What'd you think about last episode Sup Forums? Best episode yet imo. Kino tier.
What'd you think about last episode Sup Forums? Best episode yet imo. Kino tier
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The fight was great. Cassidy killing the bitch without asking questions was hilarious
I still need to watch it
How much did they rape the comic?
About 260%, but that's okay
Nothing like the comic. As a preacher fag I hate the show, but if I see it as a different series it's ok.
Sounds terrible, thanks.
Last episode was definitely the best so far, I'm starting to really like this show. Hopefully they can continue moving it along at a good pace
Dropped it at the first episode with the entire "strong independent womyn" scene that went on for way too long.
get your autism out of here before it infects us all.
I really like the show so far, but ive never even heard of Preacher before I started watching it so that might be why.
I also really like the intro
I think they've captured the sensibility of the comic pretty nicely.
yeah i guess 5 seconds is pretty long.
this last intro was so damn good.
The improved on it overall, but Jesse is a bit more goofy and laid back than the walking shit kicker of the comic, but that's fine. I love the show, the combine a lot of the minor villains into one town and place, which is already better than any of their storylines from the comic.
fucking loved it, hope we're finally rid of that dude with the stupidlooking face, he fucking triggers me, I'd call him a freak and stab him to death with a fucking pitchfork irl
Show's really good and all the characters are great. Except Tulip. I don't know about the comic, but I can't get a fucking handle on her character with all of her crazy mood swings.
He LITERALLY went to hell.
Tulip was a mob hitman that could hold her own. The girl in the show is just some slut that robbed banks.
>Tulip was a mob hitman
she was forced to kill and fucked up her first job. She was not a hitman.
Tulip in the comic was literal garbage and you would all hate her for being a STRONK IN(CO)DEPENDENT WOMAN
Is butthead going to be a villain? Is he going to get back from hell with devil powers and a thirst for revenge on the preacher that sent him there and on the town that made his life a living hell beforehand?
I like where the show is going, would've ignored Preacher entirely if it weren't for Sup Forums.
Poor Eugene though.
Exact same boat. Never read the books, always thought it looked a little interesting, but I'm loving this show and I love every character but Tulip. I guess it doesn't help that her introduction didn't mesh well with anything else up until that point.
>Haha yeah that's right, women don't need no men to do nothin'!
Don't get me wrong, I didn't hate the bazooka bit entirely, and I'm not one of those guys to scream UUUGHHH THE SJW BOOGIEMEN RUIN EVERYTHING, it just didn't feel great.
But yeah, I dunno. I don't care at all for Tulip. So far the only time I've liked her is when she accidentally fucked up Cassidy, and she freaked out over it. I like that she comes across as a hard ass, but accidentally hurting someone she didn't mean to just really got to her. Means she isn't a complete "RUFF N TUFF WOMAN" bullshit type that her intro led me to believe.
Comfy tier.
Would hang out in the diner,have a steak with the sheriff while listening to his conspiracy theories.
>I'm not one of those guys to scream UUUGHHH THE SJW BOOGIEMEN RUIN EVERYTHING
Then why are you literally screaming that.
He became a famous rockstar in the comics, this new hell angle is pretty strange desu.
>Is butthead going to be a villain?
well right now preacher is the villain who is responsible for five deaths already
not him but that shit is jarring and tone deaf to anyone who isn't into it.
I wouldn't like it if she turned into a anime little girl either but idiots here would defend it like you do with your dumb shit
It's quite decent, had a great pilot but then went really slow. The last 2 episodes were quite good though.
I also loved the Saint of Killer parts, can't wait for him to appear.
>just some slut
>Makes a fucking rocket launcher whit some kids and takes down a helicopter
Tulip is shit. Church girl has a resting bitch face and is useless. Cassidy spin-off series when?
When's the old guy from the 1800s going to factor into this shit? The two flashbacks of him have been pretty interesting.
its decent, I own all issues and dont mind the changes, sometime the acting from extras is terrible and story tends to drag but its watchable...
the old guy from 1800s is the best thing on the show
bipolar flower girl is pretty annoying to watch. the i'm a cunt lol but it's ok cause i'm also nice is annoying every time she's on.
cassidy is fucking hilarious, and the show needs more of him.
Some parts are great, some are shit and some are booring ad drag on forever... the
y should really focus on whats important (Preacher, Cassidy, Saint, angry locals and hopefully Order)
why did he do that anyways
>stab her gently
Yea, I dont know either.
Maybe the effect of the voice fades away in time...
Maybe he thinks hes doing "Gods work" and this jus shows what hapens when you play with the Genesis power when you shouldnt (like with the hearthless momma-boy)
Fuck me, the Tulip/Fotball mom subplot are killng the show...
Because God is not the benevolent good being that everyone thinks he is
9/10 show
If Tulip dies a horrible death, a 10/10
Great series, great eps. But here are some things i dont like:
Jesse actually giving a damn about God.
Tulip. Fucking stronk sassy black woman. Every damn ep she is angry and i sigh
The angels coming back. It takes away the meaning that cass can come back from anything. But i guess they are building up to saint of killers who permanently kills one
Fucking Tulip
No racist sherrif who thinks space niggers are involved
He was just told to "serve God". What form that service would take was left up to his interpretation.
