Fighting this faggot in about 7 hours.
Never been in a fight, any of you guys have any tips? If someone records it I'll post the video on here.
Fighting this faggot in about 7 hours
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aim to kill. not to hurt.
I mean, he doesn't really look like the fighting type either. But I guess just remember keep your eyes open and aim for his neck and eyes.
Don't fight it's useless, and if you never fought you'll lose anyway
the nose too.
I hate this fucker so much. He tells his 2 year old fuck right to his face, and the 2 year old says it right back.
Smokes right near kids in his apartment.
He's like fucking 19 and has 2 kids.
Get pumped. Don't sleep until after the fight, listen to music that fires you up, eat well before the fight, drink red bull so you won't be lethargic, snort a bit of meth to really get your mind in tact, get a hand job by the guys mom before the fight so you can talk shit about it to psych him out
whaaat. Are u in any physical fighting shape right now?
dude let him do whatever he wants with his kids. Useless to fight him
Bring a stick, a sharp one if you're feeling edgy.
if u REALLY want to fuck this kid up. You can call CPS on him.
Have you had any training in MMA? Like wrestling or jiu-jitsu or judo?
Know his weaknesses and try to use them against him. Physical or psychological weaknesses.
Rip his piercing out
I'm 6'2, weigh 240, and I can bench about 220 pounds.
It's not about his kids per se, I just fucking hate how my ex talks shit behind my back and a lot of people talk shit to me about it.
Just tired of letting people stomp on me.
I've always been known as the kind of "big bear" type. Big, but loving. Tired of people thinking I won't do shit.
Do this, OP
Knock his fucking glasses into his eyes too
Look up how to throw a punch correctly on YouTube
Cops in my small town fucking suck.
No moves whatsoever
Pretty sure if I talk shit about his kids that's his weakness.
Be aggressive and don't be afraid. Throw the first punch and you'll be fine
>6'2, weigh 240, and can bench about 220 pounds.
You can totally beat up this faggot
Already did this, I've practiced on my own and with friends throwing punches, I know the technique, just need to use it irl
Aim for his chest and lower ribs. He looks skinny so they should break easily
Would charging him, knocking him over, and beating the shit out of him while he's on the ground be a good technique?
get him as angry as u can OP. most of the time anger makes an anons peripheral vision very blurry and hard to see anything
You weigh 240 and bench 220, don't say it like it's impressive lol. You ain't even hit body weight
high school, where your problems are serious and they matter.
But won't the anger make him hit harder?
On a side note, does having adhd help in a fight? I've always been able to notice shit more than other people so maybe that will help me
It's not man, I'm husky af, just letting know my bros know what's up
Make him swing harder. Which makes hitting an agile target much harder to do. Fighting is a mind game too
Ah well if you have no fighting experience then good luck to ya. If you did id just say to stay calm and think of this as another match at a tournament. Ive been wrestling and doing jiu jitsu since i was 4 so im decently confident in my abilities lol id just try to break his shoulder or elbow that should end it right there
>I'm 6'2, weigh 240, and I can bench about 220 pounds.
textbook: I'm gonna get hit once and wince like a pussy because nobody has ever had the balls to tell me to go fuck myself.
Want to win? Take it to the ground as soon as you can. Get on top and hammer fist his lip piercing through his teeth. I'm guessing you aren't very coordinated if you're that big and that young, so just use your retard strength to smash him on the ground. Don't listen to any of your fucking retarded friends when they say shit like "x is for pussies" This is a fight, essentially for your life. This kid wants to do harm to you, so don't let that happen you fucking little shit.
This is what I look like
How big is the other dude?
Punch him more than he punches you and when you see his hands and wrists curl up and all he can say is hhhhuuuuuuuuuhhhghhhhh he is done and so are you.
And if you get into a position where you can choke him unconscious, fucking do it. And give him one more for good measure.
Sadly, this is true. I've been a pussy up until lately never really fucking with anyone and people doing the same with me.
ADHD /can/ make it worse. Your adrenaline pumps way too much and you can't hold yourself still. Inhale and exhale.
so much of this. Don't let anyone that has their adrenalin going around you to effect your thought process
Jam your finger into his asshole hard, then make him smell it while calling him a faggot.
>look in the mirror...
>what do you see? Say it out LOUD:
>I am an idiot.... What you hate about others, reflects on you.
He's the one in the middle. I think he's about 6 foot, maybe 150-160 pounds?
Tackle him as soon as possible.
Be water my friend
so if u hate someone for taking a shit in your cereal, it means your an asshole?
If you intend to maim and injure, then yeah. If you want to prove a point, just knock him on his ass
Def use your size to your advantage, push him around a bit, never forget to protect eyes and face
Explain more, my tard brain isn't getting this.
Are you saying If I think he's an idiot I'm an idiot?
