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When I first saw this thumbnail, I honestly thought it was from a trailer for Sony's The Emoji Movie.
this must be fake
it was confirmed a long time ago from the reddit leak
did you memeing fucks never read it?
oh right
Those wacky tic-tacs!
Someone said it would be out on Monday this week
>PG 13
What's with the rating? I actually expected this to be PG judging by the kiddy humor in the trailers and how non scary and bright colored that it is.
Looks like the leaks were all correct, though people should have believed it the moment the toys matched up with the final bad guy of the movie. Sounds fucking terrible, especially the ham fisted cameos.
Embrago got pushed back
Dont worry its nothing (^;
Wtf are Sony doing, this must be sabotage at this stage to crash the company so Disney can cash in on the remains for cheap.
I can't believe they can fuck up so many properties this badly
what is this
Can someone explain the significance of this to me please? They stuck in a carbon copy female version of an established character and it looks like shit?
Sony is just really desperate to have a tentpole franchise that they can call their own
>collect your slimer family in a toy fun pack at McDonalds
The set up for the beginning of a cinematic universe
I really wish the music number wasn't cut.
Seriously, no one wants to face the sony giant first
anytime there is a large embargo on reviews you know its going to be shit. plus the movie cant even show in China due to ghost so it cant make foreign cash
Its going up against secret life of pets and Star Trek beyond which is riding the success train due to it being the last movie to have anton yelchin
The old shit-liner is coming to port
When I first saw this post, I thought "The Emoji Movie" was a silly joke. Jesus fucking christ, is Sony that out of touch and creatively bankrupt? Gives me flashbacks to the ASM 2 snapchat ad proposal.
Did they use the nigress for the ghost models?
Slimer gets to drive in their ghostbusters car and along way picks up Slimette which is a female version of the ghost like entity he is or something.
Makes no fucking sense
Slimer steals the caddy and drives around nyc
He picks up a gf then the Ghostbusters trick him into driving through a portal to the ghost realm/dimension
Because Paul Feig is a batshit male feminist
sure you did you memeing fuck
But a pg-13 rating isnt inclusive, its ageist. Do you know what year it is shitlord?
What will be the repercussions of this movie crashing and burning?
What I find strange is that Sony heas leaked almost everything in trailers and teasers.
They even leaked the dan akroyd cameo that was on youtube until sony flagged it.
Maybe since we all knew what was going to happen they decided to just show us everything to try to convince that it looked great on screen? Hah
This so much. PG 13 will stop younger kids from going who have strict parents. How the hell am I memeing when I expected this movie to be PG just like the original?
Seriously judging by the trailers this is NOT a PG 13 feature at all.
at this point?
There will be alot of sexism and misogyny posts by awful fucking sites like vice and washington post
theyll have to do originals so they can use ghostbusters 2
After that it will die down and we wont hear anything till the DVD/BLU-RAY/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD release
Then some other studio will announce a franchise rape and the cycle will continue
but cheer up, we might get to see an epic paul feig meltdown
Im starting to think vice is on some post-post-irony shit
yfw this movie is torn apart by the very people its pandering to
so wait, if someone asks you a question or notices you at a store it automatically means whatever the psycho woman believes it to be?
this shit right here is what drives me nuts
Doesn't Leslie tell a girl "BE ANY KIND OF BITCH YOU WANT"? That shit aint PG
>store policy is to ask everyone who comes in if they need help
>this is somehow racist but only to the black people
Its an amazing vid
>and it tends to happen at higher end places
Like store that give employees commissions?
Obvs racism I can't even 2016
The leaked Sony e-mails make it clear that the company itself is run by retards, top to bottom.
They have no idea what they're doing, let alone how to make the company successful.
>plus the movie cant even show in China due to ghost
lol what the actual fuck is going on over in China, I have heard of this before
That fat nigress doesn't even go into high end. Wtf was she wearing on her head?
I think the pushback of the embargo is a big sign
Lots of people starting criticizing its racism. Critics like to bandwagon while also being a bit controversial.
I think tearing apart gb on racial grounds is what a lot of critics are gonna do, it gets them hits and moral high ground.
Okay: the movie Daddy's Home was rated PG in Australia in the cinemas.
I am not even fucking kidding.
Also one bitch word? The movie City Slickers was rated PG and that had over 20 times of people saying "shit" and a few bitches.
The word doesnt make it PG 13
> food and man living in harmony
>you will never be a useless leech exec making millions doing 8th grade quality work
What, like they did to Tarzan? How did we get to this point?
