What's your most rare/valuable fingerbox? Background?

Mine is the classic FE-100 Stainless Steel. It stopped being produced shortly after America got involved in WW2 - it was passed down to me by my grandfather. I've heard the bad boy can sell for tens of thousands now.

what's a finger box? is it like that halloween party game where you stick your hand in a bowl of peeled grapes blindfolded or something?

Used to have one, chrome plated, heavy enough to feel substantial...realised it's easier to carry more of a cheaper model in case of emergency

>buying fingerboxes

I designed my fingerbox based on an old German design from the 1800's. I was able to custom fit it so that others couldn't use it.

id rather put my finger in this box

I had a plain wooden one. Was handmade though, got it in a store in some Austrian village.

Was really reliable, will post pics if I find it again

That's inspired, I'd like to have the same design skills as you one day for this very reason

There are kits you can purchase on amazon believe it or not, they will help you with the basics such as material/ Size/ Fastener (Dove Tailing etc).

From that though, depending on your knowledge of woodworking you can actually modify the design quite a bit.

I do a lot of antiquing, especially when I travel. I was in the midwest about 4 years ago visiting some family, That area was kind of popular to German Immigrants after WW2, I believe because their was a POW camp in the area, either way, thats where I Found the original box i based my design off of.

I tried to purchase it, but the lady wanted more than i could afford. The thing was cracked and not really usable but I still wanted it.

Either way, she let me take some photos at least and I was able to produce one fairly similar with that amazon kit.

I will have to see if i can find those pics, I remember posting them on an old fingerbox forum, but i think it has since been shut down.

>tens of thousands

Are you some kind of retarded redneck by any chance



I handmade one from reclaimed barn wood.

Would not recommend, stuck my finger in it and got the worst splinter of my life.

honestly the FE-100 only goes for hundreds nowadays. Artisan woodboxes by the greats are more valuable.

I'm getting a digital fingerbox.

Tired of calibrating my current analog box.

What he didn't tell you is that all those years he had it, he kept it in his ass.

You never owned a fingerbox? That's kinda sad

Searched fe 100 not a single result, nice thread fags.

Just a meme to confuse newfags. Move along

I got a 1960s LiteRed a few years ago. It was great except for its bone corner on its right-rear side that wasn't polished enough. The paint or whatever you coloring it had on faded while the other straight lines still had its original hue.

Fucking Europoor fingerboxes, I swear.

They were funny a decade ago, they're not funny now.

>New Fags: there is NO SUCH THING as a fingerbox. It's autism that's floated around Sup Forums longer than black lives mattered



This is the least funny forced meme of all time and you are all retarded faggots for perpetuating it.

Fingerbox is an item fad that began on Sup Forums’s Sup Forums board sometime in the summer of 2010.

The fad involves someone posting a picture of a Fingerbox with a seemingly genuine question or remark, followed by other users acting as if they not only all know what the OP is referring to, but have owned one since childhood.

The common discussion points are the number of holes, the materials the box is made of, and different custom boxes and their merits.

Inevitably a user finally asks what a Fingerbox is, at which point they will promptly be laughed at and called a Newfag.


It's not made in Europe. It's Russian made. Only distributed to western Europe a few years after its original release.

>inb4 durr hurr Russia is part of EUROPE

AKA: autism

What is it with you damn kids not wanting to put In the work for a quality fingerbox that will easily last 10x longer than any junk mass produced digital bullshit that that shove out these days

>I don't want my super secret underground hobby to be mainstream

Nice edge, m8.

I got some news for you..

Not everyone is a durr hurr Imma fingershite collecter faggot.

lol at cunts trying to mislead newfags saying fingerboxes are just a bait trick

>Not maintaining it with ASR

Nice try, newfriend.

Better stick with American ones since you're apparently too stupid to even read your manual.

Anyone here been approached by a man in a white van that was selling finger boxes?
If you do, be aware that the finger boxes he's selling are probably Chinese knockoffs. It's a hustle that's been going on for years now. It's called the White Van Fingerbox scam. The seller will show you documents claiming the fingerboxes quality and authenticity. He may even have a demo fingerbox unwrapped to show you. Generally, they will tell you that they came from an art expo or were an overage from a reputable dealer, and that they need to be sold off to recoup some loses.
They will claim the fingerboxes they have are worth thousands of dollars a piece, even showing a price printed right on the packaging. That should be the first sign something is wrong. No reputable fingerbox manufacturer puts the MSRP right on the packaging itself.
The truth is, these fingerboxes are built to the lowest specifications possible. They barely function to begin with, break down after just a couple months, and usually haven't even had proper safety testing done on them. And good luck getting a refund, because the crooked seller is usually long gone by the time you realize you've been swindled.
So a word of warning to new fingerbox enthusiasts, beware that you're buying from a reputable seller (or inheriting it from a grandparent that isn't gullible)

I love how u had to look up what a finger box was, then posted this to act like ur not a newfag

If you get scammed by some faggot selling knockoffs you deserve it, nigger.

Fingerbox is an item fad that began on Sup Forums’s Sup Forums board sometime in the summer of 2010.

The fad involves someone posting a picture of a Fingerbox with a seemingly genuine question or remark, followed by other users acting as if they not only all know what the OP is referring to, but have owned one since childhood.

The common discussion points are the number of holes, the materials the box is made of, and different custom boxes and their merits.

Inevitably a user finally asks what a Fingerbox is, at which point they will promptly be laughed at and called a Newfag.

Actually got myself a refurbished Tacco 2nd edition this Christmas.

You jelly? You jelly.

That the same justification the scammers use to not feel any guilt about ripping people off.

Thanks tips. The world now makes sense.....

>Born, raised, and still living in Singapore
>Government hated fingerboxes because it was deemed too "sexual"
>2016 and still not a single shop sells them locally

If fingerboxes aren't real then how does someone post a picture of one?

Jesus fuck you newfag

you're just jealous because you don't have one.

Malaysian here.

>Fingerboxes are masturbatory tools from the west

Dat propaganda.

Nice try but it's common knowledge now. Your once-niche interests are now public domain.

Unfortunate to hear your country is so hostile to fingerboxes! How do you hide your collection? Or do people close know?

My dad used to hide his collection. The current generation doesn't care much about it now, though.

Still there are no shops or boutiques that sells them. I'm guessing they don't like old people screaming at them for dealing with "sex toys".

Usually you wouldn't wanna show them to people over the age of 70 in Malaysia.


You're not supposed to actually put your own finger in the fingerbox

does anyone have experience with the b7 stainless steel series?

I'm not Singaporean but I've been to Singapore a few times before.

You CAN buy them locally. Search for Randy Lee's group on Facebook.

I had one. Sold it in 2012.

What's your question

>stainless steel