>Batman is gloomy and angry
>Superman is...gloomy and angry
Where's the contrast, Hack Snyder? Superman is not Batman with a red cape.
>Batman is gloomy and angry
>Superman is...gloomy and angry
Where's the contrast, Hack Snyder? Superman is not Batman with a red cape.
I agree.
>Tony Stark is happily hetero an boning Pepper Potts
>Captain America is a total faggot who wants to bone Bucky, and probably is, while capeless negro Batman sells the gay porno rights for bitcoins to prop up his African kingdom
Now, THAT'S a contrast.
Batman is gloomy and angry
Superman is miserable and depressed
Learn the difference you fucking marveldrone
>Superman is miserable and depressed
Man of Steel's characterization of Supes was garbage and it only got worse in BvS.
Jesus how could they fuck up superman so bad in this movie
Smiles and quips incoming!
The fact this movie triggers so many here makes me love it much, much more.
Because the idea that "oh God how do I save the world without hurting people" wouldn't depress the fuck outta anyone, like foreal, the whole idea of SM acting depressed is because he can't live up to what his dad and mom wanted him to be cause he has a victim complex.
Why are they wet? It's not raining on the poster
This, to be fully candid and forthright.
Superman was a alien of peace
Well Batman has first world problems....
To subtle?
Just watched this today. It was worse than I imagined. Part of me died today.
And I just want to say that everyone rightfully blames Snyder for this disaster. But let's not forget to direct some hate towards Goyer for his crap script.
dccucks still at it s m h
The worst part about BvS is that it did have quips and they clashed horrible with the angry, dreary tone of the movie.
>Ma Kent narrowly escapes a violent death
>is this woman in shock? horrified about what nearly happened to her? Surely a clever deconstruction like BvS will show the actual consequences of...
>oh wait no, she's making a shitty quip about capes
Nice try, Terrio
You were also part of this mess
Superman is depressed because americucks are ungrateful whiny babies. They learned the lesson at the end of the movie though.
>Part of me died today.
Never try to watch capekino after an abortion.
When characters are dour 100% of the time, it feels one note and unrealistic. Its hacky writing.
The Sopranos and The Wire are much darker than BvS, and they were both genuinely hilarious at times. You can't gauge darkness unless there is levity.
Can't wait to see how grimdark and angsty The Flash is in Snyderverse.
What did I do?
Snyder gets way too much hate for BvS
With decent source material, he can make some amazing shit. Without a tight script though, he's sort of left flailing.
>Its hacky writing.
You and 99% of Sup Forums don't even know what a "hack" is, do you?
Please enlighten us
Snyder just put Superman in the real world. Not some bullshit heightened reality where everyone is happy all the time.
You can't start out with a character who is just perfect and happy all the time. There's no where to go with that. You can't see a change in him.
It's universally agreed he's an awful writer. People like him for his videogame visuals, not stories.
so why contrast the two characters if they act exactly the same?
It would have been better if he was happy then got depressed after the public turned against him. Instead of being depressed from the start and never changing his emotion no matter how far he falls.
Snyder isn't a writer you dolt
>Last month I met and interviewed Terry Pratchett, on the occasion of him being awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Bradford. By way of breaking the ice, I told him that he'd done good, for a former hack – a reference to Pratchett's early days as a local newspaper reporter.
>"I'm still a hack," the Discworld author insisted, with no small measure of pride, and a pinch of defiance.
Do people actually think BvS was good? This is just a meme right?
It had great visuals and some interesting themes it touched on, but the rest was complete trash. It's a pretty stupid concept in the first place.
Quips > Snyder's """""""deep"""""" pseudointellectual wanking
>Do people actually think BvS was good? This is just a meme right?
Oh look, (You) is here to set us all straight.
Its fun to correct people, but you've got to remember that language is prescriptive. Most people tend to shorten "hackneyed writer" into "hack writer". If 99% of people (as you put it) come to understand the term that way, it gets added as a definition.
I just finished watching this movie for the first time (ultimate edition) and holy shit what a fucking mess. I can finally understand the memes on this website, they are so true.
They even agree to stop fighting each other because their mothers are both named Martha. They are not the same character! Superman is a beacon of hope and looks at Earth with an outsiders view because he is an alien, Batman embodies the darkness of humanity and ruthless justice.
