35mm scans

Any of you guys have 35mm scans of films?

I have OT Star Wars (de specialized) and Jurassic Park. JP is desaturated as fuck but thats how the master reel looked in 1993

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That looks great, actually. I mean, I understand why they can't have a summer blockbuster about dinosaurs look like that but it would certainly be interesting

compared to the color correct home release

recollects 2433

Theres also another group out there with a supposedly open matte reel which id LOVE to see

that's not what it looked like

what did it look like

Are you trying to say they intended it to look that desaturated? I have a hard time believing that

Im not saying it was intended, I'm saying thats how It looked when the reel send to the theaters by Universal was placed on the projector

Holy shit are film prints kino

this looks like absolute dogshit. how was this scanned, with a camcorder?

go suck a foot or something tarantino

This looks an awful lot like cheap bootleg camrips 2bh

urassic Park - 35mm Cinema Print Scan

This AVCHD was created from the 1080p MKV Release (version 1.0)

This is the 16mm scan, performed with an LUT and slightly color corrected.

Format: 720p AVCHD
VIDEO: 720p x624 1.78:1
AUDIO: AC-3 5.1 640kbps (ripped from the cinema DTS CDs)

This release is a 720p encode of a 4K Jurassic Park theatrical print scan. No digital cleanup has been done yet, all the scratches, cue marks etc are left in, although the print is relatively clean.

The source print is open-matte (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_matte), which means there are a lot of viable aspect ratio options. This early version is 1.78:1 to fit perfectly with modern TVs, but the final cleaned-up release will most likely be cropped to theatrical 1.85:1.

AVCHD audio track is optical Dolby Stereo captured from the print. It was used in theatres which didn't have the DTS system installed.
The Cinema DTS was ripped from CDs that were playing in theatres 22 years ago. It is included in the torrent, but is not part of the AVCHD file.

AVCHD: Stabilised and degrained.

is it on kat?

is it just me or does it look like they all have some sickly green tint over their faces here.
think i prefer the official distributed version at least.

So it was from a 16mm print, not 35?

Also it doesn't say how it was scanned. For all we know it was captured with a video camera

Youre right, could be a shitty capture

heres a frame with color and tint corrected by me via MPC


its on KAT. search jurassic park 35mm

It seems like it's balanced to tungsten instead of daylight

these last 3 caps have all be manually color corrected by the way, and if anything the hue of pink faces instead of green look better


>Alan's pose

sleek & subtle, brother

Dr. Grant I'm DNA


the chaosh rishesh



Harmy's versions are amazing but they're not straight up scans as far as I know. I think they're mostly based on the Special Edition Blu ray's with some specific parts taken from scans/dvds/laserdisc rips and masterfully combined to replicate the SW experience many of us had as kids. There is the Silver Screen edition though which is entirely based on found film reels, though apparently the group who made it is now hated by the OT purist community for using the Greedo scene they got from someone else without permission. It's a great version but far from perfect.

The top is from Harmy's Despecialized version 2.5 I think, the bottom is the Silver Screen 35mm scan, and the right is from the Laserdisc rips.

I'm gonna saddle that Sattler.

>but thats how the master reel looked in 1993

You obviously weren't alive in 1993. I'm guessing you were born 1998+.

you are forgetting the inherent post the cinema would apply, like the warmness from the projector lamps and shit.

Saw this in the cinema back then and it was not this washed out on the screen.

These reels were not archival and not manufactured to last, they will degrade rather badly and quickly

Im just writing what the transcribers wrote bro

Does anyone own any actual film prints?