What do you think the population of Westeros is?
Keep in mind from the Wall to Dorne is about 3,000 miles (~4,800 km).
What do you think the population of Westeros is?
Keep in mind from the Wall to Dorne is about 3,000 miles (~4,800 km).
Total population or taxpaying population? Hill savages are pretty much the equivalent of wildlings, they just live south of the wall. While we've seen the ones from the Eyrie pretty much every land has them to some degree.
That's like, stupidly big.
~2 million
It's one of the most retarded maps I've seen, even by fantasy standards.
Westerosi citizens (for lack of a better term), so no savages.
The placement and shape of Essos makes it even worse
GRRM is a genius
Rome was about that big at it's zenith.
Ok, so I played the Telltale game and there is something I didn't think about then that I have realized now. Rodrick Forrester should have died on the way back from The Twins from thirst alone, regardless of his wounds. Ironrath, while not on this map, is located just to the East of Deepwood Motte. It would have taken a rickety wagon on the Kingsroad well over a week to make that journey.
Its retarded indeed. The wall to dorne is about the same as London to Lagos. The mountainous region of the vale would be about the size of Algeria.
Reach: ~5-6 million
Riverlands: ~3-4 million
North: ~2-3 million
Crownlands: ~2 Million
Westlands: ~1.5-2 million
Stormlands & Vale: ~1 million
Iron Islands: ~600,000
Dorne: ~500,000
Total: ~15.6 - 19.1 Million
That's a little low considering 200,000+ soldiers were mobilized during the war of the 5 kings.10% population mobilization is unheard of.
Really makes you think
He was sated on the blood of his allies
oy vey
Westeros is a huge area but mostly forested/barren and unpopulated. The story goes into how few people live on such a large landmass in the books.
It's basically Medieval England in Mongolia.
It rained on the way, he drank rain... Seriously why are you even thinking about retarded things.
>literally a big continent
>people travel by horse beetween episodes lie its nothing
Holy fucking shit we may be on to something here.
Fuck off neckbeard
>he thinks the holohaox was real
It takes Robert like 2 months to travel from KL to Winterfell in the books.
Dont know about the books but those distances make no sense in the context of the show. An UK sized landmass seems about right.
>He thinks god doesn't have him even though he made him a neckbeard
Why is dorne so unpopu?
Not really. Westeros has everything from frozen tundra to sahara-style desert on the same landmass. It would have to be much larger to have this kind of geography.
Who cares
Nuke it
The distances involved mean that it would take weeks just to travel from King's Landing to Harrenhall.
And thats why the map is retarded.
not who you're replying to but i hate maps that are clearly designed to fill a rectangular piece of paper
also the rivers are way too big and often don't come and go from places that make sense. like the river at Tumbleton going all the way to the Sunset Sea instead of Blackwater bay. same for the river at Greywater Watch
The mountain ranges also don't make much sense if this is a continent sized piece of land
It does, in the books. Like half of book 2 has Tywin marching from Harrenhall to King's Landing while everything else is going down.
Dorne can raise 15-25k men, the Reach 100k, Westerlands 45k, 25-35k from the storm lands, 15-25k from the Vale, 10-20k from the Crownlands, 15-25k from the Iron Isles, and 20k from the North. I'm on mobile, so if someone could total those and make that a representation of 1-3% of the total population, we would have roughly our number of inhabitants.
>north america
Holy fuck how is the 7 kingdoms even governable with that kind of distance pre-telegraph? Rome had an established complex bureaucracy and the Mediterranean so they could use ships to move faster to every corner of the empire. And even then Rome didn't last as a united empire that size past a couple centuries. Westerose was a united nation for far longer and only now is there a huge problem with it staying united.
>They use birds to send messages
So did people in real life. Problem is you have to get the birds back after you sent them. Continuous messaging during a war would exhaust your entire supply of birds in a week, then you are stuck with horse messengers. An entire army could be slaughtered and the capitol won't hear about it for months. Hell the capitol could get conquered and the armies wouldn't have heard about it until its too late.
Fuck, I forgot 15-20k in the Riverlands. Everyone forgets about the Riverlands.
because the kingdoms are extremely autonomous
this so much
Littlefinger can fly anywhere
It takes you 2 days on horseback from NY to Seatle?
>dorne: 500,000
And not a penis to be found. I'm breaking out the anti chafing cream and viagra lads, I'm going to show these ethnic sluts how to really stab things
This geography doesn't make sense. With mountains on the coastal areas, the middle interior should be dry deserts if the scale is as claimed. At the technological !notmedieval era, one would also expect there to be more forest cover. The placement of major settlements at upriver lcations instead of at the estuary is also illogical and impractical at the tech level. And why is there a lush forest just across the Frozen shore. The climate zones at the given scale, assuming the 4800 km from top to bottom, is not realistic (the Australian continent is only 3600 km top to bottom). I know the map is basically inverted UK but it is 3 times the size of the UK. A landmass of that size should have mountains in the middle and flat areas on the sides, somewhat like the Italian Peninsula. In short, the Fat One is a hack and muh realizm.