Everything about your post is wrong
Get him in a headlock and throw him to the ground like
Then start kicking him in the face
Also rember if he cant see he cant fight so poke him in the eyes and fight dirty
Sorry, testing if I was still banned..
Anyway, aim for weak points. The jaw, or under the back of the ear (temple), or the cheeks. This can efficiently knock him out. Is he taller/fatter than you?
If you press L1 usually a green square will pinpoint the area of his weakness, once you find out press O and slash until he's defeated.
Yep, that's a judo throw/hip throw.
Not taller or fatter. I'm taller and fatter.
Another question, can I sike him before the fight by smiling at him? Shaking my hands weirdly? Like I enjoy this? Would that fuck his mind up?
Your gonna win
Watch worldstar fights and get hyped by niggers ripping each other's hair out
Like another user said, be aggressive from the start OP. Don't go arms swinging hoping to hit him but keep stepping towards him with your hands in front and throw straight, controlled power punches.
Also try and take him to the ground early. Lunge for the waist and swing his bitch ass down, then start pummeling.
You got this OP. What time is the fight? Post results later today
Just grab him by the balls and make him ur bitch..
Punch him in the jaw, you can get a knockout this way.
What town you in OP? Maybe another user can record
7 PM central time. I'm gonna get one of my friends to record it.
Also thinking about bringing my shotgun cause these guys like to jump people with their friends.
I live in bumbfuck NE Iowa, I have never met another user.
Since you've never fought before do not strike first. Wait to react because you don't know what you're doing. Also, remember there are no rules. Go for the eyes, balls, whatever you can to seriously hurt him. Don't worry about looking stupid either because I have a feeling you both will lol.
Well, to really fuck his mind up, and no i'm not kidding, pull down your pants if you want him to run away. Do this is private though, obviously.
Smell him or some shit. Fight like Dean Ambrose.
Keep your arms up
Don't doubt in the start just go in and kick the fuck out of him
Don't be high before. or drunk that shit don't help
Aim for the neck, liver and knees
>post aftermath pics - be cool
How angry can I be? and should I take vyvanse before hand? I have a lot of anger I want to let out in this fight but I don't know if it will help or hinder
If he did, would he be asking fucking Sup Forums for advice on fighting?
Think about it
Rest now, sweet princess.
Leah is kill
Video for sure, either way someone is gonna some entertainment out of this.
On a side note, should I ask my dad for tips? He use to fight a lot when he was my age, and I guess he has a lot of experience. He doesn't like me fighting tho.
Forget what everyone else us saying. Don't talk shit with him, just punch him in the face. Try to put your hand through his head when you do it. Hit first. Don't stop until someone pulls you off. That's it. As soon as he's close enough for you to hit, just flip the 'fuck it' switch in your head and roll.
As an additional image to my other post, here's a diagram of weakpoints.
Be as aggresive as the other anons tell you.
Fighting is never the answer. Only morons settle their disputes through violence.
Let's say you fight, and you win, but you cause brain damage to the other guy? or worse still, kill him? What then OP? Because then you're in jail and your life is fucked up.
Lol. He doesn't have that switch tho. And I'm guessing he's never hit anyone before. He's gonna fuck up and miss and then get wrecked.
>Because then you're in jail and your life is fucked up
you don't go to jail for defending yourself
Sounds like a good way to get hurt if you're not thinking.
Well depends on whether or not you want him to know. Since you never fought before its probably going to show unless that faggot in pic chickens out.
I'd say if you can't avoid the fight, ask your dad for some tips, sure as fuck going to help you out. Then again looks like both of you don't know what the fuck you doing
only tip is, is that faggot has a knife or gun, run away nigga
Its way easier to react.
Shut up fegit
Yeah you do, assault is assault
you win already
when yall meet dont talk
just swing, aim for the nose, he will start tearing up if you land a hit, neck because you can straight KO if it lands successfully.
I'm not worried about the law. I have a lawyer that's helped me out in the past and is pretty good about getting me out of shit.
No, if the other faggot gave OP verbal consent, ("Let's fight", "C'mon, thow the first swing", etc.) then OP is in the clear.
i'd appreciate a timestamp op :)
Two words: POCKET SAND
Biggest piece of advice I can offer is that the only fair fight is the one you win. Nothing is off limits in a fight. Be ruthless.
actually now knowing that youre 240, you could run up and pick him up/slam his ass to the grown, my brothers your weight and he can easily pick any1 up
If that's you versus the other dude then I'd say you've already won. Looks like you're heavier. Take it to the ground asap.
No head kicking
My bad, wrong pic.
With that much of a size difference you're going to rip him a new one if you go at him with the right mindset. Make sure you manhandle him. Your punches and kicks hurt more than his, you are in an advantage if you grapple etc.
>Jackie Chan
>Bruce Lee quote