What do you think?
What do you think?
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Why is this necessary?
>Spend money again on this version of the movie if you don't know how to turn the color all the way down on your TV.
Except then you have to adjust white point in the TV most likely to get same white balance as in this which has been professionally adjusted
and likeonly newest breed of UHDs allow white point adjustment and those cost about 3000 dollars and upwards
plus i believe there is no dialogue
Hard to Be a God: Pleb Edition
The bright in your face colors added to the film, why cut it out? It doesn't do anything to enhance it.
i mean look at how much money the BvS directors cut made? and it added absolutely nothing to the movie!
>turning color all the way down on my tv is the same thing as a movie color corrected by a professional movie colorist
Kill yourself.
>all these people not reading the description that clearly says this is fan-made
it's a fan trailer
>movie colorist
>for a movie where the selling point is there is no color
fuck off.
>professional movie colorist
>tfw this releases in Germany first
Time to start reading idiots.
This film was so fucking fantastic.
>Sup Forums hated it for made-up Sup Forums and Sup Forums reasons and because reddit liked it when it was released
Right, no wonder this board went to shit.
It looks like an old movie but with good effects
It's pretty fucking shallow with its themes and clearly hamfisted shit about current affairs
MEN RUINED THE WORLD is some of the worst writing I've witnessed
Yeah it has well filmed action but that wont carry it to greatness.
The trailer is fan made, but the film is real. So far it's only been announced as part of a bluray pack with all four movies in Germany. Next time you do your research, actually finish it faggots.
The kino edition?
>pretty fucking shallow
You can't have it both ways. You can't hate any movie that tries to have a message, and then hate a movie that doesn't really try to have a message
Throwing a line or two isn't a fucking message, and when it's about stupid current sjw affair shit it comes off as a really grating
Being this uneducated about film
Why don't you guys go back to jerking off to Dawn of Just.
>Throwing a line or two isn't a fucking message
Exactly, then why are you so asspained? This is as much as a SJW movie as Batman v Superman was
It is a sad sorry attempt at writing.
Was going to say this. It looks like shit without the color.
Wait how the fuck was this SJW?
This movie didn't have strong female characters, it just had strong characters.
is a hamfisted attempt at creating 'depth' for it and is pretty clearly about current affairs
and don't even forget its the women who take over in the film over males (not that I mind this, but its clearly about sexes)
Wrong, this is objectively beautiful.
>put adjustment layer on top of everything
>apply black and white filter
>call it a new movie
>people on a chinese image board will defend it
Looks better in black and white actually. The whole movie is ruined for me though thinking how much better it would have been with Mel in the role. Imagine this seen with Mel's wild eyes. They fucked up.
that pic really made me laugh
looks like a music video for a shitty scandanavian goth metal band
>The whole movie is ruined for me though thinking how much better it would have been with Mel in the role
This. Tom Hardy phoned it in mega hard for Fury Road. His role in Peeky Blinders or his supporting role in the Revenant are both far stronger than whatever his Mad Max was supposed to be.
Fucking Mel Gibson is 10x more convincing in Blood Father trailer:
Imagine Fury Road with Mel and female lead that isn't trash like Theron. The two actors couldn't match the fury of the action the film had, not at all. Gibson could've.
Do you enjoy the works of Zack Snyder and Michael Bay?
Is it cut differently, or can I just turn power-saving mode on my phone to "on" before watching the regular version?
Not sure what you're getting at because both of them have that over stylized music video look
blu ray on a phone?
I think the trailer (fan-made, yeah yeah) looks fantastic except for the shots I know are supposed to be bright colored, ie the flares, but everything else looks superb
I like Tom Hardy, but Gibson IS Mad Max. They goofed. There was no reason they needed a younger actor for the role. An older guy would have been even more compelling actually since they have a whole lotta history the other characters aren't aware of, "just fucked with the wrong person" type situation.
I don't really care if Gibson is or isn't Mad Max, I just know that he could have pulled that role ton better than Hardy.
In other words, I wouldn't have issue with Hardy had he been convincing but he and Theron are lackluster
YIFY uses a 2D spatial algorithm to compress 3D figures, and cuts the framerate to 24 fps (which is the fastest a human eye can see).
Since its on one screen, you can't tell the difference. However, the files are much smaller.
Plus, my phone has a 1080p screen so it's like watching it on a full-sized tv.
I'd believe it.
The night part where everything was really color corrected BLUE, HOLY NIPPLE CUNTS BLUE, BEND OVER AND BLUE YOURSELF BECAUSE WE'RE GOING TO BLUE YOU AWAY WITH BLUE, SO FUCKING BLUE, DA BO DE DA BO DIE BLUE, so going the next step and rather than just being shades of one color, just being on the gradient of black to white is the next pure kinomatography effect that will sweep the box office.
everything was dope except the story, this trailer made me realize
>Plus, my phone has a 1080p screen so it's like watching it on a full-sized tv.
except for the near 60" difference
Bro, I'm trying to help you here
*Le the story was bad meme
you people need to go ahead and fucking end your life, it's a metaphore about looking for something that dosent exist, your utopia , accepting it and going after something else, bigger.
you retads need to watch more movie and stfu, also tom hardy was awfull, colors were awfull, and i couldnt care for any characters, still the density of the universe and the directing were top top top top tier
It didn't make enough money so now they're trying to recoup their losses by selling again in a shiny new box set.
But the bright colorful bursts were the best part of the movie.
Some of the shots are quite striking in B/W, but the fire and explosions look outright benign when they're a sickly light gray. If you want to do this, add an accent color when necessary like Frank Miller
George Miller said B&W was his original vision though
I almost want it just so that I can see if they put any effort into the menu this time.
Seriously the blu-ray menu looks like it was made in windows dvd maker.
it wasn't shot to be a be a black and white film and it shows
the lighting just doesnt work
>Max looks up
>cuts to Furiosa looking at the mirror
pure kino
The colours in Mad Max were amazing,
The saturation on the fire and in general was beautiful.
el justo jajajajja
mucho bien dany mucho bien
Refn does that and he's our guy
This is merely a fan edit, I would imagine under Miller's direction every single shot will be tweaked and optimized to look gorgeous in B/W.