ITT favourite puzzle

ITT favourite puzzle

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So bad its good



well ill be damned

first ball needs to be blue



just walk backwards and then go forwards. if you're allowed. stupid puzzle

is this supposed to be hard?

yes idiot you cant just draw a line wherever

185 + 185 + 185 = 555
it's easy because of the last column. 5 is the only one that fits

You could just go right after the blue dot on top right. I got to the same solution

nice one

what about 444, 777 and 888

last digit, my friend.
you can't get to 444 with "4+4+4" in the last column because the last digit would be a 2. For 7+7+7 it would be a 1 and for the 8s it would be a 4.

yeah.. fuck. Got carried away. I mean, I'm colorblind


But he follows the rules..
So he is right

From the red triangle, you summonabeach

you went through two blues
fucking idiot

Why is he an idiot?
There is no rule which tells you to collect all of them!

white to play and draw

there's no rule about doubling back. you can go through all of them at least once before getting to the end easy doubling back a few times along the way

He's not really "passing through" tjose two red dots


Enter here and follow the path to exit. Pass through colored orbs in order red, blue, red, blue, red, blue and so on.

>Pass through the orbs.
>Dont go through the same color twice.

If the rules stated you couldn't retrace your own lines, then it would be impossible.
Since it doesn't, grab your fattest crayon cause this is kindergarten level,

Jean is shorter than Brutus but taller than Imhotep. Imhotep is taller than Jean, but shorter than Lord Scotland. Lord Scotland is twice the height of Jean and Brutus combined but only one-tenth of the height of Millsy. Millsy is at a constant height of x-y. If Jean stands exactly one nautical mile away from Lord Scotland, how tall is Imhotep?

Queen to Bishop 6. Check.


Please watch this video

The is no word that you have to pass throu all of them and you can go as often throu the same orbe as long as it is in the right order (red, blue, red...)
Your brain automaticly adds rules..

Not from anywhere in particular, you have increased the volume by swapping the positions of the two triangles.

You're the kind of guy who needs microwaving machine manuals to say "dont put your cat in the microwave"

It clearly says pass through the orbs, dont go through the same color twice. You broke that rule.

Is there a 3rd line I can't see or where do you read "dont go through the same color twice"

It actually doesn't, you can go through the same orb as long as its the next color in the pattern like the fag youre arguing with said



You already fucked up at the second turn

You went through red twice
You went through blue twice

The rules of the game:
1. Enter
2. Follow the path to 'Exit'
3. Pass throu colored orbs in order (red, blue, red)

Not a rule:
-If you go throu an orbe it disappears
-You have to collect all of them
-You can't just make a turn

sorta right but idk if you can double back at the same orb

If you don't go throu the 3rd orbe, it's right

What would be the point of the entire puzzle if you could make 180 turns whenever you felt like it? that'd be way too easy, think about it. Also if you're kinda wrong since it tells you to PASS THROUGH an orb and then pass through another orb of different color.

Amazing people cant understand basic rules of a puzzle.

yeh that's fine but with the 3rd red orb he either passes through it and then comes back through the same colour, breaking the rule red,blue,red or he doesn't pass through it breaking that rule.

Why should it be hard?
Why can't it be just easy

Amazing people cant understand basic logic of puzzles.

>why cant it just be as easy as i want it to be
i fucking hate you


There you go bud

he doesnt though. he went through a color to turn around and go back through the same dot meaning he hit a color twice.

basically, imagine you're a fat autist with ADHD on a mobility scooter with a shitty turning circle, you can't 180 b/c you can't turn and your autistic so you need to do colours in an alternating fashion because muh autism, at the exit is a computer so you can shitpost a YLYL thread on Sup Forums.

it's impossible if you can't turn around.

you can never get to the right half of the puzzle. it's a fairly easy proof by exhaustion, since most paths you take will put you into a state that you've been in before.

Well now you got me laughing