1,000 hours in microsoft paint.
>comic sans
Why do retards love it so much?
I don't get this bit
>How did we get to this point?
Liberals have been getting progressively more insane, and nobody has challenged them due to fears of being labeled "racist".
Everyone gets asked these fucking questions. You're told to say shit like that when you work in retail. Holy shit all this does is prove that black people are conjuring racism out of thin air where none exists. A shame since that girl with the nose ring is a total qt.
A traditional review is pointless if the movie itself is mediocre. Adding some spice to your review by calling it racist will at least marginally increase the traffic and ad money.
Somewhat on topic
we have about 10-15 years before the lights go out
>What will be the repercussions of this movie crashing and burning?
I expect there will be a LOT of click-bait running damage-control on its failure, playing the "it was a misunderstood masterpiece" and "it was only hated due to sexism"-card simultaneously.
I expect to see certain phrases repeated over and over again, including "representation"," "we still have a long way to go", "Donald Trump supporters" and "mother's basement".
Slimer was based off of John Belushi.
Ancestral ghosts are a cultural thing for the Chinese. Amusingly, their government is only protectionist toward their folky shit like that when it suits them.
So you can't show movies with ghosts in them because ancestral ghosts are to be respected or they curse you... but you can build a massive dam that will subsume villages with graveyards thousands of years old regardless of the threat of angry ancestral ghosts, because the government wants that dam ghosts or no ghosts.
It's all just bullshit cultural fronting because ghost movies apparently put forward western values and sentiment which their government doesn't want.
>all these fat jiggling retard SJW's in the comment-section trying to justify the black victim-complex by saying "WELL THEY'VE ALWAYS BEEN VICTIMS SO OF COURSE THEY HAVE A VICTIM-COMPLEX YOU SHITLORD!!!!!".
Also, it only took 5 YouTube comments before Donald Trump was mentioned.
Fucking bravo.
I still think Ghostbusters will do okay at the box office.
Not amazing, but not terrible, and most of the push will come from people who either don't care, or want to go in with an open mind.
The movie itself will be terrible, but it will make enough to fund a second movie.
The second movie, however, will be an absolute disgrace on every level, and will bomb spectacularly.
Exactly like Amazing Spiderman 1 and 2
>How did we get to this point?
Society started rewarding people for Liberal race-baiting, and nobody bothered to say anything.
So the race-baiting got progressively more and more insane till we got to this point where a six-pointed shape on a flyer is now an indictment of anti-semitism to modern Leftist mouth-breathers.
>batshit male feminist
you can just say male feminist
I see this averaging out around 250 mil.
no Satan,
i dont think it will, its going up against Star Trek and Secret life of pets
It also has no international market, China doesnt like ghost and bans movies that have them
No, it won't make enough to fund a second movie. Maybe they'll recover the initial costs, but without China money and after all this negative backlash, it's too risky to try for another.
China's government has decided that depictions of the dead in media, including ghosts or even skeletons, is both disrespectful to Chinese customs relating to the dead as well as a danger to the Communist dogma of atheism as it could start getting people to think about life after death and other heresy like that.
They banned the Inferno Cop anime because the main character's face is a skull. I shit you not.
They also banned Majora's Mask because the concept of Time-Travel in fiction is "disrespectful to Chinese history".
Opening against Star Trek, which the reboot series is already a huge franchise that seems successful to current audiences that have no real interest in in the franchise and had a principle cast member die just a few weeks ago is going to be rough.
That dumb talking animal movie is also opening that weekend, so I would imagine parents will take the much younger kids to see that.
>we lost skelly king because of this
It's still annoying that they were so lazy and blatant about this shit.
Thank god it's irrelevant.
Don't worry: Ghostbusters will be showing in Taiwan so any Chinese who wanna see it can travel there for a vacation,
>I still think Ghostbusters will do okay at the box office.
It has to make well over $180,000,000 to even break-even at this point.
And Sony needs it to NOT just break even.
The leaked e-mails reveal they are desperate for this to be a hit on par with The Avengers or Jurassic Park in order to save their company.
They are riding on this becoming a multi-film franchise that will compensate for all the films in the past 5 years they have lost money on.
I think you guys severely underestimate exactly how much Sony has put into this thing.
They've turned an entire wing of their studio lot into the "ghost corps", basically an entire business in and of itself, dedicated to churning out these movies.
They're going to make a second movie, with or without the funds to do so. They've basically backed themselves into a corner.
