Why do all high fantasy movies suck balls except LotR, Conan the Barbarian, and Excalibur?
Why do all high fantasy movies suck balls except LotR, Conan the Barbarian, and Excalibur?
Tolkien ruined fantasy
Conan wasn't High Fantasy. It was Sword and Sorcery.
Also, you should check out Stardust.
>high fantasy
What a dumb term. Do we really need to grade the fantasiness in fantasy? Just call it fantasy, you fucking nigger
Nobkdy says low action, or high drama
It's different than Harry Potter fantasy, though.
High Fantasy just means it takes place in another world.
Low Fantasy is stuff like Harry Potter.
You are correct but I've seen retards here who argue that LoTR is low fantasy because there aren't enough wizards
but conan takes place on earth, as does lord of the rings, so wouldnt that make them low fantasy? i always thought high fantasy was wizards and shit, and low fantasy was just more like robin hood or first knight
Legend and Krull are awesome tho
It's like the difference between space opera and dystopian future
Krull is crap.
Technically Lord of the Rings takes place on earth too.
No it isn't
because you need to
watch more movies
Low fantasy is barbarians in loin cloths and shit. High fantasy is based on the late middle ages.
My brother was just telling me how great this is
might wanna watch it again retard
The style/aesthetic/design is really important for some reason with fantasy.
Its art direction has to be perfectly realized, and cohesive
Which has to be believable/real and otherworldly at the same time.
With a good world design with its own cultures and atmosphere and sense of place.
If you compare the few good fantasy films with all the others, the difference is in the overall realization of this cohesive style. Which was perfect in the case of Conan and LOTR.
Whereas the bad art direction and other weak links in its constitution utterly ruined The Hobbit.
>Implying legend wasnt a masterpeice
or maybe i was just too high when i watched it
Things made before cancer.
>Nobody says low action, or high drama
we have melodrama and tragedy
Fuck you you fucking faggot
>Why do all high fantasy movies suck balls except LotR, Conan the Barbarian, and Excalibur?
I'll tell you a secret OP, all high fantasy movies suck INCLUDING LotR, Conan the Barbarian, and Excalibur.
>hey guys i literally cannot stop sucking dicks
Grow up
Oh, you can't.
Conan The Barbarian is pretty much a low-magic D&D campaign done right.
Yes it is. It really is.