Hey Sup Forums about an hour ago I got some frantic messages from my crush saying that her boyfriend left her and she...

Hey Sup Forums about an hour ago I got some frantic messages from my crush saying that her boyfriend left her and she wants to kill herself. I went to her place and she's currently sleeping next to me. I'm trying to be a white Knight but I also want to get laid. What do. Pic related

touch her?


B& for being underage faggot.

Failed to mention she's also batshit crazy

Tell her your semen is cure for depression

she wanted to fuck you and you already missed your chance. there's nothing to be done now. just live and learn. there's a slight possibility if you have true game you can get it in the morning but you're posting on Sup Forums so i doubt you have it in you.

>talk to her until you find an organic situation to kiss her
>the grief she is in will literally drive her to throw herself at you

it's not that hard. just don't expect a relationship with her afterwards

Congrats you're now her orbiter. Many nights of blueballs and frustrated rage await!

I've lived this when I was a young idiot. Nothing will come of this. She may sleep with you tmmrw, because women rebound fuck... but it'll never turn into anything real. But if your goal is to just fuck, stick around the next few days and shes going to be leaning in close on one of them.

Beta make detected. I hope you have fun being an emotional tampon for your "best friend"


Tell her she has to eat all the eggs.

She asked me to spend the week here. I got shit to do and I just wanna bang and get out. I care for her but not enough to actually have a relationship with her

just rap her

Well the good news is you're going to get laid. Rebound fuck incoming

Sounds like a plan to me


My ex is stalking me and doing bullshit suicide emails all the time it sucks. Trust me.

Tell Hannah to call me, and I'll do what you're too beta to do.

"wh-wh-where am i?"


Are you a virgin? You don't want to disappoint her by cumming in 2 minutes.

Show us the girl OP

good. you had a chance tonight to maneuver it that way. didn't pull it off. now you put yourself in the friend zone. she didn't put you there, man. you did it to yourself. you can save yourself if you act really suave and go for the sex. basic breakfast in the morning while full seduction mode and you could get laid. good luck.

Grow the fuck up and find someone emotionally stable enough to be in a relationship.

Not a Virgin, never been in a situation like this though

Not wanting to be in a relationship. Just wanna smash then pass.

Well, me either but I could say that the best way you could go about it is by making her breakfast, then ask her if she wants to watch a movie... you start with a cuddle and then when the moment feels right, go for this kiss. From there you know what to do

Pass. With that kind of crazy only pass unless you want to drag someone your entire life.

This will definitely not end well.

hes right my ex allways messages me saying she is going to cut her self agian its not fun or worth it

Ok sure, you don't call someone "your crush" and spend the night with them sobbing because of a breakup because you want to "smash then pass".

If you just want casual sex go to a bar and pick up, or use tinder.

I feel your pain buddy.

wrong. pick up breakfast. nothing special. no cuddling. then go all in or move on.

Dubs of truth have spoken

Take some stealthy pics, user sempai

Take pics of her sleeping

She was my crush in high school. I just know she's batshit and I don't want an actual relationship with her

ik mate :( i try to just ignore them and see if she goes away but i do love her in a way so i end up trying to talk to her, but i know its not healthy for me... love sucks

OP here

I will try to take some pics of her.

Well, I've been ignoring everything for three months now, no call, not opening the door when she rings my bell but she just won't give up and move on. Gotta send messages to her family when she says she's killing herself too, just in case.

Shit happens and I'm thinking of changing flat/email addresses and getting a restraining order. Even if you love the person this kind of insanity is bullshit and we shouldn't have to put up with it.

Be strong user.


I've had same situation too. Should block her from everything. Trust me bro.

Trips decide if I post pictures of her sleeping

topkek sure

u let the thread die already no1 cares


bump for my nigga Big Tomato

Check em

need picsss


nice bro


B roll

Rolling for pics



Trips check em

Don't say anything. Keep a hand on her and if she comes in for anything you go for the gold.


prank her, and kill yourself first

Check these trips fags
Give us the pics


She'll wake up I'm the morning, I'll say it's just a prank bro, and then off myself

rolling for pics




I'm about to be trippin balls
check 'em


check um boi

im trips

^^ magic dubs count as trips. show pic of her sleeping

What this guy said


fucking 10/10 kek