Seriously is there anything this man cant do

Seriously is there anything this man cant do

yup,he just cant turn hetero

take off that mask

Stop being a big guy for me

I thought that was the Vikings and Warcraft guy for a second.

Dam white people are so much alike

Play a tough guy without growling

not have shitty tattoos

Get out of the closet.

Land this plane with no casualties.

Is this a meme? He's manly af.

he can't hold me tightly and whisper that he loves me ha ha ha...

He reacted with such salt when someone asked him if he was gay. He brought this on himself.

Act as a small guy

Gavin McInnes?

>ywn be his big guy


He will never force me to suck his dick. Why live?

edgy the edge boy, trying so hard to act hetero in every flick he destroys

It's known that he was a homo for years


he wasn't playing a tough guy. criminal=/=tough