Beverly a cute!
The Losers' Club
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That is going to be one hell of an orgy scene.
mostly happy with the cast EXCEPT for Beverly
she is supposed to be your stereotypical beautiful long haired everygirl not some edgy hot topic tomboy. also in the book it says somewhere about it suprised many how attractive she was considering she lives in a poor house with an abusive single dad. this Bev clearly looks likes she has both an abusive dad and barber
If only.
I really like the Toronto Blue Jays hats.
Fucking crisp.
Hate the fucking team though. Bautista is a faggot.
I'd fuck at least 3 people in that picture
1. This isn't a pic in wardrobe
2. Doesn't look hot topic at all.
I'm not defending the movie of course.
Expos Logo >>>>>>>>> Blow Gays Logo
wait. it takes place in present time?
fucking dropped.
Emily Perkins will always be my Bevfu but I look forward to this young lady giving me inappropriate thoughts when I read those few pages at the end of the novel again.
I'm wondering what kind of monsters they're going to use from the 80s. I doubt they could get the rights to Jason or Freddy or Chucky.
Properly doing Bill with the fucking stuttering for once would be kino. I would highly respect the actor. Isn't the movie set in the 80s now? Doesn't the book start in the 80s with the gay lovers getting brutalized by Bob Gray, local clown vampire?
1. i know the wardrobe isn't set but i doubt shes gonna be wearing a long wig and totally different makeup
2. i dont mean hot topic as in rawrxxzombiecupcakexoxo but more a "im not like OTHER girls" type because she kind of likes rock music
the miniseries despite all its problems did have good casting with the kids and somewhat good acting and I thought that Bev was a good choce as not the most beautiful girl in the school but at least someone who guys would actually like
The director just posted this on his Insta, before that he posted a big clutch of red balloons. Looks like it's gonna be pretty gory.
He also posted a sketch he did of Pennywise and it looks like the psycho clown from the Twisted Metal games. Don't know how to feel about that but we'll see. It's my favorite book so if he fucks it up I'm gonna have to kick his ass irl.
I hope they do Neibolt Street this time and do it justice, those parts were always some of my favorites.
I see Patrick Hockstetter is confirmed for being in it too. I wonder how they're gonna handle that shit. I'd love the whole Eddie Corcoran side story included too. If I was adapting this it would be a ten part miniseries on HBO and include all the Derry interludes like the Black Spot fire and Claude Heroux, but you can't always get what you want I suppose.
Forgot my pic. Looks like they changed the blood mark Stan makes of the name from the book and adaptation too.
The Leper is in it. Don't know about Neibolt Street actually being where they see him though.
That looks pretty cool. I'm glad they're not gonna pull punches when it comes to seeing dead kids. And I agree about Pennywise. He should look fairly innocuous until he does/says something disturbing imo.
Apparently they're just doing the kids segment.
>we want the teen-reddit audience
ok now i get it
First movie is the kids, second is the adults.
is this what kids look like nowadays
Aw shit. One of the best aspects of the novel was the adults slowly remembering the horrific shit they went through as kids.
>it looks like the psycho clown from the Twisted Metal games
Peeves me off how every evil clown has to look like a zombie or demon, edgy and filthy etc. I hope they don't pleb us with default Pennywise looking like a god damn junkie like Joker or some shit.
nope but they are all supposed to be outcasted Losers so its understandable
Losing a very important aspect of the novel, one it's MAIN themes!, the power of memory.
Optimistic though. Hopeful they can pull of a great Patrick Hockstetter.
Christ it almost looks real. Hype intensifies.
Cool are they making a live action South Park movie?
This. Base form Pennywise should look like a normal guy in makeup and become more hellish each time he picks off the club members.
They really don't need much to make this guy look creepy. He's already there.
heres a great mockup i just found
Is it nostalgia talking or do these kids just not look "right?" Like, they look suitable for an Old Navy commercial or , but not The Losers Club. Maybe it's just the terrible lighting that bugs me. Only time will tell, I suppose.
One eye on da Losers Club, one eye on da sewers.
I don't know how they can include Patrick though, unless they're going for a hard R rating they'll never be able to deliver his l o r e
what account? I thought the director was @finnwolfhardoffial
Child actors are just more photogenic and better groomed these days. Back in the day there weren't "child actors", they just got whatever kids they could.
Hopefully they will do that. Maybe the sketch was a later form.
I wonder how/ if they will handle the spider form. If the movie ends with some CGI monster fight I'll be disappointed.
I wish Fukunaga would have stayed but this guy seems to have his shit together. He actually knows the book, went and talked to Steve, etc. The only thing that really has me worried is the time jump. I mean are they gonna be fucking tweeting about IT in the next movie?
Do you want a half hour scene of Bill in space having an existential crisis?
He looks like a faggot prank youtuber that thinks he's SO SCARY for walking around looking like a demonic clown... instead of a the demonic entity. Jesus fuck IT 2 better be set before Youtube and Facebook.
That's sort of what I suspected. Maybe there's a far greater supply of child actors available now, so studios only pick the most non-offensive faces with little to no defining features.
For what it's worth, the only child actor I ever knew was this fat kid with a wormy little Jew face. This was back in '96 or so.
This is what the movie needs to strive for. The bullies need to be truly menacing and dangerous.
