Sup, Sup Forums...

Sup, Sup Forums? I just got back from an early screening of Ghostbusters (2016) starring Leslie Jones and Melissa McCarthy. Three words: hella f*cking epic.

I went with some friends and I don't think we went more than 10 seconds without standing up clapping. I mean what can I say about the two leads that already hasn't? They're movie gods.

The supporting cast holds their own though: it's got the incomparable Kristen Wiig, the lovely and talented Late McKinnon and Chris Hemsworth, the pundit from my favorite movie Red Dawn.

This is, without a doubt, my favorite movie of the year so far (and arguably one of the greatest comedy movies of all time) so I highly suggest you and some friends go out and see it when it comes out July 15, 2016.

Other urls found in this thread:


Are the jews invading us with shit movies and blacked porn? Is this payback for the holocaust?

Why did you put so much effort into trolling? You could just say something like skub.



you know its Sup Forums

you know this pasta

gib spoilers

You've got balls of steel user, I'll give you that

So how does the original cast cameo?

wtf i love ghostbusters now

>a pro shill thread
>posts that picture of Leslie
yeah bait alert

This post sounds like bullshit but I believe it. I'm going to preorder my tickets to Ghostbusters staring the beautiful Leslie Jones and Melissa McCarthy right now.

you know better to bring that shit up
I bet you're for it aren't you you sick bastard?

Jesus this is actually coming out next week, can't believe it's finally happening

Nice. Now prepare for race war

neck yourself

Nice troll there, fucking troll.

So ready for ghostbusters troll posting to replace bvshitfest posting

>hella f*cking epic.

Reddit out!

>I went with some friends

Uhhh, you don't get to bring friends.

>starring Leslie Jones
stopped reading

>people in this thread seem literally unsure if this is bait
>they dont recognize the pasta instantly
sure is new in here

I'm triggered that you are being so obvious. You didn't even try.