Lol its almost like they intentionally took a thin premise for proving 'privilege blindess' and used it to make a video that is clearly edited to portray black people as suspect paranoiacs with an inherently aggro mentality.
Did Gavin stage a hostile reclamation of the Vice headquarters?
How the fuck was Warcraft allowed in China then?
It makes no sense. That movie has supernatural fantasy elements
actually thats only production
the re-shoots and the marketing are even worse, they did the same thing with amazing spider man and went way over budget
>They also banned Majora's Mask because the concept of Time-Travel in fiction is "disrespectful to Chinese history".
Well, that is fine, too. I hope it plays out exactly that way and it bankrupts them. They're easily the stupidest fucking people in the business.
Ghostbusters died with Egon, so this doesn't even matter anymore.
>They've turned an entire wing of their studio lot into the "ghost corps", basically an entire business in and of itself, dedicated to churning out these movies.
I can't fucking believe this is real.
Movie wasn't about the undead or Forsaken.
At the very least it woke people up to just how blatant and overarching Liberal control over modern media is.
Everyone who wasn't already an indoctrinated SJW lout got a big fat dose of reality and realized that the phrase "Liberal media" isn't just a buzzword.
It's not all supernatural themes, just time travel and dead people.
Well good for them I say. Fuck the NWO, China. Stay Chinese. Learn from our mistakes.
God, the whole thing was retarded from the word go.
It basically turned into a self-perpetuating, utterly self-unaware feedback loop.
>If "gamers" keep sperging out, we're going to call them retarded
>If the gaming media keeps calling us retarded, we're going to sperg out
and so on
Absolutely no one had a towel in that fight. The entire fucking thing was one giant knee-jerk reaction after another
They don't want to entertain the possibility that someone could go back in time and change Chinese history.
Basically, they don't want you to get the idea that you could build a time machine, and then, somehow, succeed.
Yes really.
Wasn't Looper big in China? Sounds like bullshit.
Pretty simple concept, observable in real life, too. How fucking stupid are you?
>just time travel and dead people.
dead people warrants a ban. did you read this anons post?
the show was banned due to a skull face
this guy says it the best about why we all hate this reboot
>dead people warrants a ban. did you read this anons post?
What? That's exactly what I said.
That is a ridiculous level of paranoia
It's not necessarily ALL fantasy themes. Just supernatural themes relating to ghosts and the dead.
Also, sometimes shit just slips under the radar.
You may be shocked to hear this, but Communist bureaucracies run by overly-powerful aging out-of-touch socialist curmudgeons isn't exactly the model of "efficiency". They aren't very good at their job.
Last year the Chinese government released a list of anime that were now banned in their country due to being "culturally unacceptable".
Including among plenty of random entries were things like Elfen Lied and several other anime that have been out for MORE THAN A DECADE before finally being declared "unacceptable".
Wait, it seriously got pushed back? When was this news brought out?
Did some googling on the matter.
Apparently, time travel IS banned, but not for that reason after all
>In time-travel dramas such as Myth (Shen Hua), currently popular on Chinese TV, audiences seem to like the story of a modern man going back to ancient China where, after some adjustment, he finds love and happiness.
>“Most time travel content that I’ve seen (in literature and theater, that is) is actually not heavy on science, but an excuse to comment on current affairs,” Zhou told The Hollywood Reporter.
Basically, they view Time Travel, in most of the ways that it's used as a narrative device, as a form of criticism of the state. (See: Back to the Future as a clear criticism of the Regan administration), and China HATES poltical criticism.
>Chinese officials
Nah, they're just globe-trotting oligarch millionaires at this point. Fucking over common people time and time again to buy their sons fancy cars and apartments in LA.
>Another balding basement cuck
I'd feel better if a ripped 6'1"+ alpha with great facial aesthetics with a full head of hair spoke out against this thing. People like this guy and James Rolfe are so pathetic looking that it just helps the leftists with their manbabby loser accusations.
Fuck you, Lahey.
Ok, that makes way more sense. Still dumb though
Which is great since Slimer and Slimette end up on the other side of the rift with all the ghosts they tricked Slimer into picking up
>"we still have a long way to go", "Donald Trump supporters" and "mother's basement".
i dont know whether to laugh or cry because I can already see it
He makes tons of great Ghostbuster videos
And why are you hating him for balding? I am 23 and have begun balding :(
>And why are you hating him for balding?
Because it makes it clear that you/him have garbage genetics. He's a fucking beta cuck loser and I can get that from the video thumbnails alone.