Planetos is smaller but denser than Earth
I see what you did there you monkey
It also has an extreme climate where winters can last for years. Let's face it there should not be any greenery on that planet or even human life with that fucked up a climate.
hold up
the planet is called fucking Planetos?
No, his dumbass fans call it that but no.
Humans survived several ice ages
It's made up given the lazy continent naming system George had. I'm not sure there's an actual word for the planet
oh ok
There is no name for their planet because the people living on it are not advanced enought to understand the concept of planets. They just call it the world.
>Humans survived several ice ages
By being nomads and living off of animals. If Westerose was to be realistic everyone living north of King's landing (where it actually gets cold) would be like the Wildlings (eskimos) or Dothraki (mongols/huns/scythians/turks/kazaks/cumans/kossacks/etc) and no permanent settlements would exist.
it's dumb and I hate it
yeah but their winters don't typically last hundreds of years like a real Ice Age. Cultures can easily survive 10-15 year periods of winter, and potentially ones that last decades.
why are people from Westeros white and people from Easteros are darker and even black when it's all roughly the same lattitude?
>tfw no westeros skyrim
this happened in real life with inuits as compared to scandinavians, diet makes the difference. If you can get vitamin D through your diet, there's no advantage to losing pigmented skin.
He based a number of things in the books on real events in Europe. The Red Wedding was a real thing just with a different name circumstances.
Also, can anyone more versed in the books explain to me the Doom of Valyria? I remember reading a chapter years ago from Tyrion where he looks upon it's coast but it's "cursed" and no one goes there. Is there just an entire continent that is abandoned with decaying cities and shit where no one goes? What exactly was the "Doom", and why is it considered cursed? Are there actual monsters there, and what is the basis historically of Valyria? Is it Rome?
Because native north Americans and Siberians are white, right
And there's whites in the southern hemisphere too...
tarth's a big island
the island below The Narrow Sea text
Why were Native Americans redish and Eurpeans white when they are on the same lattitude?
Also the black people are from Sothoryos and all the ones you see in the show are either slaves or sailors/explorers/merchants.
Valyria was like a magi-tech version of Rome. They had dragons and wizards, and concrete.
Everything was going well until one day they exploded. Literally their country went kaboom and left behind that burnt section in Easterose you see on the map. The survives of the Doom of Valyria then took what they had left and conquered Westerose, becoming the Targarean dynasty.
Good lord what a pathetic retarded fuck you are...
he built so many references from everywhere.
doom of valyria = chernobyl
hound & salsa = beauty and beast
mountain = frankenstein
hadrian wall = the wall
dragons = nuclear weapons
jamie lanister = götz von berlichingen
>building a cstle over a mountain now means that the castle is as tall as the mountain
Wow, retardness at work.
So what's left of it just sits there and no one ever goes there out of fear of whatever caused it to go boom?
There could be stockpiles of Valyrian weapons or some shit there.
>Everything was going well until one day they exploded. Literally their country went kaboom and left behind that burnt section in Easterose you see on the map
That's not at all comparable to the 'fall' of the Roman Empire though.
Because it's mostly a desert. Think of it as Saudi Arabia, only times bigger and without oil which makes it poor as fuck.
but inuits/scandinavians look different because of their different routes from Africa to get there. I'm just trying to think where humans would have originated from in this world to spread and become all the races. But i guess it's about as petty as wondering why the humans in this world evolved from monkeys in the exact way we did on earth
I don't even watch Big Bang Thrones or whatever so maybe they cover it.
They are white.
It's just slaver bays people who are at the same or even power latitude than Dorne who are darker, and the niggers are from the summer islands which are a less more to the south if you look at the map.
The Romans and Mongolians somehow managed. Not to mention it's an extremely feudal society. Also the entire show is about how completely ungovernable the 7 kingdoms are.
I should also add the reason the remains of Valyria are cursed is because of all the magic the Valyrians had. A magic powered air-conditioner is all fine and safe until the mages that maintained them get exploded with the devices leaving behind alot of random magic.
Yes there is alot of loot but also alot of things left behind that could murder you in a thousand different ways that have been forgotten to history.
Well the fat fuck combined Rome with Atlantis.
>it's literally just England and Europe
Tyrion's favourite uncle went there to reclaim the Lannister's valyrian sword, or to get a new one. Didn't come back. The whole place is filled with noxious gases and fogs, making any expedition there dangerous because it's really easy to run aground or wreck your boat and get stuck, or get smothered to death.
I still hope that book-Tyrion will find out that his uncle is/was alive and rich as fuck somewhere in Essos, having stayed there because he was a third son and so really had no reason to go back, and that he got rich selling Valyrian artefacts to assholes like Euron.
