/bb/ Big Brother 18

Frank vs the House Edition

past thread
>No links to live feeds, they all get taken down and it's like $6 or some shit anyway

HoH (Head of Household): Paulie
Roadkill: Victor
Veto: Paulie

HoH Nominations: Bronte and Viktor
Roadkill Nomination: Tiffany

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Zakiyah's ass

you finally got one

Second for Victor surviving the eviction

Fourth for Becky

do any of them ever jerk off in the house?


Xth for Sad Tiff

they jack it in howie's jack shack

Joe jerked off with Britney in the room before

Didn't Jace jerk off next to Johnny Mac or something?

holy mangione boys, who's in more trouble here frank, day, or nicole

Why doesn't anyone in the house like Victor? He seems like a nice guy

>Important conversation between Corey and Paulie happening in the HOH room
>eyy lmao let's switch cams to James and Vic playing pool

This is actually my second but i misspelled the first one

>he doesn't know about the jack shack

>Frank and Day plotting to evict Tiff


Frank > Day >>>>>> Nicole

Everybody's talking about getting Frank out. Day has been running around playing hard and telling lies, trying to make Frank versus Tiff a thing. Her game is just a few conversations from being blown up.

Nicole has kind of faded into the background and is sitting in a good spot since her HOH last week. Lots of people trust her but nobody is really targeting her.

Nah Jeff jerked off in the same bed as Clay I think

congrats anyway

>I like my pasta thick like I like my women

Based Frank

Why would victor tell everyone about the roadkill are these people stupid as fuck

>nothing will ever top BB15

Paulie still won't shut up about his faggot brother who got carried by Derrick.

Paulie is such a meme houseguest

>that time boogie went in and forgot to take off his mic and you could hear him grunting and shifting around the whole time

Paul crying like a fag while Day rubs his belly and says "you're doing this for your mommy" ayy lmao

Frank's girlfriend I'm guessing

what was with frank calling Z a hussy and telling her to pull her shirt down? did anyone get a cap of this?

Why was paul crying?


>Aaryn will never bully you for being shy

Frank was being sarcastic and the chicks overreacted because they're tards

her shirt was covering nothing but her tits and he said pull your shit down you hussy, that's what my nana would call you dressed like that, a hussy

Paul pls ;__;

It's ok Day was just playing Frank, Tiff is good

frank should be a therapist lmao
he has literally comforted all the females and paul now as they are sobbing


Jeff from last season jerked off and then rubbed it on Jiz

I just want to give Michelle a hug and tell her she's pretty :(

>Jeremy and Aaryn get up and leave
>Spencer and Judd stare at each other

top kek

How do we save Frank, /bb/?

>more people have been in space than have been in this house
>that's what that little nerd on our season told us


Frank made a tiny joke and the girls overreacted. People make mountains out of mole hills in the house and it's a strategy.

>frank shittalking ian


what kind of idiot watches big brother?

>important conversation
>"Hey Paulie, you look stressed. I can give you a tug job, doesn't have to be gay or anything."
>"WTF man?"
>"Haha, I was just kidding, you fag ;_;

i dont even care about the girls reaction, i didnt even mention it. i just wanted to see it

>fake tits
>gender and african studies
>yeast infection
>student loans
Think about the scenarios.

>Paul doing the silly funny man routine is breaking him down
>People hate his routine behind his back
Can't wait for Paul to realize everyone sort of hates him and wins HoH


God damnit Day stop being such a cunt

>mfw Kaitlin literally cucked Jeremy with James Rhine after this

>Tits are tits and they look good
>Get SJW points without any work so i can be Sup Forums more freuently
>Make bread whenever
>She won't leave because debt is being paid
What's not to like

>tiff telling Day to chill

she is gonna go next

>Tiffany: Why did he ask if I was crying out there


kaitlin was the underrated waifu that season


Her being a cunt is all she has.

underrated all seasons

she was the top waifu that season

but her native american injection put a damper on it

and then between her and aaryn she was the bigger threat so she had to go

feels bad man

Every season needs a villain and she's it. The majority cat lady audience thinks it's Jozea, Victor, and homophobe Corey though.

>her native american injection

2 hours from now
>Day to Tiffany: Yeah, don't tell anyone this but Frank told me this story about how he bullied the retarded kid at his school, oh and I heard him call you a slut and he said your sister dressed you funny, and he's been campaigning all week to get you out cuz it's part of his plan to get gay people out of the house first. That's why Jozea went home. I'm just bein real wit u, boo

>not yeast for homemade bitter beer

kaitlin was bred by jeremy in the house

She is losing it.

These girls feel guilty already. I bet they are going to turn on each other any minute now. Watch Bronti make it to the top 6

Girl alliances LITERALLY never work.

this is why girls cant have alliances they are just too catty

Alison and Jun worked together really well. That being said they fucking hated each other, lel.

t. buttblasted fuccbois

it's big brother: micronesia

get fucked icky boys

they work on survivor

She's going all the way once 8pack cannibalizes itself

thanks guys, i just spent the last 20 minutes on kaitlins instagram... FUUUUUGGGG

I hope this just makes guys come in next year and get all girls out immediately and it pisses everyone off

worst season

troyzan and tarzan gotta be kidding me

Survivor casting is different.

BB wants catty boycrazy high school bitches. Survivor has some of those but also people like Cirie and Aubry who are more rational.

That was One World.

And no one here is even a fraction as smart as Kim.

>there are "people" who unironically watches big brother

good thing I know all of you virgin losers would never infect our gene pool

wrong one

one of the best to ever play the game


>Bronte's got a great bod
hes not gay guys

>he didn't get a boner watching erik get bullied


true, they really should put amber on survivor. more her type of game


You know gays can still recognize a woman's body as looking nice, right? That doesn't mean they have to be attracted to it like straight men.

Cirie would have won that if she didn't get fucked over that it was a final two instead of three.

One of the few black girls I've ever rooted for next to Danielle Reyes

>they didn't recruit Amber in addition to BMC and put them on opposite tribes

feels bad man

>all the girls today are saying out loud this game is hard

did they just fucking realize that in week 3

>he didnt root for cydney

frank vs the house? wtf happened? i thought he was under the radar?


>Bronte and Natalie try to win game from London room
>Bridgette tries to win game from Kitchen
>Z and Day try to win game from have not room

fucking walk around you fucks Z thinks she's some puppet master

is BB kino?

It's past kino. it's straight up picto.

it used to be

>corey asks james if he likes nicole
>james dodging the fuck out of the question
