/got/ general

Ascended by the Seven edition

Old salt and bread

Other urls found in this thread:


Azor Jon

Azor Isaac



Would you pray to his heart tree?

Generals are still allowed?

user, I do


For now. I guess the janitors have mostly given up since most of Sup Forums is garbage posting about BvS/capeshit.

Hiro is a hero

How Dabid can tie up all the lose ends:

>Much to the dismay of Ser Davos, the new Hand of the King, Jon and the Northmen are too preoccupied with the White Walkers to give a shit about what is happening far south. The North has effectively seceded from the Kingdom.

>Little Finger realizes after his failure to woo Sansa in the Godswood that from this point he can best manipulate her if she is married to the Kingindanorf. It has been foreshadowed that Little Finger knows more than he is letting on about the relationship between Rhaegar and Lyanna. He might know that Rhaegar was obsessed with the Azor prophecy. He just doesn't have proof that Jon is indeed not a bastard son of Ned. Sansa will buy into this scheme because she never wants to leave Winterfell again. (“There must always be a Stark in Winterfell”.) The marriage also legitimizes both her and Jon's rule in the North.

>Danny begins to sail across the Narrow Sea with Yara's Ironclad fleet, the unsullied, and the Dothraki horde.

>Upon hearing of the Starks' recoup of Winterfell, Cercei promises to melt all of the ice in the North with wildfire. She'll probably have a clichéd line about making "summer come". Meanwhile her little birds inform her of Danny's impending invasion. She forges an alliance with Euron. Euron gives Cercei his big iron cock, his fleet, and some new Deus Ex Magika he learned while travelling in Asshai and the ruins of Valyria.

>Sam learns of the Azor prophesy and researches dragon glass and dragon fire. He encounters Jorah Mormont in Oldtown and Sam helps him halt the Greyscale. They discuss their respective loyalties.

>The Northern lords grow tired of the insubordinate nature of the wildlings. Filler drama to show that Jon's leadership isn't as cemented as it should be.

>heart tree


Not anymore I wouldn't

I want Jon to fuck and marry SANSA.

i want him to fill her with his bastard seed and dirty her eggs and womb with his children.

I want Sansa to know her husband is a bastard she used to hate but is with anyway cause he has good qualities, he's Dany's heir and she'll be queen one day

He's either bisexual or a closet homosexual. Keep that in mind when you pray.

Petyr x Bran

Ramsay x Rickon

>Jon and Sansa engage in awkward clothed incest after withholding consummating their marriage. Sansa fulfills her purpose as broodmare in the series and falls pregnant. Little Finger is pleased as everything is going to keikaku. Little Finger is confirmed as being into MILFS.

>Bran comes back to Winterfell and informs Jon of his true parentage. Jon conceals this information from Sansa, not quite believing it himself. Jon broods a lot then heads south to warn the rest of Westeros that winter is coming.

>As Danny nears land, Cersei manages to kill one of Danny's dragons (probably Viserion) with a wildfire trap. Varys urges Danny to retreat into Dorn. She marries Tyrion there in front of the Sneks and the remaining Tyrells. News of this reaches Casterly Rock. The loyalty of the Lannisters is split between the reasonable and the gold grabbing camp, and the incest is wincest camp. The first camp rightfully sees Cersei as a threat to their wealth and name Tyrion as the true heir.

>This is when the Iron Bank will make its appearance and actually become relevant to the plot. Lannister civil war ensues.

>Arya continues to slay the names written in her Death Note. She encounters the Brotherhood without Banners and kills those who sold Gendry to Melisandre. She spares the Hound. There is some banter and the Hound vows to help Arya kill the Mountain and Cercei.

>Little Finger sneakily lets it slip to Cercei where she can find Jon Snow in the Riverlands. Edmure Tully captures Jon Snow, fulfilling his betrayal of Sansa.

>Jon Snow is labeled a traitorous rebel like Ned Stark.

Reminder that GoT is not sexist


He's a celebrity surrounded by warm holes. In the same situation, you'd want to try it too.

King on the Trident when?

well someone would be getting down on his knees

>Jorah and Sam rush to Kings landing. Jaime urges Cercei to use Jon as a bargaining chip but like the Mad King before her, she spit roasts him in the throne room over a pit of wildfire. When he fails to burn, it is revealed than the re-born Jon Snow is a Targ.

