post urs kids
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don't tell me wat to do
ur not my mom
i'm here to discuss movies
you watch anything nice recently?
i did reply to your chart yday not sure if you saw it
what films are on netflix that i can watch, didnt know i had it until today lol
Have you guys seen Solaris
What am I in for
Also please don't let this thread be overrun by dank memers
soder or tark?
we need memers to keep it bumped user dont worry, there is always room for discussion
if you are referring to tark then i would say i dont find it to be one of his best but its beautiful , very atmospheric and very textured
have you seen any of his other work? if not then i think its a fine place to start (i would rec ivans childhood/stalker as the place to start though)
i don't know where you're from JDA, but the US catalog has Out 1, Nostalghia, Horse Money, Stray Dogs and some other goodies, i'm not american so i'm kinda jealous about that
Also, i watched sexy beast!
very interesting dialogue scenes with the back and forth conversation
i really liked the ending
and Don really carried almost the whole movie
thanks for the rec, i've now seen of all Glazer's work
i still think Under the Skin is his greatest, but oh well
hey i recommended you some films yesterday, in my last post to you i rec'd the clone returns home, but i don't know if you saw that
haven't updated my all time favorites to this new format so i'll just post my 60's
I have seen Stalker and I love it. I will have to watch Solaris the first thing
Any other films I should put on my watch list?
Is there an easy and lazy way of making these grids?
srs?? im from uk so :/
v jel too, great to hear about sexy beast, i had the same feeling about under the skin when i first saw it but i think i prefer sexy overall
nice, do you have a chart?
kinda hard to rec anything without knowing what you have seen/like
i didnt make them, people use paint/photoshop
well for the most part i liked Under the skin more because i think space stuff and animalistic portrayals are kewl
>hey i recommended you some films yesterday, in my last post to you i rec'd the clone returns home, but i don't know if you saw that
thanks, looks good!
i'm browsing the World Cinema Project (
nostalghia is my favourite by tarkovsky, but i haven't ever seen anything bad by him. i don't know if you've seen them, but i believe he liked bergman and kurosawa a lot, so maybe check out persona, cries & whispers, seven samurai, ikiru
the film you just posted (al mummia), is the middle film here i loved that film, have you watched it yet?
my pleb tier go-to's that never get old
i made a grid for it actually now that i remember
give it a watch my man
woody allen can write some mean dialogue
it's at the top of my list. i'm very intrigued, haven't seen anything from egypt yet. anglocentrism has surely impoverished us
grids are nice, i made this one a few months ago for silence has no wings by kazuo kuroki (bottom right in my 3x3 )
Lol I saved that didn't realise it was you
Fair enough, it's exciting when a director with such little work (glazer) is mentioned in the news about a new project
post your sexy beast grid pls
it's on youtube i think
nice grid btw
on an unrelated note, pastoral is a very unique film and one of the greatest from the 70's imo
I will shortly I'm on mobile atm
do you have a mubi profile julien donkey user?
nah i used to be subbed but i dont use it for ratings or anything
i use imdb mainly (barely)
thanks for the grid, saved
i use mubi, but almost never rate anything, just make lists of stuff i've watched recently and liked
i thought the dream sequences were vey nice on sexy beast
you got a link to those lists if you dont mind?
mubi lists are really great for finding lesseer known works
sure man
i just finished my all time favs chart wew
let me know what you think
dumb Sup Forums Sup Forums kiddies
dumb autistic fucking OP who keeps spammign this shit
What a pathetic thread
>have you seen X
>hurr yes i liked it xD
>i really liked the ending :DD
Great discussion you have here retard.
thanks for the bumps
one saged, actually
You sound like you know a thing or two about discussion. How can we become better at discussion? Please advise.