Batman at the point where he is, he has seen the evil Gotham city has poured out for him, and for Superman, being seen as different and always ruining everything, while yes they act similarly, they are not the same. One wants to be human, while the other has lost their humanity. Guess which one is which
I read the Watchmen graphic novel and then saw the film, I was blown away at how much superior the script was in comparison. They fixed all the problems I had with the novel version.
I bet you got the concepts of ant man just fine
People pick up on the shallow symbolism and try to make sense out of the nonsense conspiracy plot.
It makes them feel smart. They convince themselves that critics only panned the movie because they were too dumb to pick up on SOOPERMAN = JESUS
I would've liked to see this but even then, like user said, Superman is in the real world, not everyone is going to love him for saving the people, people are going to hate him for being better, more strong, power and being the God Humanity can't be. People are afraid of him, so the idea of him being happy with his role doesn't even matter since there'll always be people after him no matter what.
Why can't those who dislike the film say their opinion about this without trying to insult whomevers reading it?
>If 99% of people (as you put it) come to understand the term that way, it gets added as a definition.
Yeah, no. It doesn't. Any more than "literally" has changed definition because retards try to add emphasis with it.
And put that arbitrary number you pulled out of your ass back where you found it, and wash your hands.
Dude, you just don't get it
>And put that arbitrary number you pulled out of your ass back where you found it
are you genuinely retarded? I was quoting your dumb ass
>You and 99% of Sup Forums don't even know what a "hack" is, do you?
I take it as something like Clark who grew up in a farm in Kansas just wants to live a normal life but now he's Superman he know holds the enormous task of saving people on top of some people don't really trust him or afraid of hims after the destruction in MoS.
pic not related
does definition 2 trigger your autism?
Eh it could have been tighter. Manhattan blowing shit up was a necessary adaption, but that kind of left Comedian's storyline with a few gaps in it. It seems like he goes crazy and gets murdered for no real reason.
I know they had to keep it in because that's what sets the story off, and because the imagery of Comedian falling is so important, but they could have made it work a bit better.
You know, at first I got annoyed with all these constant hate threads against Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice™. Why the constant hate? Why? But as I ponder, I'm kinda glad. Snyder has created a masterpiece. Even after all these months, these years, MoS and BvS are still getting discussed, interpreted and explained. No Marvel movie has had this resonance and intellectual discussion, but Snyder, he has created an everlasting masterpiece that will be discussed for years and years to come. I'm in awe in how much cultural impact Snyder has.
We are not worthy. Thank you Snyder, thank you.
this desu
they shitpost as if it's going to change my mind
>Yeah, no
I can literally feel your autism
>peach juice
from a marvel fan:
To be honest i think Zack Snyder is one of the greatest directors out there. He makes movies which have a tendency if you're used to popcorn flicks, won't be able to disceren until you watched it again or several times. his movies are something that you'll think about maybe a couple of months or maybe years and watcht it again and see deeper meaning in it. it's something that all his movies have in common.
The one flaw he has is that his works are not "Entertaining". they're the kind of movies you would play for your friends and they would think it was a class presentation. his movies lack the entertainment that is needed. he is basically the opposite of Michael bay (all explosion. no brains). they are so long and boring that they leave you wanting an end. even when he makes entertaining movies like MoS he fails to really mix them together so they coexist in unity instead of fighting for dominance.
all in all. Snyder had a story to tell. He told it wonderfully, but it was a far from fun and it was too gloomy
i thought BvS was a bad movie. but in 2 years i would look back and marvel at Snyder's brilliance once again. like i did with Sucker punch, like i did with watchmen.
>He told it wonderfully
did he?
You need /x/-tier essays just to make sense of Lex's plot. I feel like the bloated script and the slapdash editing was BIG part of why the movie was so universally disliked.
>You need /x/-tier essays just to make sense of Lex's plot
You just need an actual brain, something most moviegoers lack.
The movie failed to convey its themes and basic plot to like 75% of critics
This is a failure of the film, not a failure of the audience.
I unironically think BvS and Watchmen (directors cuts of both) are the two best capefilms ever made. And I've seen pretty much every single one.
'How could I save the world without hurting people' is faggotry that was never Superman though. It just makes the character a bitch.
One Punch Man addresses the problem with more tact and realism than BvS ever did.