>Jaime becomes the Queenslayer and allows Tyrion and Danny into Kings' landing. Cleganebowl with Arya. Arya also kills Edmure Tully.

>Jorah/Danny/Tyrion broker an alliance with Sam/Jon/Davos on the condition that Sansa gives up her child to be raised as Danny's heir. Jon loses his honor, but the North will be autonomous and Danny will help him defeat the white walkers.

>Either Tormund or Jaime bangs Brienne of Tarth.

>All of Westeros marches up to the Wall. Jon finds Lightbringer in Lyanna's crypt. The three Dragon riders are 1)Danny 2)Jon 3)Warg Bran.

>Melisandre shows up and redeems herself.

>Jon valiantly dies, perhaps due to some trickery on the part of Little Finger. Sansa gives birth and reluctantly gives her child to Danny. She becomes Queenindanorf because of her great sacrifice. This drives her insane like her aunt Lysa. Little Finger takes her hand in marriage and finally becomes king of a realm.

>The Lannisters are now the poorest house in Westeros, Little Finger sires Starks with mad Sansa, and Gendry finally stops rowing.

CIA wins GOT.

But at a bank? I mean, have some dignity.

i dont feel like finding the tyrion vomiting gif but i would post it if i had it

>that webm
doesnt arya also walk like that when shes trying to get a room on a boat


How do you think the people of Braavos feel about Dany? On the one hand she's fleeing the slaves, but on the other hand she's basically a Valyrian dragonlord.



>Who should the North rally behind? A true born daughter of Ned and Catelyn Stark born here at Winterfell or a motherless bastard born in the South?
>"I dont care if he's a bastard"
>"King in the North!"




do the autists of /got/ think that girl is a pedo?

Granted, he definitely should have chosen a better location.


>medieval setting
>literally one able bodied male in a position of authority
>not sexist

Sansa is going to have to take Sweetrobin's Bigfinger to keep the loyalty of the Knights of the Vale.

It's very thin, that door, but it's there. I haven't yet seen the video of him coming out.

>Excuse me, sir. Would you mind taking a picture of my girlfriend and I while we make out at our local HSBC?
But why?

No. Capricorn.

Fuck off Vargo

To throw off the gay scent, probably. It isn't working.

Well, if they apply the same logic as they do to the Bran"pedos" then yes. She should be locked away.

>Crying over male sexism
Your tears are delicious

How angry is Littlefinger gonna be when he learns Jon is Rhaegar's kid.

Fucking Starks getting everything.

Brandon had Cat.

Ned had Cat and a lordship

Robb became a fucking king and got his waifu (in the show)

Bran has magic fucking powers.

Jon literally has a claim now to the throne Littlefinger wants and can marry Sansa to get North/Dany alliance cause Dany's a conqueror not a ruler and the people will want Jon

I thought everyone here knew Isaac was seventeen?

Maybe money makes him so horny that he'll kiss the first thing in sight?



>not LyannaxSweetrobin

Get your shit ship out of here desu

not crying about it, just pointing out shit writing. I hope you're liking gurl power though, it gave us Dany Sue, the cringe sneks and fuck-her-tits-off :^)

I just realized why I dislike Preston so much. He's a fucking bureaucrat rat

no they apparently dont

Sweetrobin would die in the attempt of sleeping with Lyanna.

>posting it in every thread
just fuck off already you autist

>How angry is Littlefinger gonna be when he learns Jon is Rhaegar's kid.
but he already knows that.

Sorry to dissapoint you but jon already burned himself in season one.

based preston literally losing his mind

s7 better have more chad

Well that's just silly. I know he looks young, but he's still pretty obviously an adult.

Why does he have to make an official announcement? Couldn't it be lowkey? Like he posts a pic on his social media of him holding another dude's hand with a caption like: "Just got back from dinner with the bf"

REMINDER that the only people who agree with /got/ that the show is bad are people /got/ also hate:

>an autistic swede
>an autistic State Department bureaucrat
>3 booksnob women on tumblr


>every professional critic in the world
>an audience that was the biggest ever this year

>3 booksnob women on tumblr

Who are these people? I've never seen them posted here.

Fuck that shit. No one likes Virgos. Anal retentive fuckers.