Whats left of Valyria is magically irradiated or some shit. There's also still magic fires burning and the ground is unstable, so going there is a death sentence. That's why Euron looks like such a cool guy for returning from there with a bunch of swag.
Roman and Mongolian empires only lasted like that for a couple centuries, Westerose was a united kingdom for far longer. Also Westerose doesn't have the things both Rome and Mongolia had to govern those empires.
>Land of the Shrykes
>Cannibal Sands
>Cities of the Bloodless Men
>the Five Forts
>City of the Winged Men
>the books or show will never visit these places
What things doesn't it have that the Romans and Mongolians did? Also Westeros was only united for about 300 years, by a person with dragons that could roast whole cities.
The Roman Empire was of similar geographic dispersion and contained about 50-70 million people at its height.
>Westerose was a united kingdom for far longer.
They had dragons, letting the ruler send off his family members to check up on the kingdom with the speed of a bird, or even faster. Before that the whole landmass WAS split up between a hundred different kingdoms(not all of them recognised by the bigger ones), and after the dragons died off the kingdom started its descent into splitting up into multiple kingdoms again. That's literally what we're witnessing.
Of course they can. Surviving a decades long winter where ice monsters riding 8 foot tall giant spiders that can summon the dead to attack is different issue.
no im pretty sure jon will take dany to Bonetown at some point
The Romans had a unified sense of national identity where the people actually wanted the country to succeed not just their local problems, a complex and sophisticated bureaucracy fueled by a very large number of literate individuals, and complete control of the Mediterranean to move from one end to the other quickly and safely.
Mongolia had the Chinese bureaucratic system which was like the Roman one if not better in some respects, and a very large number of steppe horses for transport.
Those dragons died so long ago no one left alive has seen them and the only reason anyone thinks they were real is because of their bones and the remains of their handy work. The 7 kingdoms should have fractured long ago.
They're literally a one-hit-kill with a dragonglass weapon. The only reason humans ever got killed by them was because the Children wanted them to die off and so didn't borrow them any dragonglass. As soon as the Others started making corpses walk about to kill off the Children as well they just gave the humans some dragonglass arrow-heads and away they went.
Dragonglass is literally obsidian. It is found where there was volcanic activity. Stannis' Castle had a crap ton under it because it was built on top of a dead volcano. He has his people back home mine the stuff when he finds out about the walkers.
The Others are. Their zombies aren't, and we don't know what else they have.
If they attacked in the middle of a white out blizzard they'd fuck shit up, m8y.
I'm not saying they're invincible, but it changes shit when they come marching in with the ice age.
The Holy Roman Empire is a better equivalent. It lasted about a thousand years.
The people in Westeros are "unified" by the winters. Nobody wants to rock the boat when you've only got 5-6 years of spring/summer/autumn of collecting and storing as much food as possible to survive the 5-6 years of winter. It took a personal insult from the ruling party to start off Robert's rebellion, and then again to start off Robb's rebellion/proclamation as King in The North. And even that was portrayed as Robb making a mistake because he was too weak to rule his Northmen without letting them think they were making him king. He didn't want to become king in the north, because ultimately it makes things more dangerous for his kingdom while giving absolutely no benefits. The North is already as free as they could like, really, precisely because King's Landing IS so far away.
Stannis started mining dragonglass AFTER he was told about the Other's vulnerability. The Children obviously didn't tell humans about the vulnerability until they needed to make a pact for survival, and you wouldn't exactly think to try it.
The last time the Others came marching there were less humans about/less spread out and they'd just figured out this whole raising-the-dead thing, so I suspect that the armies of the dead were smaller the first time around. Now they've just been biding their time raising as much of the wildling dead as they could to make an army.
It's fucking whacky that Arya traveled from Braavos to The Twins in one episode
I mean sure, her journey may have been uneventful, and there's nothing to say the timelines of all the different characters are entirely concurrent, but fuck, ordinarily they'd dedicate at least half a season to a journey that far, probably more
You'll notice alot of characters and scenes in general are just teleporting around with no set up. It was a big issue with S5 and now it's just the usual in S6. Big reason as to why the quality has also gone to absolute shit
So, uh, how come nobody's heard about Dany amassing a huge army and getting ships to transport her army across the sea to Westeros?
Bobby B found out when she was just marrying a fucking horselord, for god's sake. You'd figure anyone with a ship docking in a Westerosi port would try to get some gold by telling a noble the news about the Targ lady conquering cities.
They don't have the kind of contacts they had with Varys on the council.
Bobby B had a kingdom at peace at full strength
Now it's all in massive disarray. Theres nothing they can do
Would the books actually be better if George had to do this shit?
Regular sailor gossip in every port trading with Essos would be enough, though. You don't need some orphan child running about the queen's house to have these kinds of news spread.
Literally what did he mean by this?
Wtf... I hate GoT now!