A serious drama focusing of kids is very tricky. Sure hope they can fucking act and the filmmakers can actually pull off the material.
And who would you cast?
How the fuck does every one of Alex Skarsgard's brothers look so different? Did Alex get all of the sexy genes, Bill get all the creepy genes, and the brother that plays Floki get all the whatever the fuck Floki is genes?
He said that sketch isn't what Pennywise is going to look like, it was just something he was fucking around with, not what he is actually going to go for in the finished project.
Imagine this generation Z boyband fairy running you down the street trying to suck your dick. Leper or no that's just silly. Why are they so deadset are making Pennywise in his 20s?
He's ageless. Why do you think he needs to be older? Also who would you cast?
I would happily rape all of them except the fat one and the black one (still I'd prefer the black one if I really have to choose. )
They have different moms I think. His dad's a manwhore.
He's playing clown form. This guy is playing the Leper. I'm not gay or anything but a blowjob for a dime is a hell of a deal.
Never read or saw It. Barely have read much King, and have never been too impressed with him. Reading the wikipedia pages for It and Dark Tower made it all sound like absolutely retarded fanfiction from a Lovecraft fan who's been taking psychedelic drugs every day for 2 years.
Why is this shit good?
>Why is this shit good?
Read it and find out.
IT is so far above and beyond anything else King has ever done. It was made right at the end of his booze and coke period when he wasn't just shitting out trash every month. Twelve hundred pages and not a single lull in quality.
The Dark Tower is the worst thing King has ever done, it ends up seeping into a lot of his otherwise decent work, which is unfortunate
Just try to ignore it
Shit taste in MLB teams.
>IT is so far above and beyond anything else King has ever done.
>not the stand
Does he not have joints?
>muh ham-fisted religious epic
he clearly smoked them all the absolute fucking psychopath
IT is far better than even The Stand. The Stand is good too but I'd honestly rate IT as one of the best books of any genre to come out in the past 50 years.
there are two girls in this pic right? otherwise I fear I just caught the gay.
>fanfiction from a Lovecraft fan who's been taking psychedelic drugs every day for 2 years.
That's not far off. If the self-insert part from The Dark Tower is anything to go by, he wrote the first draft high on shrooms, lost most of it, then tried to remake it.
It starts great, but falls apart after the fourth book or so. The ending was stupid, and what he did to Randall Flagg was even worse, but the extra ending was perfect.
IT is much more focused and is paced so much better. Also the smaller cast makes it easier to care about them, I can barely remember the names of half the people in The Stand.
wtf they all look like Old Navy manikins
He has marfan's syndrome and it makes it so he can't go over 75lbs. and he's totally double jointed I guess.
Still though, a dime.
now that the dust has settled can we all agree that the cereal intrigue plot was the most interesting part of cujo
i wish the book had just been about that
That ginger tomboy girl is qt
haha baited
I thought that looked weird but autocorrect brought that up
What the hell is the Loser's Club? Was it some tv show?
You're walking down Neibolt Street toward the train yard and this guy crawls out from under a porch of one of the houses and asks if you will give him a dime for a blowjob.
What do you do?
Why does the kid who is playing Stuttering Bill look like he just remembered the time his uncle roofied him?
80's bullies WERE dangerous.
What are they gonna do in their capacity as modern day 'bullies', deny their privilege? Disagree with bev? Tell mike that all lives matter?
So its to do with the IT movie I see? I never saw that one
I love The Stand for the apocalyptic scenario it details, once it becomes a character drama you only feel invested to see how far your favorite survivors get.
He's playing the Mummy in the new anti Brendan Fraser pro Tom Cruise Mummy movie too.
thats Sophia Lillis
she looks like she could be a trap
She plays one in one of her earlier roles.
>They canned Victor and Belch but added Patrick
Eh, I guess I can deal with that.
>>He looks like a faggot prank youtuber that thinks he's SO SCARY for walking around looking like a demonic clown...
Doesn't everyone in movies look like that nowadays? For some reason from the 00s onward it all looks like stupid cosplay shit to me.
this t b q h
>He's playing the Mummy in the new anti Brendan Fraser pro Tom Cruise Mummy movie too.
He's playing everything in everything since they discovered the only tall person in Hollywood who's not on roids.
>Book always describing her coltish legs and budding chest
>Frequent references to the fact Bev was too poor to afford new clothes so her shorts and shirt were just so tight on her ripening body
Jesus King slow down.
Not to mention letting six dudes run a train on her in the sewer so they could "harness their power and find their way out".
Cool story, Bev.
More of a Doug Jones upgrade
The Garden, short film from 2015.
Say goodbye to your arm, G-G-G-Georgie.
>Chung-hoon Chung is the cinematographer
Definite hype. He's great.
>the losers club will have iPhones
>instead of building a dam they will make minecraft lets plays together
>instead of using a switch blade the greaser bully will call them gay
>instead of old bikes they will have razor scooters
Shooting a bathroom. Could be one of the kids hearing the voice in the pipes including Bev and the blood balloon or even Neibolt Street.
So they're time travelers? Considering their part of the story takes place in the 80s.
They're shooting the dam scene down in the Barrens right now.
There goes the possibility of this getting anything lower than an R. Thank fucking God.
The director of this movie and his sister are EXTREMELY close.
I'm not implying anything. Just saying.