitholes like Valle d'Aosta so it's a bit less than that

The goat is the best animal of the world after the woman.

GDP figures vastly underestimate black market jobs in the south and you should know that.
>every year tens of billions of euros go from northern regions to the south to pay for their healthcare and welfare but they just steal the money so nothing works anyway

Prove this

Well i already proved the first part, the second part i can confirm it myself as someone who has lived in Italy their entire life, or are you gonna argue that having hospitals with 3-4 doctors per bed like you hear from calabria or some shit is totally normal? Or the hospital where 1/3 of the staff had a second job or was too busy playing golf like we heard yesterday from Naples? It's not only healthcare, Sicily having 28 thousand forestali? Syringes costing 5 times as much as they do in Veneto?
Or do you expect me to find an article from an actual newspaper that literally writes "terronia receives 100 billions, wastes them an nothing works as always"?

Non lui, e ti rispondo in italiano perché questo thread è una merda. Quell'articolo che hai postato parla del residuo fiscale, qualcosa che sicuramente esiste, ma difficilmente si può calcolare in modo preciso (non tutte le entrate e spese possono essere attribuite a un luogo preciso), e sopratutto interpretarlo correttamente. Le fonti della Lega o vicine ad essa parlano di 100 miliardi, questo articolo scritto da un economista meridionale afferma addirittura che la Sicilia ha un residuo positivo:
Ora io non credo che ci siano regioni del Sud che pagano più di quanto ricevono, sarebbe assurdo, ma posto quell'articolo semplicemente per farti notare quanto possa essere soggettiva l'interpretazione di questo residuo fiscale. Sicuramente il Nord paga più di quanto riceve, ma che si tratti di 100 miliardi non si può dimostrare in modo certo con quei pochi dati forniti dal governo.

hic sunt leones

Quella fonte è riportata su wikipedia, che non vuol dire che sia affidabile ma non penso neanche che sia tirata fuori dalla lega nord
Non penso neanch'io che i numeri siano così alti, nel primo post avevo detto genericamente decine di miliardi ma pensavo a cifre molto più basse di quelle riportate nell'articolo
A giudicare dal casino che succede ogni anno quando inevitabilmente la sicilia è in rosso e ha bisogno di soldi la vedo dura sostenere che abbia un residuo positivo comunque

the difference-a it is-a this-a big *exaggerated gesture showing length*

*exaggerated gesture showing pay denbts*

Infatti si tratta di dati forniti direttamente dal governo, ma come ho detto in questo "residuo fiscale" viene incluso ogni genere di entrata e spesa ambigua, tra le quali generiche spese del governo che vengono ripartite tra le regioni in base alla popolazione. Sono d'accordo sul fatto che nessuna regione del Sud può avere un residuo fiscale, ma è anche assurdo credere che miliardi e miliardi di euro spariscano nel nulla, dato che le spese che vengono attribuite alle regioni del Sud sono molto lontane dal costo dei servizi che vengono effettivamente forniti (che come ben sai sono molto scadenti), e dai pochissimi investimenti per le infrastrutture.

is this a chip on your shoulder/inferiority complex video? dont wanna cringe

>dato che le spese che vengono attribuite alle regioni del Sud sono molto lontane dal costo dei servizi che vengono effettivamente forniti (che come ben sai sono molto scadenti)
Il problema è proprio quello che sono sì scadenti ma anche costosi
prendi il budget 2017 della sanità, la sicilia avendo più o meno la stessa popolazione del veneto si prende 100 milioni in più del veneto, solo che la produttività di veneto e sicilia non si possono neanche paragonare, anche se fosse come diceva l'altro user che la disparità nel pil è dovuta al nero sono comunque tasse non pagate, la maggior parte della sanità siciliana è quindi finanziata dal resto dell'italia
Il problema è ancora peggiore se consideriamo che la sicilia ha la seconda aspettativa di vita più bassa d'italia, vuole vivere con gli standard del nord senza poterselo permettere e sprecando le risorse che riceve comunque ingiustamente

>please tell me why I'm not right
>The only regions that should be erased from the Italian map are
for not other reason beside you are an uncultured swine full of hate
I can't tell if you are right or wrong cause whatever assumption you started from you never exposed

>only the north is rightful German land

>south is a shithole
>north produces a shittonne
>north gets taxed
>tax money sent "where it's needed" (AKA down south)
>billions funneled to the south
>nothing changes, south is still a total shithole

Fucking terroni are exactly like Africans. Trillions go to Africa and fucking nothing changes because all the money goes to the warlords, private pockets, or is mismanaged because they're fucking niggers. Terroni do the exact same, all the money goes to the fucking mafia or scrubbing some terrone off of the metal chain he used to try and steal electricity from the high-tension power cables near his house.

At least Africans don't get to vote in Italy, terroni do and make sure to use it to keep this shit going as long as possible.

>Il problema è proprio quello che sono sì scadenti ma anche costosi
Sì, ma questo non basta a dire che il Sud si prende decine di miliardi di euro. I costi della sanità non sono tutte le spese di una regione, mentre per calcolare quanto una regione si prende devi considerare tutte le entrate e tutte le spese. Sicuramente la sanità è in parte finanziata dal Nord, ma dubito che comunque sia una parte così grande. Le entrate al Sud sono inferiori, ma esistono, non sono proporzionali alla produttività, e finanziano la maggior parte della spese. C'è una differenza negativa tra entrate e spese, e il mio punto è che esiste una parte di quella differenza entrate e spese che sicuramente non è dovuta a roba come gli sprechi nella sanità, ma ad ambiguità nella metodologia con cui le spese vengono stimate.

Purchasing power per capita

How do I spot a Terroni on Sup Forums?

This is just confirmation that Northern Italians are better.

why is portugal so fmsu all the time?

ask them to post their nipples, if they have pink nipple they're white

Yes hello I am terreone

my mom's side of the family comes from naples to the US at the end of the 1700's, and she says the left because naples is a shithole, so probably yes

Because we apply what is worst from the West instead of what's best.

E.g We focus on social stuff (muh minoraties, muh weed)and ignoring the economy and the state.

Also Lisbon.

accents, as everywhere.

All the other hearsay are just junk shits.

wew lad i need to read my posts over before posting, this was barely english

THIS! Seriously! That was *not* a unification. Rather a theft.

>That was *not* a unification. Rather a theft.
>Northerners stealing to themselves