So, death, exile or Silent Sisters next season?
/got/ general
Other urls found in this thread:
Azor Jon
Azor Me
First for peckers
BranxMyrcella best pairing.
This thread is already based.
REMINDER that the only people who agree with /got/ that the show is bad are people /got/ also hate:
>an autistic swede
>an autistic State Department bureaucrat
>3 booksnob women on tumblr
>every professional critic in the world
>an audience that was the biggest ever this year
Azor Branfags BTFO
shes fucking dead
Either she or Sany is Nissa Nissa, so I say death, one way or another.
Only one can win the Jonbowl after all.
Bran x Petyr
He's a young man who wants to get laid. Can't begrudge him that.
Can someone post Bear Island queen webms pls
jonautists getting more defensive by the day as they realize:
>jon is a shit commander
>littlefinger is the only reason hes still alive
>both sansafags and branfags are right that his crowning was idiotic fanservice that made no sense on any level
>his "claim" to the iron throne means jack shit when danaerys' army could blow him the fuck out instantly
>he didnt avenge the red wedding
>dany fits the description of azor ahai/tptwp far better than he ever will
>hes not special or unique for being resurrected and it was literally nothing but a plot device to get him out of the nights watch
>hes not special for killing a white walker, literally a fat kid and a scrawny girl did the same with a fraction of the effort
stop reveling in my sadness
Bran should have been betrothed to her instead of Sansa to Joffrey.
>no Dany
Why are people trying to get our general banned?
omg! this is so fucking awesome!! finally we can HOPE there is an end to BranFags
hey i think i wrote this copypasta
she looks really happy for jon in that picture you autistic retard. jonsa will happen next season.
Based comfyjonbro
>Trueborn son of Ned Stark and legal heir to Winterfell
>Can spy on his enemies in person, in both the past, and possibly the future without ever leaving the safety of the Godswood
>Can send psychic dreams to communicate with his allies and mislead his enemies
>Can destroy the minds of his enemies and forcibly bend them to his will
>Is an extremely powerful warg, and possibly the only line of defense against Danaerys and her army of eunuchs and rapists and sellswords
>Can traverse history regardless of distance and can retrieve the secret of Valyrian steel
>While it is possible (though far from certain) that he lacks the ability to produce an heir, he still has living relatives for the throne to pass to in the event of his death. Kings can also legally declare an heir in their will
>Moot point because it is likely he can attach himself to a heart tree and live forever
>Can walk
>Has experience leading a small group of men. They hated him so much they killed him.
>Would have lost both of the only two major battles he ever fought had it not been for the last minute intervention of a superior force.
Nothing stopping hetero Branbros from posting.
>that pic
TIME TO VOTE, been a while. Let's see who /got/'s into now.
youre fucking baiting m8. youre baiting. gtfo
How rocky will he be by the time he reaches Asshai?
they want to make room for more superhero and BLACKED threads
First for the King in the North and Azor Ahai reborn
both are shit but i dont feel like opening a new tab
Are we voting in terms of acting ability or what?
im a girl so this is great for me
Claim for WF Should go Bran > Sansa > Arya >>> Jon.
>Oh no, the celebrity that I would never have met in my entire life anyway kissed a girl once.
This changes EVERYTHING!
What the fuck is wrong with her hairline?
Because perpetual one-after-the-other general threads with no new material to discuss inevitably leads to excessive off-topic and low quality posting
Which character, realistically speaking, has the will, support and means to make Westeros great again?
>Jon in S5 doing a speech to the wildlings
>Strong, convincing, persuasive
>Jon in S6
>beta bitch
what happened
same. i felt the same when i found out dean was straight.
>Azor Ahai
>small dick
your heart's desire
maybe if jaime didnt push him out of the window
He's too flamboyant to be perfectly straight. Gotta at least be bisexual, so I hope you like pegging.
