>46 years old
46 years old
Fucking disgusting bitch
>desert animals with Twitter accounts
wtf i hate camels now
who even does this?
how can you not know pre-event if it's a poo or a fart?
What's Felicia's career? I only know her as a character from Fallout new Vegas
kill me now
would have been funnier
upvoted xD
Why do Americans shit themselves so frequently? I've never heard of this happening in Europe
Too many years of taking it up the loo has dulled her senses
She has no career
>lel I shit myself aren't I quirky guyz
Murican processed/fast food diet has very low fibre and roughage, results in liquid shits
People need to stop trying to act relatable when they hit 40.
You're young through your twenties. You can still be cool/relatable in your thirties but it's pushing it. But at 40 you just need to act like an adult otherwise it's just sad.
She's not talking about actual logs of shit, you braindead dipshit.
Farts are gas passing through your intestines. All farts carry along particles of fecal matter, so you should stop doing them ever if this actually concerns you. That said, if the state of your bowels is that the fecal matter inside is somewhat liquidy at the time it can be pretty tough to restrain a fart or not know if it will bring something along for the ride outside.
I've done that once at work and had to toss my undies in the trash. Did it once in the shower too.
Penis and Vagina
But did you advertise it on social media?
What are you talking about? This tweet isn't even real.
Sup Reddit?
She is such a fucking whore.
no but im not famous with a billion followers either
It's reddit to be able to distinguish real and fake tweets?
Maybe in Eastern Slav places but here in Germany it's quite common. We have a unique word for it as well called "ScheißHosenausgezeichnet".
upvoted xD
I wish I were those jammy jams.
Is Sup Forums trying to force a new meme?
I didn't know fraggles could operate washing machines, I thought it was those little guys that did that
We actually have american shit stains threads sometimes. And it's true it's always pictures from wallmart and other american stuffs.
>autistic 23 year old virgin manbabys on Sup Forums post unfunny hate thread about Felicia Day