>>"Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?"
>Batman is the devil
>Finale takes place at moonlight
>Joker dances and dies
>>"Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?"
>Batman is the devil
>Finale takes place at moonlight
>Joker dances and dies
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Rank your Batkino:
TDK>Batman>Batman Begins>everything else>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Batman and Robin
bretty much this desu
Batman Burton>Batman Affleck>Batman Animated>Batman Nolan>Batman Schumacher
Batman Begins (it grew on me a lot) > Batman Returns (shit movie, but I could watch Pfiefer's Catwoman in the shittiest movie ever. I fucking love her) > The Dark Knight > Batman > TDKR > Batman Forever > Batman and Robin
>above Batman returns
I think people's favourite Batman depends on which one they saw in their youth... if you ask someone un his 30s he'll probably say Burton's Batman is the best, if you ask a guy in his early 20s he'll say the same about Nolan's... just wait a few years and ask any children the same question, and his answer will be Batfleck for sure
I Hate BvS but visually :
Batman Animated >= Batman Affleck>Batman Burton>Batman Nolan>Batman Schumacher
Ledgers Joker alone makes it better.
*tips fedora*
See, I never put BTAS on the tier list, cause I feel like that's a given. I mean, that fucking show created more Batman villains and stories that became canon than the comics itself.
It's why I give Gotham such a hard time. "The fucking cartoons prepped Harvey Dent better than you! What do you do successfully!?!
The difference is Snyder babbies will have to slog through two and a half hours of deepshit, general over stimulation and an ensemble of pompous characters taking screen time from their Batman, so the next generation won't give a shit about him in the first place.
I can't imagine why anyone would pick Bale over Keaton or Affleck unless they knew him personally or got their dick sucked watching TDK.
That's how it was with Nolan Batman. Everyone comes to the conclusion of "Batman is the boring character nobody cares about! It's all about the villains!"
No. Batman is an amazing character when he isn't written like shit.
just wait until Justice League and Batman solo movie are relased... with Johns in charge of the damage control, all the movies are gonna be light-hearted and aimed at children again
I don't know how they'll reach that tonal shift, but alright.
I mean, we already know where Wonder Woman's story is gonna go. RIP Captain Kirk
No. Kids can at least find a hero in Nolan's Batman since he isn't a raging roid maniac, he's the fulcrum of the story and the messages are simple ("pick yourself back up").
I don't think Nolan's Batman/Bruce was bad outside of Bale's acting. It was just how many people felt at the time: That the villains are better while Batman is just a crap character for us to view through.
>I prefer Tim Burtons masterfully gothic portrayal of the caped crusader
I do it's pretty sweet
I have to agree, GOAT ALFRED
Not so fast
Post fencing with the Joker
Ok that was pretty good
>You Anglo-fink
>quip quip quip quip
At least their fight scene wasn't assloaded with jumpcuts and blur.
It's must suck to be you.
Batman Begins > TDK > Batman > Batman Returns >TDKR > Batman: The Movie > Batman Forever > Batman & Robin > Batman v Superman
How do you go from that to this?
>dat dark, gothic city
>dat twisted but sympathetic Penguin
>dat broken Bruce Wayne
>dat murderous Batman
>dat sexy but also interesting Catwoman
>dat evil clown gang
>dat anti-semitism
>dat Max Shreck
>dat fucking tragic romance
This was and always will be my favorite.
>all the movies are gonna be light-hearted and aimed at children
He's in charge of Suicide Squad. We're going to find out sooner than later...
Also, you're wrong.
Going on 25, personally prefer Returns and Burton's first Batman over TDK, although I will admit that it's technically probably a better movie.
While Burton's movies are great, Keaton was a balding manlet with no jaw. Bale is a very driven Batman, who physically fits the part.
Forgot pic.