It could be, definitely. And I'd be fine with that. But everyone already knows. It's not like he'd be shit on for it.

Gotgifsandmusings, Culturalvacuum, Turtle-Paced

The FandomFollowing crew

But he wasn't reborn then. A higher power literally raised him from the dead. Do you think he's really the exact same person as before?

>an autistic State Department bureaucrat
Is that what preston does?




So he'll die in three years and by then Lyanna will have so much control over the Vale that she'll be Lady of the Vale and her kids with whoever will rule?

Bronze Royce's oldest son as her bull when?

You're trying too hard now.

>the Masters burned Daenerys's fleet to prevent her from using it against their fleet


>Sophie will next season when she becomes Ramsay and rapes Jon on their wedding night.

You have no idea how much shit I'd forgive D&D if that happened.

I'd probably join the D&DIDF desu.


He should have come back wrong. Not like Clegane, maybe, but there should have been some kind of adverse effect.

Honestly, I think he's bi. Bisexuals get shit on a lot in the LGBTBBQ. It might be why he's holding off: little to no LGBTBBQ community support.

I've never watched an episode of this but I wanna get into it so I can be more of a normie.

To those of you who have watched everything released so far, do you think it's worth it?

Go ahead and spoil me if you want, I don't really care if you do.

I don't think he does.

Are you saying Jon's gonna find himself drawn to a flame, hold his hand in it and be unburnt and then Davos or Tormund comes into the room and spots him doing it

>Daario finds a bunch of ships offscreen
>They get burned offscreen
>Looks like we won't be going to Westeros any time soon :^)


Yet they didn't consider that Daenerys might use the giant flying burning machines

>Fleet is burned while Dany is away
>As soon as Dany returns she gets the Slaver and Yara ships
Why even burn them if it had absolutely no effect on her?


Ah, so that explains why he is able to pronounce the ح

I'm bi. I don't really see it as a big deal. Maybe it's looked at differently where he comes from. It's a little complex for some, though. You might be into fucking people of either gender but only want to date females or males, for example.

George told D&D that Euron and the Greyjoys are central to the endgame so they had to shoehorn them back into the plot.

>Here's why GoT isn't sexist
>because all these male characters are puppeteers/master schemers in the books!

On the show they're all servants.
The only puppetry that comes into play is LF doing it over SWEETROBIN.

Every other male on that picture is the puppet/servant of some girl.

Its definitely worth a watch if you can appreciate deep lore

At the same time it arguably falls apart if you are autistic enough to care about the lore

Just watch it


you will see

They thought two of them were locked up and that they could just slaughter those two. They believed Drogon and Dany were miles away

It was to stop her from using them against the Masters fleet, did you read the post m8?

>works as a bureaucrat
>spends his free time overanalyzing mediocre fantasy books
sounds like he's living the life

>she will never be locked away with you as her gaoler

Clearly Isaac caught wind of this board and decided to pay this woman to pretend to be his girlfriend in public to cover up his obvious homosexuality. Why else would their first public kiss be at a bank?

Wo-would she be pegging Jon or forcing him to eat her out?


>Are you saying Jon's gonna find himself drawn to a flame, hold his hand in it and be unburnt and then Davos or Tormund comes into the room and spots him doing it

No. Cercei is going to toss him over a fire pit, echoing what the mad king did to Rickard and Brandon Stark.

Literally everyone I've talked to *IRL* has been disappointed by the nosedive in storytelling and just overall quality.

The dialogue is particularly embarrassing. The actors are doing everything they can to keep it together and maintain the integrity of their characters, but you can tell it's a fucking strain. They are the only thing keeping the show from collapsing in on itself, but they are crumbling under the combined weight of D&D's ineptitude.

>Maybe money makes him so horny that he'll kiss the first thing in sight?
That's only true of women.

>Varys negotiating on Dany's behalf before he ever meets her and while as far as he knows she's disappeared on her dragon and has no idea when she'd return
What did he mean by this?

Literally the only other person I know that watches this show or that i can actually talk to is my sister and she says it's a bit shit now too.

I wonder if he's preston-like in his job and make up some weird shit about other countries intentions and moves and shit.

Why did George suddenly started caring more about Theon's Iron nigger family than about the characters that have been there since the beginning?