Is the Dragon Ball series redpilled?
Is the Dragon Ball series redpilled?
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Everything that came after Dragonball sucks and isn't worth watching.
It turned a fun, lighthearted & imaginative adventure story into a powerfest wank
DBZ was still lighthearted and fun. Super and GT can fuck off though.
Dragon Ball has always been redpilled. Freeza was a globalist Jew (he buys and sells planets and uses barbaric races to commit genocide) and Cell was a metaphor for race mixing.
unless you're talking about the 2009 movie gtfo
most of it is copied from journey to the west.
i agree on the rest tho.
But this is television
>he buys and sells planets
I don't remember that at all
>Cell was a metaphor for race mixing.
Do you ride the short bus to school when you're not on vacation?
>most of it is copied from journey to the west.
Like what? Goku is loosely based on the monkey king and some of the side characters are based on characters from journey to the west. Literally everything about the story is completely different.
DB is appealing to African Americans, on of the highest demographics to watch DB.
No user-san
He did. I remember that. Planets were bought and sold.
Freeza paid the Saiyans to wipe out life on planets so he could sell them for profit. It's why Goku was sent to Earth in the first place.
>using the pepe with the carat nose
Maybe, but YYH definitely is
I always thought the Saiyans were simply Freeza's minions and he was conquering planets for his own empire. What's the point of aquiring space money when you are (at the time) one of the most powerful beings in the universe and anything you possibly wanted to buy, you could just take by force?
holy fuck
That's because it began as a Parody of Journey to the West. It's not a big secret. Also, I think the series was meant to end in the first Pilaf arc.
What after the first 13 episodes is copied from Journey to the West?
Same character.
Because empires are built on wealth. Brute force and raw power are not enough.
Isn't Bulma like the monk in Journey to the West? Always a source of problem that the hypercompetent companions (particularly Goku/Monkey King) have to solve.
I can't speak for the anime since I haven't been watching it, but the Super manga is very lighthearted and a lot of fun.
>grabs a trap by the dick not just once but twice
only in Ball
in DBZ she's too busy cucking yamcha with vegeta
Don't act like King Piccolo's arch wasn't exactly that
Super is all about family moments and food, like the dbz filler
Based Yoose-kay
>Cell was a metaphor for race mixing
I dont see that as a bad thing
If only. Super is all about wasted potential and terrible animation quality.
Super is about cashing in on retarded nips for even more money.
>race mixing
>not bad
Did he found captain winky?
>King Piccolo
Nigga it starts with Krillin getting got
So this Black Goku is an clone android right?
He's a kai, hence the potara
>an clone
Call 911.
im so sorry