Drugs expand your mind!

>Drugs expand your mind!
>The US government is fascist/full of nazis!
>Oswald didn't kill JFK, M-MUH GRASSY KNOLL!
>Has literally said "WAKE UP AMERICA"

Bill Hicks: The Edgy Teenager of the Internet, But For Comedy

Different time bruh

Shit wasn't "edgy" back then, it was actually shocking

ye when he just ranted about politics it was annoying but in general is standup was great

At one point in time criticizing the status quo was seen as a good thing. Unfortunately that attitude has been replaced with a reverance for government and capitulation. Very few modern comedians criticize the nature of our governments. Which is a shame.

>tandup was great
No it wasn't

probably because of 9/11
a lot of minds changed after that

>t. r/samhyde mod

But it wasn't edgy back then, or at least it was but edgy wasn't a bad thing.

No, it isn't. Political humor is universally trash. It's all just bullshit pandering for the audience to nod their head in agreement to.

Agreed. Look at what it did to Hitchens.

Sorry I have no idea what any of that means. Try English.

Hicks wasn't political humour, he was beyond that.

You know when Bill Burr goes off on his "the bankers, it's brutal" rant?

Well Hicks did that shit to the redline, and in a time where people would just look at you dumbfounded like you were planning an assassination.

Like his comedy or not, his shit wasn't "tryhard" or "edgy" it was like pointing a gun at people in power and enveloping it an a comedic narrative.

Similar to Carlin except he would shift from comedy to soapbox much more extremely and with a little less subtlety than Carlin.

Wait you forgot -


Lenny Bruce got arrested for saying "Fuck" on stage.

Different time you stupid child learn about historical context.

Why the fuck would I care about any of that? Surface-level criticism literally any fucking idiot already knows isn't entertaining. It's not funny. There's nothing there.

all stand-up comedy is shit

I wish I was dead Bill Hicks.

>chosing this as your copy pasta, literally shitposting about a goddamn prophet and superior human being to you in every way

fuck you op

this. you never laugh at it unless you're easy to amuse

It's a shame he didn't get to grow old. I think he'd have developed and become more nuanced.

His stuff on neoliberalism is always relevant.

*fedora rustling in the wind*

I see you didn't get my post or thought I was the someone else.

Whether it's entertaining or not is not my argument.

I'm pointing out that this spam OP uses all the time brings out the brightest idiots who think that he was somehow telling his jokes through a fucking time portal into the 2000s and beyond.

In the time he was doing it, it was very much edgy in the original sense (attacking thinks historically not prone to attack from social / political commentators).

Also, "surface-level" criticism was also incorrect, you have to have actually seen some of his specials to be able to make a comment on his material.


>I think he'd have developed and become more nuanced.

Yea, I think so too. I wonder why he got cancer so young. Most smokers don't die until their 50's at the earliest.

>dude everyone is stupid except me lmao

Grew out of him by the time I was 17

nice meme kid

what you teenagers don't understand is that before the internet guys like Bill Hicks and George Carlin were redpilling people

Lmao. Why aren't more of his bits this funny?

I think his dad died of pancreatic cancer years later. It was probably genetic with a larger risk die to his chain smoking.

Bill you fucking idiot

Hicks was wrong about gun control.

He employed simple-minded arguments which were factually inaccurate or demonstrably false.