Superman in the snyderverse is just a sad bitch. No wonder cucks like him
>The movie failed to convey its themes and basic plot to like 75% of critics
It's a failure of the critics, not a failure of the film.
Unless you seriously think all those mediocre Disney movies that tell the same stories with the same tone over and over again actually deserve the critical acclaim they get, you need to realize that the critics are little more than glorified bloggers and their opinions don't deserve to be put on a pedestal.
actually it was cucks, SJW's and nu-males like yourself blasting BvS.
Superman has a loving woman who is devoted to him; her entire bullet investigation is devoted to clearing his name.
That creepy bald motherfucker is more of a badass than balding Superman
>That batmobile scene where Batman literally murders a dozen lexcorp employees with a minigun mounted on his car
for you
so he's a proper pre-crisis superman then
>you need to realize that the critics are little more than glorified bloggers
What are you?
>let's kill a bunch of africans using special lexcorp bullets, and then somehow blame it on superman
A patrician.
The Ultimate Cut makes this work by having the bodies be burned and the black women is revealed to have been blackmailed by Lex into saying Superman did it.
>Batman fails to steal the Kryptonite after a 15 minute car chase
>he steals it offscreen in the very next scene
Why did we need to car chase again?
Did Snyder really cut 30 minutes of plot related scenes for this?
He only failed because Superman stopped him. Stealing the kryptonite offscreen was gay, too.
Why the fuck would you cut that?
You're just creating plotholes at that point
and nobody was suspicious about the bullets? or the bullet holes?
Its still stupid. Why shoot them at all? Why not just torch theme? The movie's script is frustratin because there were so many easy fixes.
Maybe they thought no one would notice. It was pretty retarded how the theater cut expects you to believe that the african woman thought Superman shot all those guys to death.
>With decent source material, he can make some amazing shit.
Well yeah, when you get asked for a script by the actors and you can just throw the source material at them and say "there's your fucking script", it's not too hard to get similar quality.
At least that's less embarrassing than unironically enjoying a terrible movie
>and nobody was suspicious about the bullets? or the bullet holes?
The bodies were burned to crisps. You're supposed to take this as is until the black chick reveals that Lex blackmailed her into lying. Having the bodies be burned helps a little with regards to the believably of the women mistaking Superman for having done it with his laser vision or something.
The bullet thing is still stupid
One just coincidentally hit her notebook and happened to be a bullet only used by lexcorp
I can forgive the dark tone, but this script is fucking nonsense
>he puts a tracer on the truck
>then unloads minigun fire on the truck while chasing it
Why did he even bother with the tracer? Or chasing it if he was tracking it anyways?
Not that the bullet thing went anywhere either, since all it did was reveal that Lex is doing something shady.
Which she finds out 5 minutes later when he has her kidnapped so he can push her off his skyscraper.
>if you don't like my children's movie you must like the other children's movie
capeshit faggots are literally the worst
>Why did he even bother with the tracer? Or chasing it if he was tracking it anyways?
Tracer was his back up plan, when brute force didn't work.
Which was exactly what Alfred was chiding him about...he was substituting blunt force trauma for detective work, losing his focus.
>Tracer was his back up plan, when brute force didn't work.
But he could have, and almost did, destroy the tracer with the brute force plan, meaning Plan A could have actively stopped Plan B from being a possibility.
>World's Greatest Detective
Also the tracer stayed with the truck while the actual package was moved somewhere else.
>nu male
I'm a grill, btw, faggot. And more feminists on tumblr like BvS.
Batman did jack shit during that shitty nighttime CGI Doomsday fight.
>good visuals
Hey, did you guys pick up on the fact that Lois is actually the key to this whole thing? She's a very important character in this universe. Don't forget this.
What's the philosophical meaning behind this?
>Muh Jesus
Too soon
You would know.
>Jesus is the only religious figure I know
Superman in that shot represents Apollo and the various sun gods people have worshiped.
If he hadn't used his last kryptonite round at just the right time Doomsday would have gotten free from Wondy's lasso and probably would've gotten stronger, too (it was just about to do its energy discharge thing).
I thought it was a good thing that they showed an underprepared Batman forced to sit on the sidelines for a bit. If he was right there in the thick of things it woud've been dumb as fuck.