Well, God is not on his chair right now. Or his god is money. Or it is gods will, because nobody understands god
>Jesse actually giving a damn about God.
I like it, it gives him a character and will probably make a nice transition after he starts to hate him...
this show is so painfully average and shit
>go to hell
>actually teleports to hell
So he's literally all-powerful? Why won't he wish for world peace and 70 virgins for everyone?
he is learning the extent of his powers
No he can only command people that can hear him. Its not a wish
Because it's not a "wish" type deal
so does the preacher not belive cassidy is a vampire yet or does he just not give a fuck?
Cassidy just has to show him one of his power
but no
nah nah it'll end with a twist - it really is god that's why god is nowhere to be seen
something bad happens
it's the final episode
everyone dying
jesse doesn't know what to do
black screen
we hear jesse's god voice
let there be light
screen turns white
roll credits
season 2 confirmed
it writes itself
what's gonna happen to him tho??
he gets facefucked by satan's big thorny dick
"finally i have found a hole big enough"
>let there be light
>screen turns white
>roll credits
>season 2 confirmed
>it writes itself
nigga, what?
What a cutie, also love her accent
Would gladly raise her kids like a good kek
didnt take long for the homos to come around.
but if the saint of killers storyline plays out, satan is dead already
yeah that's right
just like the ending to that one popular sci fi short with the supercomputer
she was better when she was fatter to be honest
It was Ok the beginning was fantastic. They're not doing a very good job with Tulip. While I enjoyed her last episode they're not making her likeable in the best way.
Can Preacher's voice command God? Or Devil?
Can he force them to make out?
yea but the angel of death took over, so basically their is a satan just not the original
Yes, Yes, and Yes... or at least in the comics...
Funny how they try to make her look as plain as possible yet she's still the best looking woman on the show
you'll find out, there's a reason gods staying away
and Satans dead
The competition isn't exactly stiff.
I never liked tulip so it's kinda working for me, I dislike this tulip in exactly the same way I hated the White one
Reminds me of the scene from Mr. Robot.
Is Satan a good guy judging people because God asked him in this version or a rebel like Lucifer?
bit from column A bit from B,
he's really disillusioned though, of course he's already dead so it doesn't really matter
satan isn't a title, it's a nickname, like morningstar or the devil. if the angel of death IS ruling, then he's probably doing a shite job which means hell is in shambles. eugene will probably be mistaken for some demon or something
>Preacher, kill me!
Not a fan of the show. The artistic direction is very amateurish
It was to illustrate that Jessie doesn't know what the fuck he's doing and just telling someone to be good won't necessarily play out like he thinks it will if the person is horrible in general
>like you do with your dumb shit
You're a fucking faggot bro LMAO
I think he'll be juuuuuust fine
It's just up to his interpretation. That's what the word does. Jesse probably couldn't fuck with a lawyer because their cognitive dissonance is so strong
So,arseface is kill?
No. He will be back possessed/with a power to capture GENESIS
that wasn't a woman
Ha ha GOT 'EM :D
>The improved on it overall
they ruined several storylines but is improved
What storyline did they ruin? The best storylines from the comic haven't even been touched upon yet.
Kino and Preacher show can´t be together in the same line.
>I'm starting to really like this show.
>Hopefully they can continue moving it along at a good pace
>4 episodes remain
>something good
Episode was good but only because the fight.
I can´t see how they will do anything good with 4 episodes.
>Tulip in the comic was literal garbage
Still a better character on comics and not McGyver with tits
In the comics arseface is teleported to hell too?
This thing sound like it dont follow the same kind of rules than the other times Jesse used the word.
Nope. She's not even a character in the comics.
>The best storylines from the comic haven't even been touched upon yet.
They fucked other storylines like Cassidy glasses, Jesse father/background, Tulip backstory, etc.
>She's not even a character in the comics.
She is generic, but not as generic as TV Tulip
>Cassidy glasses
That was a stupid and pointless reveal. He just looked baked out of his mind, nothing too freaky.
nice one asimov
I know you're a racist misogynist but the actress is really good, I assure you.
>They fucked other storylines like Cassidy glasses,
Not a storyline whatsoever
>Jesse father/background,
Seems to be, basically, right on schedule with a slight change that doesn't effect anything
>Tulip backstory
They haven't even touched it.
Shame on you
nope, he sought revenge after jesse told his father (a much bigger douche in the comics) to "go fuck himself." the sheriff did, then shot himself in shame.
eventually arseface forgives jesse, becomes a rockstar, loses all of his money when his agent screws him over, but then meets and falls in love with a one-eyed qt whose impaired vision makes her see a handsome man.
he gets a happy ending.
>>Jesse father/background,
>Seems to be, basically, right on schedule with a slight change that doesn't effect anything
they changed it to jesse's father's mom as opposed to his mother. kind of sucks they just wrote christine down like that. she has a major arc in the later issues
Even with all the questionable changes they're making, I'm digging the show and think it has potential. They have a lot of room to build the mythology and take the story to crazier places, the main problem I foresee is AMC being their usual tightwad selves and refusing to give them a decent budget for the story that needs to be told.