Then here's an idea. Don't fucking click on them
Oh well. Autists gonna sperg.
sansa reminds him of cat and all his mommy issues so he reverts to a beta around her.
The only thing they succeeded in doing with this is piss off a crybaby and give Americans another reason to call it semenslurping.
Barca can be such a beautiful team to watch, and yet such a cancer.
Not sure if falseflagging, trolling or hasn't seen or read the interviews
Gonna go with falseflagging
What the fuck do you guys talk about every day in these generals? The season is over, go on with your lives. Talk about something else. Jesus Christ.
they're both cuties
nice try
Would never have happened if he'd listened to his fucking mother.
he lost his spunk from reanimation. we will see a steady decline in his virility until his death again, and once he is reborn as Azor Wahey. watch out! i mean watch the fuck out. his spunk could impregnate you remotely
Reminder that GoT's not actually feminist
>not wanting to piss off ronaldo
I don't see what's special about this webm that would cause the tantrum, this seem like every soccer I've ever seen.
Why are Branfaggots trying to get our general banned?
>Azor Wahey
>no new material to discuss
the fuck you talking about
every day there's new pictures of the actresses.
yeah just like the interviews said jon is dead right? lol retard. you're blind if you cant see that a jonsa marriage will happen next season, and it will be for love, not political. they are rhaegar and lyanna 2.0. or ned and cat 2.0.
they are just trying to throw us off with these interviews, it's obvious.
first for Emilia of House Cute
They're not thinking straight, such is their obsession with Isaac's love life.
reminder bran was never really forbidden from climbing, ned told him he was allowed as long as cat didnt catch him and cat didnt take brans promise seriously either
he's just a hot head
It's amazing how many levels she drop when Dany
Reminder that Jon Snow has the smallest pecker in all of Westeros.
God i love her face, it look like my grandmothers face although her hair was dark brow to black.
i meant this for
>lying about a big reveal for showfags means they're lying about anything
Yup, falseflagging
>doughnut for her
What did he mean by this?
who's the guy below varys?
Okay, someone tell me if they see what I see, because I swear to fucking Christ I am going crazy... she starting to sprout a Littlefinger mustache? Or is that just a blowjob crease some girls get when they blow too much dick?
There's literally no way D&D told Sophie to pretend.
They have to know she's legally retarded.
>implying he isn't full blown autist
It was cold, he was dead and the one who said it has the largest one in all of Westeros.
he gave dany the dragons
is this implying varys is being manipulated by the night king?????
Still. If he'd not gone climbing that day, he could have been so much more.
>9 out of 11 think Maisie is great
Quasimodospammer is really just 1 autist or 2
no, he's maniputaling westeros
She;s is a natural blonde, so when her roots come in they are lighter than the red, the the illusion of balding.
that same shit happens to me, for the same reasons.
His death was a fucking travesty. Goddammit, Bran, can't you just masturbate like a normal teenager?
>his "claim" to the iron throne means jack shit when daenerys' army could blow him the fuck out instantly
See this doesn't matter because birthright is something she actually cares a great deal about and she's not just gonna throw that principle aside because she doesn't have the claim anymore.
He is ashamed of doing it in front of frogfu
Blame the PedoBrans and Jonautists
yep, the show should do a better job on keeping up on her roots desu. it looks sloppy and the color is inconsistent between seasons bc it obviously fades.
>they are rhaegar and lyanna 2.0. or ned and cat 2.0.
jon and sansa share literally no similarities with these couples
that's messi
Any pictures with natural hair color?
>can't you just masturbate like a normal teenager?
He could just ask Hodor to carry him to an isolated part of the cave.
she was blonde in her tryout video i think
> birthright is something she actually cares a great deal about and she's not just gonna throw that principle aside because she doesn't have the claim anymore.
Jon is the same way in the books, telling Stannis that Winterfell belongs to his sister Sansa, by right. And look what happened.
so judgmental user, maybe he can only masturbate in vision world because thats the only place where his dick works